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THIRD TRICK.—The Dancing Egg.


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An egg-shell that has been blown (my young friends will know that the way to blow an egg is to make a small hole at each end of the egg. Then, by blowing at one end, the yolk will be driven out, and the egg-shell be left empty.)

Make a hole also on the side of the egg, in which insert a chip of wood, or a small pin, held by a fine black silk thread, about twelve or fourteen inches long, which must have a loop at the far end, which loop fasten to a button on the coat or waistcoat; and have on a dark vest, otherwise the dark thread becoming visible, will reveal the moving power.

Fig. 6.

Commence by borrowing two black hats. If there is an instrument in the room, ask some one to play a lively tune, as “eggs are fond of lively music to dance to.” Then, with the brim of a hat in each hand, interpose the round of each hat successively under the thread that holds the egg, moving them from your breast toward the egg. The egg will appear to move of itself over the hats, as you place them under it.

You must not allow people to handle the egg on the thread afterwards, for when they see the simplicity of the process they will undervalue the trick, whereas it appears marvellous as long as they do not understand how the extraordinary movements are produced. And in these illusions, as Hudibras expresses it,

Doubtless, the pleasure is as great

In being cheated as to cheat.

The Practical Magician and Ventriloquist's Guide

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