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The Almond Effect® in action when you’re working

Imagine you’re in a strategy meeting at work. Without warning, and in front of your team, your manager questions whether you’ve thought through the implications of your recommendations in the report the meeting is considering. You’ve been working on it for three weeks straight, you’re tired, and now you’re suddenly embarrassed in front of your team.

Without stopping to think, you snarl back: “I’ve spent the last three weeks of my life not having a life, focusing 100% on these issues. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t have thought about what I’m recommending?’

The other people in the meeting squirm, and moments later, you regret this potentially CLM (career limiting move). You wish you’d just drawn a deep breath, and taken the time to respond in a calmer manner, but instead, you experienced The Almond Effect®. Your amygdala heard the words from the manager, interpreted them as a threat to your standing with your team, and sent you straight into survival mode, which this time was ‘fight’.

Or maybe you’re working in a call centre. It’s been a long shift, and you’re almost ready to go home. Suddenly a call comes in, and the customer shouts: “You’re an idiot! Why are you always trying to steal from me? You’re just a thief and a racist!” Your instant reaction is to shout back: ‘Don’t you dare speak to me like that’, and then it’s on. Ultimately, the customer takes their account elsewhere, and your supervisor threatens you with dismissal. It’s a thoroughly horrible experience that could have been avoided if only you’d been able to manage The Almond Effect®. If only you’d been able to stay cool when provoked, and stop your amygdala from responding to a wrongly perceived threat, rushing into survival mode, and causing you to fight back.

Where Did That Come From?: How to Keep Control In Any Situation

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