Читать книгу Theory of Mind - Anne Böckler-Raettig - Страница 7
aSTS | = | anteriorer superiorer temporaler Sulkus |
BOLD | = | Blood-Oxygenation-Level Dependent |
BAS | = | Bipolare Affektive Störung |
CBASP | = | Cognitive-Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy |
fMRT | = | funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie |
FTD | = | Frontotemporale Demenz |
ICD | = | International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems |
IFG | = | inferiorer frontaler Gyrus |
IMT | = | Imposing Memory Task |
MASC | = | Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition |
mPFC | = | medialer präfrontaler Kortex |
PCC | = | posteriorer cingulärer Kortex |
PRE | = | Precuneus |
pSTS | = | posteriorer superiorer temporaler Sulkus |
RME | = | Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test |
SSES | = | Spezifische Sprachentwicklungsstörung |
ToM | = | Theory of Mind |
TP | = | temporale Pole |
TPJ | = | temporo-parietale Junktion |