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Такими разными были новости в 2008 и 2009 году
Palace Made Hiring Mistake
ОглавлениеLONDON – Buckingham Palace said an administrative mistake led to a Russian trainee butler working illegally in the royal household.
Buckingham Palace failed to apply for the correct work permit when it hired Igor Golovanov, 32, in 2006, a spokesman for Queen Elizabeth’s official residence said. Golovanov was fired when the mistake was discovered.
The spokesman said Thursday that Golovanov will be recommended for reemployment if he can obtain the correct permit and it is determined that he represents no security threat.
Golovanov has lived in Britain since 2000 and has a residency permit. (AP)3
Apply Направлять свое внимание
Butler Дворецкий, старший лакей
Determine Определять, обнаруживать
Discover Обнаруживать
Fire Увольнять
Hire Нанимать
Household Королевский двор
Lead (led, led) Приводить к…
Obtain Получать
Permit Разрешение
Residency permit Разрешение на проживание
Royal Королевский
Security threat Угроза безопасности
Trainee Стажер, практикант
«The Moscow Times» 2008 год