Читать книгу A Perfect Catch - Anna Sugden - Страница 3


“What are you doing here?”

Ike crossed his arms awkwardly over his broad chest. The bandages that covered his arm from fingers to shoulder hampered his movement. “I’m suffering enough without you adding to my misery.”

Ignoring the little sting his words gave her, Tracy smiled sweetly at him. “Ever the charmer, Ike. I thought I’d give the nurses a break from your delightful personality.” She flicked her finger at his hospital gown. “By the way, the pastel-blue flowers suit you.”

The gown should have looked silly on such an obviously masculine body. Instead, it actually emphasized his honed chest and arms, making him look more manly, rather than less.

Still, he didn’t need to know that. Nor that he’d made her pulse skip.

A Perfect Catch

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