Читать книгу Знамениты и влюблены. Увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка - Анжелика Ягудена - Страница 4



Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It gives us wings to fly and inspires us to greatness. Everyone wants to find their soulmate and create a strong family, but that’s not always easy. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to experience true and mutual feelings. Personally, I think that marriages are made in heaven, and love is a great blessing. And even if you don’t believe my words, this touching story won’t leave you indifferent and melt your heart. You have probably heard about Marie and Pierre Curie, the brilliant scientists whose discovery changed the world forever. Their marriage was the union of two kindred spirits, passionate about science. This is an inspiring story about enduring love and faithfulness, true dedication, and commitment. Let’s take a closer look at the lives of these genius scientists.

Marie Curie was a strong person of a complicated fate who proved that willpower, hard work, and persistence always help overcome obstacles and achieve success. “The mother of Modern Physics” was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman in history who received this award twice in two different fields. Her remarkable discoveries save millions of lives throughout the world to this day. Maria Skłodowska (later known as Marie Curie) was born on November 7, 1867, into a big poor family in Warsaw. Her parents, Władysław and Bronisława, worked as educators. From an early age, the girl had to go through lots of hardships. As a little girl, she lost her mother and elder sister. Marie grew up in really tough circumstances. The family had barely enough money to pay for their basic needs. This experience probably shaped her worldview, which resulted in her lack of interest in wealth, fame, and comforts of life. She learned to be content with little and was a person of science: self-sacrificing, purposeful, and enthusiastic about her ideas. Early in life, the girl discovered one simple truth: it is always better to rely on yourself. So, one day she worked out a deal with her sister: Marie would work and pay for Bronya’s medical school, and once her education was complete, they would reverse their roles. For five years, Marie worked as a tutor and governess but still managed to find time for science. Her first love broke her heart. Marie fell in love with the son of her employers. The young man returned her feelings, but his parents strongly opposed their marriage because she came from a poor family and was not a match for their son. So, after being persuaded by his parents, he decided to break up with his sweetheart. It was at that point that she decided to never get involved in a relationship again but dedicate herself entirely to science. In 1891, it was time for her to pursue higher education at the Sorbonne in Paris. Marie had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and dived into studies. Because of lack of money to buy proper food, the girl even used to faint from hunger.

Pierre Curie was one of the founding fathers of modern physics and a co-winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, which he shared with Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel. The scientist was born on May 15, 1859, into an intellectual family in Paris. His father was a talented doctor, and his mother was a homemaker who knew how to create a special atmosphere of warmth, comfort, peace, and love. Pierre was home-schooled and from adolescence got interested in the exact sciences. At the age of 16, he received his bachelor’s degree and two years later his science license (equivalent to a master’s degree) at the Sorbonne University. Pierre Curie dedicated his entire life to research work and wanted to meet a woman who shared his passion for science. By that time he had already been renowned in scientific community due to his discovery of piezoelectricity.

Знамениты и влюблены. Увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка

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