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Chapter 8, The Deal.


The rain had only lasted a few hours and dried up quickly from this Vegas heat. Now the sun was setting over the hot Mojave Desert; Red, Blue, Green and Yellow neon lights illuminate the skyline. Just across the street you can see the water do its amazing dance as spectators watch with amusement. The temperature dropped a few degrees to 89 but the wind still felt like it was 110 blowing across your face. Amongst the crowd below you could see the ladies of the night in their 6 inch heels walking the strip amidst the tourist, making every effort to blend in; one could easily miss them if they didn’t know the body language. The 1 second gaze into the eye, the lift of the eyebrow, the tossing of the hips. She would hunt you down like a Lion hunts his prey; beware, these Las Vegas streets after sundown has a life of its own.

These ladies don’t flag down cars like hookers in the point, they attract their prey with animal like instincts, lure them in for the kill. Tourist scatter across the cross walks as several cars make their way through the traffic and turn into the towers. Amongst them is a black el Camino on 100 spokes, it pulls up to the curb and drops the back bumper; out steps this 6’1” , well groomed Latino male with black shoulder length hair; dressed in a dark Green suit with a gold nameplate over the right chest, which read Emanuel. Hey what’s up Dave! Hey Manny, that car is clean as hell bro.! When did you paint it? Last week bro.! Looks good, did you wax it? Nah, got it done over at herbs on Maryland parkway. Damn! They did a kick ass job. I know bro., that’s the only place I take my whips to. So what’s going on at The Towers today, anything new I need to know about? Not really man, that new tenant Ashley got in earlier today; AC seen her and was like who the fuck is that? Ha-ha. Yeah that fools a Ho, what’s he talking about? Wants you to call him, wants you to put a word in with Ashley too.

I saw him earlier, is he in now? Yeah but Sabrina's with him; they were gone all day until a few hours ago, been upstairs ever since. Damn what’s wrong with that fool, he's usually in the streets this time of night. I don’t know bro., but I’m out of here. What you in a rush for Dave, you got a big date tonight? Well some college buddies and I got this bachelor party planned for my boy at OG’s around 10pm. OK, that’s going to be crazy, have fun bro., see you tomorrow. Alright Manny, don’t forget to call your boy. I want, catch you later man. He makes his way to the Towers entrance to start his shift, while checking with the Valet’s to make sure they were ready for this busy night; he felt a tug on his arm from behind as he entered the building.

Excuse Me! Excuse Me! Sir! Sir! Yes how can I help you Mam? I just moved here from L.A, I wanted to know where I could get some good seafood from this time of night? Well let’s see, do you want to order or do a buffet? What do you mean buffet? No one has a seafood buffet! Actually we have several in Vegas Mam. Oh Really! Yes Really! Crab legs, shrimp the works! We also have the crab shack where you can place an order. Which do you prefer? Let’s do the buffet Emanuel. OK, no problem and you can call me Manny; I didn’t catch your name Mam. Oh! I’m Ashley Marciano, nice to meet you Manny. Likewise Ashley, like wise. Do you need directions or will you be using our Limo service tonight? You know what; I think I will take the Towers Limo Manny. OK, what time will you be ready to leave? An hour will be fine, kind Sir. OK, see you then Ashley, oh there might be some other guest going along also, hope that’s not a problem Ms. Marciano. No it’s fine; I’m looking forward to meeting some new friends. Alright then, see you in an hour. Thanks a lot! She smiles at him and heads back to her place.

As Manny was walking over to his desk, he stepped in a puddle of water over by the wet umbrellas that were placed in the basket from earlier today. Damn it! Who left these out! Someone can fall, break their neck or hurt their back or something! He turns around and shouts at the clerk. Could you call maintenance to take care of this! Sure thing Manny! The lobby had begun to come to life, the bar lounge band was setting up to perform later tonight, cigar smoke and the aroma of hot grilled steaks filled the air. The valets were running to park cars every 10 minutes as patrons pulled up one after another to the Towers; trying to get seats to enjoy the live band and great food. Manny heard a loud noise and noticed a couple fighting. After taking a closer look, he saw a flashy dressed Pimp arguing back and forth with his Ho. He stood 6’5” with bronze skin wearing a baby blue suit, with matching Stacey Adams, Bamboo Cane, CK Shades and long black silky hair that seem to match his black tie that over laid a white shirt. She was only 5’2” looking like a midget standing next to him, your average blonde with 34DD’s, Baby blue dress, clear 6” stiletto’s with track star legs, which probably came from walking the strip every day.

Manny ran towards the entrance to stop them from coming in, but before he could get there they started going at it again. Get the fuck away from me! Get away from me, you Bastard! Smack! What did you say Bitch! Smack! Who the fuck are you raising your voice at! Smack! Dumb ass Bitch! Smack! Oh Shit! Sir! Excuse me! Sir! Manny sprinted towards the couple. What the fuck are you doing man? You can’t be beating on her like that, especially not here! Smack! Fuck that Bitch! Smack! Now what! I’ll smack her stinking ass again. Get your ass in the car Bitch! Smack! You stankin ass bitch, can't even get my damn steak now, fucking with your stupid ass. Get in the damn car! Smack! We leaving man, this Bitch fucking with my money, Pretty Tony don’t play that shit pimpin, I’m leaving your establishment player! Manny grabs him by the arm. Get the fuck away from me! He snatches his arm away and walks off. Bitch I needs my money! Smack! I said go get in the car Bitch! Hey man, just get yo pimping ass out of my lobby. Damn! Vegas and these mother fucking pimps! Where is Metro when you need them! Damn! He walks behind the couple as they exit the Towers. Pretty Tony starts the car and pulls off yelling at the top of his voice. Bitch I'm going to beat your ass when we get home! Damn you a dumb ass bitch! Manny shakes his head at the situation, turns around and walks back inside.

Finally taking a seat at his desk, he dials AC’s number. Ring-Ring-Ring. Hello! Wake up fool! Who is this? This yo Daddy! Ah shit, what’s up Manny? You said you needed to holler at me. Oh yeah, no doubt. I will be down in a few; could you order me a bottle of Moet from the lounge? Alright got you playa, see you in a bit. AC gets up from the couch. Hey baby I will be back in a minute, I’m going downstairs to speak with Manny about something. OK sexy, I want some of that dick when you come back. Oh really? Yep really! Are you going to give me some? You motherfucking right I am! Get that pussy wet and ready for me; play with it a little bit so I can lick them fingers again too. She looks up at him, blushes and smiles. OK, daddy.

Manny was one of the few people that really knew AC, the two have history together from their days together in the Army. They were all in the same unit back in Desert Shield, he talked about Vegas so much that AC and 6 other members from their unit all eventually ended up here in Sin City. After slipping on his Jordan sweat suit and shoes, he made his way to the elevator. Ding! The elevator stopped at his floor, he could smell the scent of CK1 in the air, the door opened, there stood this 5’6” redbone beauty with a smile bright as the snow, her lips where juicy and looked soft to the touch, feet where perfect, no rough skin or corns, well-manicured nails, hands smooth as silk with the French tip finish. Her breast was sitting up perky like a firm C cup, oh lord the Ass was so round and perfect, it made him clinch his stomach to form a six pack when he seen it; the reflex he got whenever he encountered a sexy woman, like a dog in heat, the anticipation begin to take over his body. He knew he had to somehow have Ms. Marciano, from the first time she rolled up on that 1500. AC enters the elevator. Excuse me, how are you this evening lovely lady? I’m doing great and yourself? Well I was a little under the weather but seeing you has brightened up my day. Wow! I’m glad I could brighten your day. I’m AC by the way and you are? Hi I’m Ashley, just moved in. Welcome to The Towers Ashley, where are you headed? Manny told me about a seafood buffet that was great; I decided to go try it. Where are you off to Sir? I’m actually going to speak with Manny about something. Oh yeah, that’s too funny! You should join me, if you don’t have plans. Maybe I will Ashley, thanks for the offer.

The elevator reaches the lobby floor. Ding! She and AC step out together laughing, walking side by side, they approach the front entrance. Oh, I see you guys met! Yeah Manny, your friend seems like a very nice gentlemen. OK, yeah whatever Ashley, I hear you. I’m glad you guys like each other, will you be joining her for the buffet tonight AC? I’m going to have to pass man, I have to get some rest, got a big day tomorrow, but we can do it another time Ashley, if that’s OK with you. Sure no problem, you get some rest so you can be ready tomorrow. OK Ms., you enjoy your seafood, see you next time. She smiles at them both and heads out to the limo. So what’s up bro? What you need to holler at me about? Let’s talk over by the cigar room Manny, did you get that Moet? Yeah it’s on the table, on ice. Cool, you want a glass? Nah, I have a long work night ahead of me. Oh no doubt, I understand. The two have a seat in the Cigar lounge.

Do you know a guy name Pharaoh? Yeah, I know this fool with dreds, real dark brother. He thinks he’s God or some shit. Yeah that’s him; well I met him this morning when I took Sabrina to pick her car up from work. Fool ass dude bro., isn’t he? Yeah he tried that bad boy shit with me and I laid him down right there in the parking lot. Hell no bro.! You bullshiting right! Nah, Manny that fools gone, let’s just say I got a job at Dolls now working for Vinny and Bobby. That shit took place in their parking lot, so now I’m in debt to those crazy ass mafia motherfuckers. Yeah that family is pretty loose in the head. Man, you need to be careful. No shit, Dick Tracy! So check this out, I need another piece, a 357 or 38 revolver! OK, that’s no problem, I got you on that. I’m gone need to team up all the homies so they can be ready to ride when the time comes. What! You want me to call Looney, Big Will, Duck and all those fools. Hell yeah! This here is serious bruh! I aint going out like no mark! Those fools got me working at the club to pay them back for cleaning up that murder, I owe them now! They’re going to hold that shit over my head forever! So I need to put a plan in action where I can be the one in control, I know my homies will ride with me. You aint said nothing but a word brother! We got you; I will call them fools tonight.

No Manny, go see them cats, don’t use no phones and shit. I will hit you up when I get off work tomorrow; we can meet at the spot in North Las Vegas by the swap meet then. Cool, I will make that happen, here take this chronic, you need this shit more than I do! It’s straight from Texas, got it off my connect 3 hours ago, the bomb ass smoke! He hands the chronic to him. Aright Manny, I’m out, talk to you later bro... Yeah, be easy playa. AC stands up, shakes Manny's hand. Oh check with Dave in the morning, he will have that package for you. Cool brother, I appreciate that, don't forget to get with the homies. I got you. Coop takes the champagne, walks back towards the elevator, drinking the Moet from the bottle. He slides the bag of chronic in to his right pocket and noticed two ladies dressed in black fitted dresses and black stilettos with silver heels, sitting on the couch beside the elevator as he walked by. Then there it was again, the scent of Ck1. AC couldn't resist, he had to converse with them. Hello ladies, what are you guys getting in to, looking all sexy and shit. One of the ladies stood 5’8” with long blonde hair, pink lipstick, white Gucci shades, a flat stomach, long chisel legs and some nice size C breast.

The other stood 5’ 6” pretty brown skin, long pretty smile, brown Louis shades trimmed in gold with her black silky hair pulled back in a ponytail, which complemented her gorgeous hourglass frame and naturally manicured nails. Well handsome, our girlfriend just moved in from L.A, we decided to drop by and surprise her, but she wasn't in. So we were over here waiting for you and your friend Emanuel to get done talking, I seen him slip you that chronic and we want some. Ha-ha! Really, you’re kidding me right. Nope, can we smoke with you handsome, we need to get high! I would, but I have company up at my place and there’s nowhere to smoke down here. OK, listen daddy, let’s start over, my name is Lisa and this gorgeous sister right here is my friend Jewel. What’s your name handsome? My name is AC baby. Hello AC, nice to meet you, would you care to join us for a drink or share that Moet? She says with a devilish grin. You know what Lisa, sure what the hell, you only live once right. Yes! That's the spirit baby!

I tell you what, let’s go to my place and make it a party. You guys can meet Sabrina; we can order some room service and smoke this chronic. Hopefully your friend will be back before the party is over, she can join us too. Now see, that sounds like fun daddy, let's go play handsome. Ooh, can you get Emanuel to come too? I don’t know Lisa; I will call him when we get to the room, maybe he can sneak away for a bit. Ooh that will be awesome, I’m ready to party baby! Lisa shouts. Viva Las Vegas! Then turns to her friend and say. Jewel did you bring your baby daddy’s cd? What! Girl you know I got that Tupac! Everywhere I go, I see the same hooooeees! Um-um-um-um-um-um-um-um-um. I see the same hooeees! It’s like candy! Ha-Ha. Girl, yo ass is crazy. What! West Side baby, the best side, you know what it is Lisa. Yeah, yo ass is crazy, that’s what it is.

Whatever girl, you love me tho. Of course I do baby, you know you my bitch, fuck them other hoes. Oh see why I got to be a Hoe! Ha-Ha! Just playing girl! I’m ready to get high, what floor you stay on man. 44 baby. Damn! Your ass is up there, we were talking about getting high smoking, not going to the top of the Stratosphere playa, Damn! Ha-Ha. Yall some fools, we almost there though, by the way, what floor does your friend stay on? Man we don’t know, we just called her phone and the voice mail came on twice, that bitch in the street somewhere. Oh OK, what’s her name? My girl name is Ashley. No shit! I just met a chic from L.A name Ashley Marciano. Yep that’s her yellow ass, so you know her? Where the hell she at? She just left, right before I seen you guys; she went to a seafood buffet. What! That greedy bitch always eating and don’t gain no weight! Yeah she stays on the next floor, 45. Damn man, yall crazy for staying so far up here. What if the elevators break or some shit, that’s a lot of steps poppy! Jewel don’t be wishing no bad luck, yo ass will be walking too, because yo ass is right here with us. Shhhh, you shitting me, nigga I will be camping out on the couch until that shit is fixed, fuck what you talking about!

Ding! The door opens. Dang it’s about time, which way poppy? To the left Jewel, it’s the third door on the right. The three exit the elevator and walk down to his place. Oh snap! This shit says Mr. Cooper, on a gold doorplate! Wow! No room numbers and shit, they got name plates, Damn! AC approached the Mahogany wood finished door nervously, not sure of what was going to happen once the door open, after all he was accompanied by two bad bitches and Sabrina was inside. He dug into his right pocket to get the keys and Jewel smacked him on the ass. Ooh! You got nice buns poppy! Man you crazy as hell, but I like that though, come here and let me smack you on the ass. No-No-No, your girl might get upset, I don’t want to beat a Bitch down tonight. Finally he opened the door; the scent of marijuana filled the air.

The Royal Blue plush carpet complimented the cocaine white leather sectional and love seat, white shear curtains draped the large picture window as it seem to effortlessly frame the Las Vegas skyline of dancing lights. In the far right corner of the front room sat a 12 man Jacuzzi, accompanied by a matching 5 foot bar, equipped with the latest wines and champagne. The Kitchen had black heated marble tiles, stainless steel refrigerator, stove and other appliances. The 4 foot by 6 foot island with a black marble top was centered in the middle of the kitchen which held all the party favors. A half bottle of Jose Cuervo, Alize, Grey Goose, 3 bottles of St. Ides, Hennessy and 3 ounces of weed sat on the counter. Oh Shit! Lisa look at all this chronic! Girl we about to be high up in here baby! Damn AC, you the motherfucking man, this is how you living poppy? I like it, where is that lady of yours? He shouts out for her. Sabrina, come here, we've got company! Sabrina! Sabrina! She comes out of the room. Hey Daddy, what’s up? I want you to meet somebody. Hi. Sabrina speaks. These are my home girls Lisa and Jewel, this is Sabrina guys. So Brina, you gone smoke with us or what? AC told me he had that fire ass shit, I know you hit it already, is it that good girl? Yes girl, that smoke is like that! Some of that Doe Doe ass weed, have you laughing at everything girl.

Stop playing Brina; are you for real, that doe doe? That Doe Doe! Then where’s the bong at player? Hold on J, you know I don’t leave home without Phil. Pull his ass out then Lisa, light that shit up. Hold up baby, let me get him right, got to get that ice water, know what I’m saying. Yeah, yeah, hurry your ass up. I got this; you just put that 2pac on, mix up some of that thug passion. Hey Bre Bre, bring me that Henn dog and Alize bay, let’s get this party rolling. Damn, where did AC go, let's start that Jacuzzi up too! Standing in his bedroom, leaning against the window, he reaches in his dresser drawer and pulls out a purple bag, then slowly pours a shot of Crown Royal in the glass he kept by the phone. After taking the shot to the head, he clears his throat and dials the front desk. Ring-Ring-Ring. Hello Towers! Yo, when is your break man, this chick wants you to come up and party with us. Shit, it’s whenever bro., oh hold on AC, I got another call; Hello Towers! What’s up fool! Who is this? Who you think it is Nigga! What! I got yo nigga! Man quit bullshiting, it’s Duck! Oh man, what’s up fool, shit, I got AC on the other line, where you at? On the way there, I’m going to pick up Will and Looney now. Alright cool, I will tell AC. OK man, see you in a few homie. Hello. Yeah! Man that was Duck’s crazy ass, they on the way here. No shit, well hit me back when they get here. Bro., you might as well come on downstairs now so we can talk in the conference room, might as well get that meeting out of the way. Hell, I got a date with my lady tomorrow anyway. OK, just give me about 20 minutes, got to see what these crazy hoes are doing. Cool, later then.

AC walked into the front room, he begins to sweat as the heat from the Jacuzzi and the outside Vegas air combined to create what felt like a 250 degree Sauna. All three ladies were butt ass naked, sitting in the Jacuzzi, passing the bong and sipping on what look like thug passion. His eyes had stretched wide as golf balls, his dick had stood to attention, all three ladies were in the Jacuzzi butt ass naked. Hey ladies, we got a party going now in this motherfucker, sssssshit let me hit that Chronic right there! He walked towards the Jacuzzi to get the bong, took a long toke. Jewel and Sabrina, pulled the drawstring on his sweat pants, Lisa pulled them down from the back. He took another toke off the bong, leaned towards Sabrina and Jewel. Lisa begin stroking his 8 inch cock until it was rock hard, she grabbed Jewel by the pony tail with her right hand, while holding his rod with her left, she stuck his cock in Jewels mouth, controlling her head by pushing and pulling on her ponytail. Sabrina moved to the back of Jewel and began to massage her pussy as Jewel’s ass came out of the water while slobbing on AC’s dick. Sabrina then began slurping on Jewel's pussy like she was a dog sopping water. Slurp-slurp-slurp-slurp. Ooh-mommy. Yesss-mommy. Hmmmm. She moaned as Sabrina slurped on that pussy some more. Damn baby, you eating the fuck out of that pussy, aint you bitch. Hell yeah she is poppy, now shut up and fuck her mouth.

Ring-Ring-Ring-Ring. What the fuck! Ring-Ring. Dammit, I have to get that. Ring-Ring. He runs to get the cordless phone off the couch. Hello! Yo man, where your ass at? Come on, we waiting on you fool. Damn! Manny, you can fuck up a wet dream! Damn! I’m coming, shit! Shit! Ladies enjoy yourselves; I have to go downstairs, real quick. Damn! I hate to leave all this pussy! Damn! Where are my pants?

AC slipped on his pants and headed towards the door, shaking his head in disbelief. OK, let’s get it together. He said to himself. The last time all the crew met up was last Christmas at the Lexar party when Big Will got them all kicked out. Will was a Samoan who stood 6’7” and weighed 365 lbs., with hands as big as Shaq’s shoe. Let’s just say, you don’t want to see him angry, a big giant with chino braids was no friendly sight. He threw 2 guys through the shopping mall windows at the casino just for jumping the buffet line. Looney was a sharp shooting lunatic that got kicked out of the Army, just so he could leave when everybody else did, he only had 6 months left, but instead of waiting it out, this dumb ass shoots his redneck squad leader in the ass during a road march just so he could leave with the crew. Surprisingly, they didn’t put his black ass in jail. He got released with a honorable and diagnosed with PTSD, but he still could shoot a fly off a horse’s ass 2 miles away. Duck got his name because the entire time during the war, he didn’t shoot one bullet. What he did do, was set claymore mines and throw grenades all over the damn place during Desert Shield. This guy would be holding a conversation then all of a sudden, he would say, in 2 minutes we need to Duck. Hell, no one even knew he set a bomb or threw a grenade half the time. To make matters worse, you could barely understand his English because of his Arabian accent. To us, Duck always sounded like Doug.

AC exited the Condo and walked down to the elevator. Ding! The door opens; an old lady is standing there. Hey Ms. Harvey, how are you today? I am great young man and you? Busy day Ms. Harvey! Busy day! Well busy is good, I always say; better to be doing something then nothing at all. Yeah I guess you’re right. The elevator had reached the 38th floor. Well this is my stop young man, have a great day and remember busy is good. OK Ms. Harvey, take care. The elevator had seemed to pick up speed as it went down. Then all of a sudden it stopped on the 5th floor, the gym level. The doors opened but there was no one there. Hmm that’s odd, why is the gym so empty? He said to himself. The door closes and proceeds down to the lobby. Ding! The doors open, he walks out. Hey man, there’s that knucklehead right there! Hey Coop! How the hell have you been man?

AC walks over to the guys and daps all of them up. Looney on the real, other than all the damn bad luck lately, I was doing pretty good up until today! Yeah, homie was just telling us the situation; pussy can get you in to some strange shit brother, got to be careful with these skirts man. Yeah I hear you Will but that’s neither here or there, what’s done is done. You always find them crazy ass bitches Cooper, with all the drama, I believe you like that shit! Man shut the hell up Duck! Where is Denna and Nina? We’re going to need them for this deal. Shit, I told them what was up, but they was already on Lake Mead earlier, jet skiing, they said they would come by my place later to get updated. Denna and Nina were the last 2 of the seven that completed their Desert Shield combat squad. Their roles was Intel, they could infiltrate any camp or terrorist cell. Those two sexy Puerto Rican chica’s got the job done; any man would fall to his knees amongst their beauty and aura. Let's just say you had to be one tough motherfucker to not get caught up when they paid you a visit.

Make sure you have a sit down with them tonight at your place Will? Yeah I got you, don’t worry. Alright let’s plan out this deal, which conference room are we using Manny? The Presidential, it has the most seats plus I already have a box of Cuban Cigars and a bottle of Martel set up for us. Cool that’s what’s up! Just like old times, there’s no better way to plan out a strategic plan then to be smoking on a Cuban and sipping on some Martel. As the guys entered the Presidential you could smell the scent of fresh new carpet, the fibers formed to your feet as you walked across it, you could see the money green color shade from light to dark with every step. A 12 foot Mahogany finished table captivated your attention as it conquered the center of the room. 10 tall Mahogany leather back chairs complemented the gold molding that trimmed the Grey marble walls and the doorway. A Gold and Platinum Chandelier hung over the center of the table right above the trey of Crystal tumblers and Platinum bucket of ice. The five gentlemen pulled out their chairs and took a seat at the table, Looney picked up the bottle of Martel, asked everyone to bless the bottle by tapping it on the bottom before they opened it. Will took a cigar, passed the box to the right, Manny set up 5 glasses with 2 cubes each, Looney cracked open the bottle of Martel and poured everyone a glass. Duck pulled out his lighter, lit his cigar and passed the lighter to the right. Everyone was now ready to make a toast. AC stood at the end of the table and said. Today we take a drink to the next deal and a smoke to its completion. So here’s to always finishing what we start, may this journey be just exciting as the last. Then they all said simultaneously. Death before dishonor!

Gentlemen have a seat; let’s get this thing under way. I’m sure Manny told you guys that I’m in debt to the Delgato Family, Vinny and Bobby that owns Dolls over on industrial Ave. Hey; you know those are the same cats that owns the Adult Dvd store on Tropicana, plus Angel’s Escorts. Duck are you serious, these guys own all that shit? Yep, my side chic use to work cashier at the DVD joint and her buddy drives for Angels 4 nights a week. This is going to be a big lick guys, it's probably going to take longer than I thought. So what are we going to do then, a smash and grab type mission or strategic? Will, I think the strategic path is going to work best; we can’t leave any loose ends. You remember Dupree over off Boulder? Yeah Looney! You talking about that cat with the 45 right? Yeah that fool. What about him? He runs meth to like 3 of the strip clubs uptown, Dolls is one of them maybe we can talk to him and see what he knows about Vinny and his brother. Hell, they have to know he’s pushing meth in their spot, maybe they are in on it too, who knows. These cats are about money on every angle Looney, they have to know! I will go see him tonight, see what info. I can get. Cool Looney, do that and let us know. So what’s the overall plan brother?

Will, this is something that we need to take over, first we must determine what businesses they run and infiltrate them. We are definitely going to need Denna and Nina on this job, can’t handle this one as a hit, got to be a straight take over. What we know for sure is that they own Dolls, LV Adult store, Angel’s Escorts and possibly in on the meth trade. As of right now our primary targets are Vinny, Bobby and Sabrina, all of them have my nuts in their hands! Who the fuck is Sabrina? Oh, the damn chick that got me in to this shit in the first place. Where is she? Let’s do her first! Hold up Duck; let’s plan this thing out all the way to the end. I’m safe for now, we just need to know all the players involved first. Looney can you call Dupree now; we can’t really afford to wait on that Intel. Give me a minute, let me find his number. So is the Delgato Family a Vegas outfit, Chicago, New York, what? I’m sure their Vegas, Manny knew of them growing up in Sin city. Then what’s the status Manny? Duck turns to him and ask. Their two gangsta ass wops who made their stripes by mostly pulling hits for the old mafia back in the day. When Vegas went corporate and kick the mob out, they kind of took over the streets and prostitution rackets back then and parlayed that shit into what it is today. So we’re dealing with some real street motherfuckers then! Exactly! These aint no pussies we dealing with! That’s cool, we aint no pussies either bro! Damn right! Death before Dishonor my man, Death before Dishonor, let’s get to business.

Looney! Did you find the number? Yeah hold on, calling him now. He goes over to the phone by the door and dials the number. Ring-Ring-Ring. Hello, this yo boy! What’s Crackin? What up Pree, this Looney. Oh what’s good fool? Need some info. on some club niggas? Fo sho, who you talkin? Vinny and Bobby over on industrial! Oh them good people, what you need? Looking to see if they are in the game, I got some chica’s over there, wanted them to push some shit for me. Oh bro. that shit want work; hell that’s my connect you dig. Oh my bad pimp, didn’t know. Nah it’s all good homie, you my people, but as far as them cats, they good on that product, new shit every week you dig. Alright Pree, good looking out, see you when I see you pimp. Later cat!

Yo, my man said those cats in the game too, on top of everything else. Damn! This is going to be the Jackpot move, we have to do this shit right, this is how it's going down. We move in on the club first, that's the starting point. Big Will, you need to be ready in a week or so to stop by the club and ask for a job; we can't let them know we know each other though. Looney you are going to play the new dealer, talk to your boy Pree and get him to put you on. Duck you the point man, going to need your eyes on the outside for the escort service, we have to get the twins in there somehow, all angles of their operation must be covered. I will start gathering Intel. My first night, the next morning I will call you guys and put the next move in action. How long are we going to run this mission AC? I really want to end it in December Duck, but let's see what we're dealing with first brother. Tell me this Coop; is it three marks or two? Definitely 3 but the 2 brothers are the main priority, Sabrina not so fast. Yeah I hear you bruh, that pussy must be good nigga. What! The head is amazing and pussy like Niagara Falls baby, got to keep that for a while yah dig! Man you crazy; just don't get your ass caught up fool, over no skirt! I'm good Looney; never have to worry about that. If you say so brother; if you say so!

MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success

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