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“I REALLY APPRECIATE you staying late to get those invoices finished, Carla.” Tracy smiled wearily at her intern, then pushed her chair back from her desk and stretched. “You’re a star.”

Carla snapped a rubber band around the stack of envelopes and tossed it into the box, ready for posting the next morning. “No problem. Happy to do it. Now that I know what I’m doing, it’ll be a lot easier next month. I’ll be able to take that job off your hands completely.”

“You’re already proving yourself to be indispensable. I can’t believe you’ve only been here a week.” Tracy turned off her computer and took a sip of her long-cold coffee.

“Is it too early to ask for a permanent job?” Carla asked teasingly.

Tracy laughed. “We’ll see how you do for the rest of the month. There might be room in the budget, if those two new pitches for Helping Hands come off.”

Impressed with the younger woman’s skills and initiative, Tracy was already looking into ways for Carla to stay on once her internship was over. If she continued to be as good as she seemed, she’d be a great addition to the company.

In return, Carla would get invaluable experience at a time when other college graduates were struggling to find even part-time jobs. There were also ways in which Making Your Move could support her if she wanted further education and training. Tracy liked the idea of helping someone else achieve their dream.

“Cool.” Carla pulled on her coat and slung her purse over her shoulder. “Are you sure I can’t do anything else for you before I go?”

“Thanks, but no. I’ve kept you late enough as it is.”

“In that case, I’ll head off. If I’m lucky, I’ll catch the third period of the Cats’ game on TV when I get home.”

“I’m sorry we both had to miss the game. I promise we’ll make the next one.”

Tracy had offered to take Carla, an avid Cats’ fan, to the arena using Maggie’s ticket. Unfortunately, an issue with the Chabals’ air shipment from Paris had meant a frustrating day with long conversations with Tracy’s French counterpart and a lot of chasing around. Although the problem had finally been resolved, it had been midafternoon before she and Carla had been able to tackle the invoices.

“Can’t wait.” The younger woman grinned. “See you tomorrow.”

Carla was barely out the door when Tracy’s phone rang. Her stomach dropped when she heard Maggie’s voice; it sounded like her sister was crying. “What’s wrong, Maggie?”

“You haven’t been watching the game?”

“No. Carla and I have only just finished. Why?”

“There’s been an accident. On the ice. It’s bad.”

“Was it Jake? What happened?” Tracy leaped up and rushed out of her office.

“It wasn’t Jake, sis. It was Ike.”

Tracy’s throat seized. Her knees went weak. She gripped the banister at the top of the stairs.

“Tracy?” Her sister’s voice sounded far away.

“Ike?” she managed to force out. “What? Who?”

“There was a goal-mouth pile-up. He was cut by a skate.”

Tracy clapped a hand to her mouth, feeling slightly nauseous. “Where?”

“His left arm.”

Tracy released a breath. Ike wore special gear that covered his chest and arms. “How’s he doing?”

“They don’t know. He’s in surgery. The team doctor managed to stop the bleeding, so the paramedics could get him to the hospital.”

Tracy frowned. “He was cut that badly, even through his protector?”

“The blade sliced through a weak part in the padding—where it had been patched before—cutting Ike’s forearm almost to the bone.”

“What?” The word came out as a squeak.

“Apparently, his protector was over ten years old. You know how athletes get about their lucky equipment.”

“How can someone so obsessive about everything else be so blasé about his protective gear?” Fear sharpened her tone.

“They all think they’re invincible.”

“Until something happens to them.” Tracy’s mind raced. Ike injured... Cut... Surgery.

Anyone who followed hockey knew that skate injuries to players’ arms and legs—even on one horrific occasion, a player’s neck—were not unusual. There would be stitches by the dozen, months-long recovery periods and scars that would make Frankenstein’s monster look like a wimp.

Her stomach rolled at the thought of Ike suffering. His arm. Probably season-ending. Could even be career-threatening.

She didn’t question the urgency that finally drove her to move. She had to know. To see for herself that he was all right.

“I’m heading to the hospital now.” Tracy ran down the stairs, grabbed her purse and keys and hurried toward her car. “Is anyone with him?”

“Yes. Karina and Rory followed the ambulance, along with Jake’s parents. They should be in the waiting room. The guys will be along when the game is over.”

“They’re still playing?” Tracy shouldn’t be shocked. She knew that’s what generally happened. Still, it didn’t seem right. “How can either team be in any state to think about the game when a player is so seriously injured?”

“I don’t know, but they’ll tough it out. The Cats will try to get a win for Ike.” Maggie sniffed. “Will you call me when you know what’s happening? I can’t be there myself because of Joe.”

“Of course.”

Tracy made it to the hospital in record time, thanks to lights in her favor, little traffic on the roads and breaking the speed limit at every possible opportunity. Luck was even on her side with a parking space right near the entrance.

Members of the hockey media were milling about the reception area when she pushed through the doors. From their concerned expressions, she got a sense of just how bad Ike’s accident must have been. These guys had seen it all and they looked shaken.

Even though no one but family or team personnel were allowed in the surgical waiting room, Tracy persuaded the receptionist to call through and get permission for her to go back there.

Ike’s mother wrapped her in a hug as soon as Tracy walked into the large gray room. The tiny older woman looked as if she’d aged overnight. Her body felt frail, yet her hug was tight. Tracy had always admired her strength, knowing what Karina had been through in her life, but never more so than now.

“I’m glad you’re here.” Karina’s voice wobbled. “Ike will be, too.”

Tracy sent Rory a worried look over his wife’s head. “Has there been news?”

Rory’s weathered face looked ashen as he gently turned Karina into his arms. She laid her head against his barrel chest with a hiccupping sigh.

“Not yet,” he replied. “Ike’s still in surgery. The nurse said it would be another couple of hours.”

“He’s in good hands,” Jake’s dad, Gio, added. “Dr. Gibson is one of the best.”

Tina Badoletti nodded. “The Ice Cats made sure Ike got the top guy.”

They all stood silently for several moments, lost in their own thoughts.

Desperate not to dwell on what was happening to Ike and knowing they were all in for a long wait, Tracy ushered the two couples over to the dark gray couches and encouraged them to sit. “Can I get anyone a coffee or tea or anything?”

She took their orders and went in search of vending machines. As she waited for the drinks to dispense, Tracy sent a silent prayer heavenward that Ike would be all right.

* * *


Karina’s quavering words broke the tense silence of the waiting room and jolted Tracy out of her mental debate.

Should she stay or go? She felt out of place sitting here. Technically, she wasn’t family and she was hardly Ike’s friend. Not that anyone had made her feel unwelcome. Still, the longer they waited, the more awkward she felt.

Tracy wanted to know for sure that Ike had got through the surgery and his arm was fixed. That he’d be all right. She didn’t want to wait to hear about it on the news or through social media. Plus, she’d promised Maggie. It wouldn’t do any harm to wait a bit longer.

The room was more crowded now. They’d been joined by a couple of trainers from the Ice Cats. Callum Hardshaw was there, too, though just outside the room where they allowed cell phones, getting updates from the team. The game had ended with a 2–1 win for the Ice Cats and Tracy expected Jake, Kenny and the rest of the team to join them shortly. They’d be pleased to have won for Ike, but she doubted anyone was celebrating. Ike’s youngest brother, Linc, was on his way from college. Tracy had arranged his transport.

“It’ll take as long as it takes, love,” Rory reassured his wife. His calm conviction seemed to bring the level of anxiety in the room down a notch.

“The nurse said they were almost done.” Jake’s mum patted her friend’s arm.

“But it can’t be good that it’s taking this long,” Karina fretted.

“Better the surgeon takes his time and does a fine job,” Gio Badoletti said.

Rory squeezed his wife’s hand. “He’s probably making sure his stitches are extraneat.”

Karina managed a watery smile.

Gio added, “Ike needs his catching arm fixed right the first time. We all know he’ll want to be back between the pipes as quickly as possible.”

Tracy could see from Karina’s expression that the last thing she wanted was for her son to strap on his skates again. But Karina was a hockey mum; she knew it was futile to expect anything else.

A commotion from outside the room had everyone starting nervously. Kenny pushed through the door, followed by JB Larocque, Scotty Matthews and several other Ice Cats players. A larger group of players hung back, waiting in the hall. Coach Macarty stood in the doorway talking in a low voice with Callum Hardshaw.

“Any news?” Kenny wrapped his mother in a big hug.

“Not yet,” Rory replied as Karina shook her head. “But we should hear soon.”

Jake brought a burly guy into the waiting room. From his damp hair and the scar next to his mouth, Tracy assumed the man was a player, but she didn’t recognize him. The guy hung back, watching anxiously, as Jake went across to the family group.

“I hope it’s okay, Aunt Karina, but I brought Darren Steele with me. He and Ike played together in juniors. Steeler feels terrible about what happened and asked if he could come with us.”

“Of course it’s okay. I remember Darren.” Karina waved the man over, hugging him when he joined them. “It’s not your fault. Accidents happen. On another day, it could have been you injured. Though I pray that never happens.” She crossed herself, then kissed her fingers and sent the kiss heavenward.

Steeler shifted uncomfortably, looking down at his feet. “I appreciate that, ma’am. I’d never hurt Ike intentionally. We always grab a beer whenever we play each other. In fact, we’d planned to go out tonight.”

“You can have that drink if...” Karina caught herself. “No, when he goes to Edmonton in the new year.”

“For sure.”

A tall gray-haired man in surgical scrubs came into the waiting room and captured everyone’s attention.

Tracy’s chest tightened as she scanned the man’s face. He looked tired, but she couldn’t tell whether his news would be good or bad.

Dr. Gibson cleared his throat. “I’m sure you all have a load of questions for me, but let me give you the good news first. Ike came through surgery well. Although there was extensive damage to his forearm, we were able to repair it all.”

Relief flooded through Tracy.

Even so, she felt ill as the surgeon went on to describe the injury—three severed tendons, one partially severed tendon, a sliced artery and some nerve damage. “Thankfully, the prompt attention of the Ice Cats medical staff meant that Ike’s arm was in the best condition it could have been for us to work on. That made my job a lot easier.”

“Will he make a full recovery?” Rory’s quiet question reverberated round the room.

The surgeon gave a weary smile. “It’s too early to tell, but the signs are good and there’s no reason he shouldn’t eventually be as good as new. I’ll know more in a couple of days, once the swelling has gone down and his arm has begun to heal.”

“What kind of recovery time are we looking at, doc?” Kenny asked.

“Hard to say for sure. Everyone’s different. I’d expect Ike to be back on the ice in three to four months.”

The room took in a collective breath. Months. That meant Ike would be out pretty much for the rest of the season. A huge blow for the Ice Cats.

On the bright side, at least he would be back.

“When can I see my boy?” Karina asked.

“He’s in recovery right now. Once he’s back in his room, he’ll be allowed visitors. But only family tonight. The rest of you can see him tomorrow when he’s had a chance to rest.”

His words broke the tension that had hung like a pall over the room. Everyone started to talk at once as relief washed over them.

Ike was going to be okay. Tears burned in Tracy’s eyes. The tightness in her shoulders eased. She felt weak, as if she had nothing left in the tank. Thankfully, no one was paying any attention to her, giving her the chance to pull herself together.

As she got to her feet, getting ready to leave since she wouldn’t be able to see Ike tonight anyway, an arm dropped across her shoulders and pulled her close.

“How’re you holding up, beautiful?” JB Larocque’s dark eyes searched hers.

The Ice Cats star had been an honorary member of the Badoletti and Jelinek clan since Jake had helped him out of trouble in his rookie year. Both Maggie and Tracy had a soft spot for the young charmer, too, thinking of him almost like a younger brother.

“I’m okay, thanks.” She managed a half smile, though her lips felt stiff.

“Uh-huh.” JB wiped a tear from her cheek with his forefinger. “I can tell.”

“I’m relieved. It sounded like a terrible injury. Maggie was worried, so I said I’d find out how Ike was doing for her. Though these days, she’ll hear about it more quickly through social media than waiting for me to call.” Damn it. Why did she have to babble mindlessly?

“Yeah. Hardshaw just left to update the press. They’ll be keen to air his statement, given they’ve been running the footage of the accident almost constantly.”

Tracy’s stomach churned. “That’s a highlight I don’t want to see.”

“It was bad enough being there. Scared the crap out of me.”

“I don’t know how you managed to play on.”

“We had to get the W for Ike.” JB scrubbed a hand across his jaw. “Hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

She tilted her head against his, so their temples touched. “He’ll appreciate what you did.”

He sighed heavily. “It still sucks.”

They stood that way for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts. Then JB straightened and dropped his arm. “I’d better hit the road. I’m wiped.”

“I’ll walk out with you.”

“Don’t you want to see Ike?” He frowned, surprised.

Tracy shook her head. “I’m not family.”

“You’re as much family as I am.”

Though she felt herself wavering, Tracy shook her head again. “I can wait. It’s more important for Karina to see him. She’s worried sick.”

“And you’re not?” There was that probing, all-seeing look again.

“Of course I’m concerned. As I would be if any of you got hurt.” She hated that her voice shook on the last word.

JB held her gaze silently, as if waiting for her to change her mind. When she didn’t, he shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

“If you’re ready to go, I’ll walk out with you.”

“Okay.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I bet Ike would appreciate you stopping by tomorrow.”

About as much as he’d appreciate being sidelined for the next few months. Maybe that’s why she was so hesitant about seeing him. She wasn’t sure he’d want her there. That thought tugged at her heart. “I...uh...should say goodbye to Karina, but I think I’ll just slip away.”

“Then let’s bug out.”

Tracy managed to hold herself together as she walked through the media throng and out of the hospital doors. JB walked her to her car before heading off to his own. Once he’d gone, she lowered her head to the steering wheel, taking several deep, shaky breaths to calm her jittery pulse.

When she got home, Tracy called Maggie to update her on Ike’s condition, fed Moppet and Poppet, then poured herself a glass of wine and sank onto the couch. She switched on the TV, hoping to watch something light.

Unfortunately, she caught the sports news, which led off with the story about Ike. Tracy should have changed the channel, but she couldn’t look away. Her throat burned as she saw the blood spurt from Ike’s injured arm. His pale face and confused expression made her heart ache. A chill went through her as he collapsed and those around him rushed to help. The network kept replaying the moment of the injury. It looked almost harmless. It wasn’t like Steeler had stamped on Ike. A quick swipe and the damage was done.

The coverage switched to the press conference at the hospital. Hardshaw kept details to a minimum, briefly summarizing what the surgeon had told them. Coach Macarty braved the barrage of questions, though he clearly looked as shaken as his players. He shut the interview down when a thoughtless journalist asked about the Ice Cats’ goaltending situation while Ike was out.

“This isn’t the time for that question. Right now, our thoughts and prayers are with Ike and his family,” he snapped before stalking away.

Finally Tracy flicked off the television. Her mind kept replaying what she’d seen in all its glory. Despite the surgeon’s reassurances, she couldn’t quite believe that Ike was all right.

Her hand trembled as she lifted her wineglass to her lips. Perhaps she’d been a bit hasty, rushing out of the hospital. Maybe if she’d seen Ike, she’d be able to move past the gruesome images etched into her brain.

It would only take a few minutes to stop by and see him tomorrow. Hopefully, he’d still be too groggy from the operation to pay much attention to why she was there. If not, she could claim that Maggie wanted reassurance. Regardless, it was something she had to do. She’d worry about any fallout later.

A Perfect Catch

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