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Physical Characteristics of the Puli

(from the American Kennel Club breed standard)

Skull: Slightly domed and medium broad.

Head: Of medium size in proportion to the body.

Eyes: Deep set, rather large and dark brown.

Nose: Always black.

Muzzle: Strong and straight, a third of the head length.

Chest: Moderately broad and deep—the ribs well sprung.

Forequarters: The shoulders are well laid back. The forelegs are straight, strong and medium boned with strong and flexible pasterns. The round, compact feet have well arched toes and thick cushioned pads.

Size: Ideally, males are 17 inches measured from the withers to the ground; bitches, 16 inches.

Ears: Hanging, of medium size, V-shape and about half the head length.

Neck: Strong, muscular, of medium length and free of throatiness.

Back: Level and strong, of medium length, with croup sloping slightly.

Loin: Short, strong and moderately tucked up.

Tail: Carried over, and blends into the backline.

Hindquarters: Well developed and muscular with well bent stifles, the rear assembly balancing that of the front. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and well let down. Feet as in front.

Coat: The outer coat is wavy or curly, but never silky. The undercoat is soft, woolly and dense. The coat clumps together easily, and if allowed to develop naturally, will form cords in the adult.

Color: Only the solid colors of rusty black, black, all shades of gray and white are acceptable.


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