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TO HER surprise, Jane slept amazingly well.

She hadn’t expected to. After the day—and evening—she’d had, she’d anticipated lying awake for hours, mulling over everything that had happened. But instead, she’d lost consciousness the moment her head hit the pillow.

A clear conscience? She didn’t think so. What she’d done—what she’d allowed Demetri to do—had been unforgivable. She’d deserved to spend the night berating herself for her foolishness.

No doubt the fact that she was pregnant had had something to do with the ease with which she’d fallen asleep, she reflected ruefully. Now, rolling onto her back, she found the sun streaming through the crack in the curtains she’d drawn the night before. While she’d been in London, fretting over the alternatives she was faced with, such sleep as she’d had had been restless and plagued with tortuous dreams. But last night she’d been so exhausted, she hadn’t been able to keep her eyes open.

In consequence she felt rested, more rested than she’d done in a long time. Not since Demetri had come back into her life, in fact.

However, it was time to get up and face the day and it wasn’t just the familiar nausea that was causing her stomach to quiver in protest. Dear God, what had Demetri’s father really thought when his son had thrown open her door and stormed out of her apartments without a word of explanation the night before? Just a terse ‘Papa’ in passing, and then he strode away towards the stairs as if he at least had no intention of answering any questions about his reasons for being there.

What Leo Souvakis must have thought, finding his son with the woman he was supposed to be divorcing was anyone’s guess. And not ‘supposed to be divorcing’, Jane amended. Was divorcing. Hadn’t she received the initial papers the day before she’d left for Kalithi? Just because she hadn’t signed them yet didn’t make them any the less real.

Pushing back the covers, she discovered she’d slept without the man-size T-shirt she invariably wore. But being left to face Leo’s obvious confusion when his son had passed him with barely an acknowledgement had been humiliating, so it was no wonder she’d been bewildered after he’d gone. At the time, however, Demetri’s father had gazed after his son as if he didn’t understand the situation. And then he’d looked at Jane and found she was wearing only a bathrobe and an expression of understanding had crossed his lined face.

Jane’s own face had been burning. She’d been all too aware that her lips were bruised and she had stubble burns on her cheeks. Leo wasn’t a fool. He must have guessed exactly what he’d interrupted. Which was why he’d refused when she’d invited him in.

‘Ah, not tonight, Jane,’ he’d said, glancing once again along the landing, almost as if he’d expected his son to reappear. ‘If you have everything you need, I’ll wish you goodnight. Sleep well, my dear. Kalinikhta.’

He’d obviously decided now was not the time to indulge in casual conversation. But as Jane had said goodnight, she’d wished she’d had the nerve to say It’s not what you think! Yet it was what he’d probably thought, she admitted unhappily. How could she pretend otherwise? And what he’d thought of her behaviour, let alone his son’s, was not something she was looking forward to finding out.

A maid brought her breakfast while Jane was taking her shower. She found the tray containing fruit juice, sweet rolls and coffee on her bedside table when she came out of the bathroom. She hoped the girl hadn’t heard anything she shouldn’t, but if she had, what of it? People were sick for various reasons, not all of them suspicious.

The smell of coffee was offputting, but, breaking off a corner of one of the rolls, she popped it into her mouth. It was good. It even made her feel a little better, and she remembered that she’d read somewhere that food could help morning sickness.

She ate two of the rolls and drank the fruit juice, her spirits improving all the time. She even swallowed half a cup of coffee and by the end she was feeling pretty good.

The maid who’d unpacked her clothes had folded all the casual items into a drawer. Jane pulled out a sleeveless tanktop, in pink with matching shorts. The colour suited her and she secured her hair with a long-toothed comb. Then, feeling a little apprehensive, she left her room. It was after nine, so perhaps someone would be about.

She wasn’t thinking about Demetri, she told herself as she descended the stairs, though she couldn’t help wondering if he’d left. But it was Stefan she saw first, picking out a tune on a magnificent baby grand piano in the music room, where long arched windows opened to the terrace beyond.

Crossing the hall, she paused in the entrance, and, although he couldn’t have heard her silent approach, he lifted his head. ‘Jane!’ he exclaimed, getting up from the stool to reveal that like her he was wearing shorts and a casual shirt. He came towards her, smiling warmly. ‘Did you sleep well? You were not too tired after—after your journey?’

His hesitation was telling, but Jane chose not to notice it. ‘Very well,’ she said, wondering if his mother would approve of the air kisses he bestowed on each of her cheeks. ‘I gather you’re not working today.’

When she’d left the island, Stefan had been acting as his father’s secretary. But, knowing Leo as she did, Jane couldn’t believe he’d approve of Stefan’s attire if he was working with him.

‘Not today,’ he agreed, without offering any further explanation. ‘Have you had breakfast? I can ask Angelena—’

‘I’ve eaten, thanks.’ Jane glanced about the sunlit salon. ‘This is a lovely room. And so quiet. I’d forgotten how quiet Kalithi could be.’

‘How dull, you mean,’ said Stefan drily, and Jane wondered if she’d only imagined the bitterness in his voice. The night before, he’d seemed reasonably happy. But now there was a distinct air of melancholy about his plump features.

‘I suppose that depends what you’re looking for,’ she murmured, not really wanting to get into any in-depth discussion about his life.

‘So what are you looking for, Jane?’ Stefan’s brows arched and his tone was faintly malicious. ‘Is being a success in business really all you want from life?’

‘I don’t know what I want,’ said Jane bluntly, and it was nothing but the truth. ‘Um—where is everyone? Having breakfast?’

‘My father rarely comes down before lunch,’ replied Stefan carelessly. ‘My mother usually spends the morning with him, though, with Ariadne being here, she may decide to change her routine. Yanis has returned to the seminary, and—my other brother left over an hour ago.’

‘Demetri?’ Jane was amazed. She hadn’t even heard the helicopter. But also relieved, she told herself. It had to be easier now he was gone.

‘Demetri,’ Stefan agreed. ‘He expects to be back tomorrow evening.’

‘Tomorrow evening!’

‘Yes, tomorrow evening.’ Stefan regarded her with some amusement. ‘So, how do you propose to entertain yourself until then?’

Jane’s colour deepened. ‘I don’t know what you mean. I didn’t come here to see Demetri.’

‘No?’ He didn’t sound convinced and she wondered if that was what his father and mother thought, too. Not to mention Demetri himself. But she didn’t want to think about him.

‘Your father asked to see me,’ she said now. She linked her hands together. ‘I couldn’t—I didn’t want to refuse.’

‘Humph.’ Stefan shrugged his shoulders. He was of a shorter build than Demetri and there was something essentially feminine about his mocking smile. ‘If you say so, who am I to disagree with you? Perhaps I’m allowing Mama’s influence to colour my judgement.’

Jane shook her head and would have retreated into the hall in search of friendlier company, when he spread his arms disarmingly. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I’m a bitch, I know. You mustn’t take any notice of me, Jane. Come: let me take you for a walk. We can go down through the garden and onto the beach.’

Jane hesitated. ‘Oh, I don’t know whether—’

‘Please.’ Stefan could be charming when he chose. ‘Or we could sit by the pool. I know how you like to swim.’

She might have taken that as another sly comment but at present putting on a swimsuit might be unwise. In consequence, she decided to accept Stefan’s former offer. ‘A walk sounds—appealing,’ she said, crossing her arms and cupping her elbows in her palms. It had to be better than hanging about here waiting for her mother-in-law or Ariadne to appear.

They left the house through sliding doors that opened from the morning room. This part of the villa looked much the same as Jane remembered, with duck-egg-blue walls, yellow and white pottery on glass-topped tables and a cool marble floor. Half-drawn Roman blinds in shades of green and brown and orange should have clashed with the vivid décor, but they didn’t. It was a cheerful room, spoilt only by the memory of the argument she and Demetri had had here the morning before she left the island for good.

Or what she’d thought was for good, she reflected, preceding Stefan through the sliding doors. Now there was so much confusion inside her, she didn’t know what she thought.

Thankfully the terrace held no such horrors. Italian tiles, vine-hung trellises, marble steps leading down to a huge circular pool. They bypassed the steps and the cedar-wood cabins that housed both showers and a sauna, following a path that led between lawns that were presently being watered by an efficient sprinkler system. The lawns were edged with bushes of flowering cactus, the path paved and immaculately free of any weeds.

It was all very lush, very beautiful, but also incredibly hot. Jane, who hadn’t thought about buying sunscreen when she’d packed her bag, hoped she wouldn’t get burned. But nothing about this trip was turning out as she’d anticipated and she had to seriously revise her expectations.

There was a welcome breeze blowing when they stepped onto the sand and Jane kicked off her sandals and carried them by their straps. The sand wasn’t yet hot enough to burn her feet and she walked purposefully towards the water.

Eh! Pio arga! Slow down,’ exclaimed Stefan, hurrying after her. ‘We have all morning.’

You may have, thought Jane drily, but she didn’t say it. Nevertheless, she had to wonder why Stefan was content to laze his days away here on the island when it seemed obvious his father was doing very little work at the moment.

The waves curled about her bare feet, their initial coldness giving way to a delicious warmth. This was the best time of the day to swim, she remembered ruefully. Before the sun could burn you even through the water.

‘You have to learn to relax, Jane,’ Stefan said, puffing a little as he came up beside her. ‘You are not in England now.’

‘Do you think I don’t know that?’ Jane kept her eyes on her feet, watching as the sand slid away beneath them. Then she shrugged and looked up at him. ‘What are you doing here, Stefan? Have you been sent to keep an eye on me?’

Stefan gave her a wounded look. ‘Do you think I would agree to that?’

Jane arched a mocking brow. ‘I’ll take that as a yes, shall I?’

‘No!’ He was indignant. ‘I thought you might be glad of some company, is all.’

Jane regarded him intently for a few seconds and then she turned away. ‘OK.’ She started to walk along the sand, her feet in the shallows. ‘So tell me what you’ve been doing. Don’t you work for your father any more?’

Stefan’s mouth compressed. ‘I’m sure you’re not interested in my problems, Jane. But I am intrigued by your relationship with Demetri. Are you aware he’s going to marry Ariadne as soon as his divorce is absolute?’

‘Yes, he told me.’

‘And did he tell you why?’

Jane sighed. ‘Is this relevant, Stefan? Demetri wants a divorce. End of story.’

‘No, it’s not the end of the story,’ retorted Stefan shortly. ‘There was no need for Demetri to get a divorce, not unless he chose to do so, of course.’

Jane frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean I was perfectly willing to give our father the grandchild he so desperately craves. But I was not good enough. My relationship with Phillippe is not good enough, despite the fact that we have been together for over six years.’

Jane halted to stare at him in disbelief. ‘You mean, you and Phillippe Martin are—are—’

‘A couple?Yes.’ Stefan raised dark brows. ‘Of course, you met him, did you not? Didn’t Demetri tell you we lived together?’

‘He said you were—friends,’ said Jane, feeling enormously stupid. Even when Demetri had told her Stefan wasn’t interested in women, she still hadn’t put two and two together.

‘Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised.’ Stefan was walking on now, kicking the water into a spray ahead of him. ‘Demetri is our father’s heir. The eldest son. The golden boy! No one else’s child is good enough.’

Jane shook her head. Did Demetri know this? Had he any idea how Stefan felt? Or course, he must do. The situation was too raw not to have been discussed between Demetri and his father at some point.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, knowing that was inadequate but not knowing what else to say, and Stefan gave her a reluctant smile.

Then pirazi,’ he said philosophically. It doesn’t matter. ‘Shall we go a little further?’

They walked about a quarter of a mile along the beach and then turned back. To Jane’s relief, their conversation had shifted to less personal things and she was so busy trying to avoid any controversial topics that she completely forgot how hot it was.

But by the time they left the beach and threaded their way back to the terrace, she could feel her shoulders prickling. A hasty glance informed her that her arms were very red, too, and she could only guess that her face looked like a beetroot.

Which was so galling when she saw both her mother-in-law and Ariadne sitting on the terrace, securely shaded by a fringed striped canopy.

It took a great deal of courage to continue walking towards them, particularly as she was feeling a little faint now and distinctly dizzy. A situation that wasn’t helped when Stefan excused himself and continued on into the villa, leaving Jane to face the two women on her own.

‘Ah, Jane,’ said Maria at once, her shrewd eyes quickly assessing how her daughter-in-law must be feeling. ‘Why don’t you come and join us? We were just having coffee.’

Jane knew Maria had no real desire for her company. It was just her way of making an embarrassing situation worse. She obviously knew that Jane would have preferred to go to her room to put some salve on her arms and shoulders, but she couldn’t resist any opportunity to torment her.

And Jane, desperate not to do anything to worsen the situation, forced a tight smile, and said, ‘Thank you,’ before sinking weakly into the cushioned chair beside Ariadne.

But even the smell of the coffee was sickening, and, when Maria summoned the maid to get another cup, Jane licked her dry lips and said, ‘Would you mind if I just had water?’

‘Water?’ Maria gazed at her impatiently. ‘What’s wrong? Aren’t you well?’

‘I’m hot,’ said Jane quickly, desperate not to arouse suspicion. ‘And very thirsty. If you don’t mind?’

‘She’s not used to our climate,’ remarked Ariadne scornfully. ‘She looks like a cooked lobster, Maria. Perhaps she would prefer to go to her room.’

Jane objected to being spoken about as if she wasn’t there, but she was so grateful to the other girl for saying what she had, she didn’t complain.

‘I think I would prefer to do that, Maria, if you don’t mind,’ she murmured, getting to her feet again on legs that felt distinctly unsteady. ‘Perhaps you could ask the maid to bring the water upstairs?’

Maria’s mouth tightened. ‘Surely you can stay for a few minutes, Jane? We haven’t had an opportunity to talk together yet. Don’t you want to know how my husband is feeling this morning?’

‘Of course I want to know how Leo is,’ protested Jane, sinking obediently back into her chair. ‘I just thought—’

‘I can imagine what you thought. You would prefer not to have this conversation, I have no doubt,’ Maria interrupted her sharply. ‘But let us be clear about something, Jane. I did not approve of Leo inviting you here. No matter what he says, you are not welcome in my home. Now that you’ve seen him, I hope you’ll make your excuses and leave as soon as decently possible, neh?’

Jane expelled a shaken breath. ‘Why did you allow Demetri to contact me?’ she exclaimed. ‘Why didn’t you just pretend that you’d spoken to me and that I’d refused to come?’

‘Because Leo would never have accepted that. And I care too much about Demetri to deliberately lie to him.’

Jane shook her head and then wished she hadn’t. The dizziness she’d felt coming up from the beach had come back and she clutched desperately at the arms of her chair in an effort to steady herself.

Unfortunately, both Ariadne and Maria noticed and her mother-in-law gave an impatient snort. ‘Oh, go to your room, then,’ she said irritably. ‘If you can’t control yourself for five minutes, then you’d better do as Ariadne says. But don’t forget what I’ve told you, will you? Next time I might not be half so understanding.’

Whatever that meant.

Baby Out of the Blue

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