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14. Why do some men lack energy? Mainly because they live aimless lives. They do what they must, and possibly most of them do it satisfactorily; but all the while they drift; they seldom pull themselves up to ask, “What am I aiming at?” As a consequence, two-thirds of their mental powers are going to waste. Take an illustration. We received a letter recently from a correspondent who said:

“I want your advice. The head of my department is rather doubtful sometimes about his English, and he asks me what is right or wrong. He also asks me about points in the business, and I tell him. Now my contention is that if he is not equal to his job, and I am, I ought to be in it. What do you say?”

We had to point out that not knowing all the circumstances of the case, we could not pronounce an authoritative opinion; but on the face of it, the head of the Department was an astute person who was picking the brains of a subordinate to his own advantage. Our correspondent was probably more competent in details than the other man was; but the other man had force, and our correspondent had little or none. He seemed to think the management would make him head of a department without any thinking, feeling or striving on his part. That is not the way things happen.

The Pelman System of Mind and Memory Training - Lessons I to XII

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