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Chapter 10, Chaos.


Denna, AC and Duck wrapped the body and placed it in the laundry cart. Denna mentions. Hey guys, this shit is not going to fit down the damn laundry chute, are you fucking kidding? Yeah, I agree with you on that one baby. Hmmmm, well maybe we can use the service elevator, take it down that way. What! Then someone might see us on the way down. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing Duck. Let's just add some more sheets on top of him and it will look like laundry, but I can't go with you guys, the tenants know me. You two can just get a few housekeeping jackets from the laundry closet and no one will ever suspect anything. Yeah let's do that, get this nigga out of here ASAP! Denna and Duck pushed the overloaded squeaky cart towards the hallway, AC checked to make sure the coast was clear. Alright guys we good! Come on, Hurry up! Hurry up! As they entered the hallway, AC ran to the laundry closet to get two housekeeping jackets. Here guys put these on.

The service elevator was at the end of the hall; which looked like it was a mile away. Damn, you could have gotten a bigger size Coop! Man shut your ass up, put on the damn jacket. Ha-ha-ha. What you laughing at Denna! Aint shit funny! Man put it on and come on before someone comes out. Excuse me! Excuse me! House Keeping! Can you bring us some clean towels? A ladies voice shouted out from behind. Sure Mam, give us a few minutes, we'll take care of you. Thank you and some soap too. Okay Mam. See, that's what the fuck I'm talking about! Hurry up; we're almost to the elevator. The gold doors to the service elevator appeared larger as they approached. OK guys, once on make sure you push the LL button, it will take you down to the dock area, Will should be back there with the Tahoe by then, tell him to pull around front, and I will meet him there. We got it AC; don't forget about the girls and Nina.

Damn! I did forget too baby, going to get them now, I will see you two in a few. The doors close, he turns away headed towards his place, he pauses for a moment, rubs his head with both hands, then tilts his head back, rubs his face; and then leans against the wall. It had all seemed to finally hit him at that moment, the fact that his life as he knew it had changed all because of a piece of ass. He could hear his mentor’s voice in his head. Son, as a man you must learn to think with the head on your neck, not the one attached to your dick. It was too late for that now, the damage was done. He lifted himself up and went to lock his doors, while reaching in his pocket to pull out his keys, he looked up and there she was. Hello, excuse me Sir, can you help me? Yes Mam, how may I assist you?

Well I'm looking for my boyfriend, he came up here about an hour or so ago, I was waiting on him in the car; he promised that it wouldn't take long. What's his name? Monk! No, I don't know him. How does he look? He's about 6'4”, dark skinned with dreds; he was looking for his brother Pharaoh. Sorry babe, I haven't seen anyone even close to that description around here are you sure this is the right floor? I think he said 44, I'm not sure. Well sorry I couldn't help you, I have to be going now, but good luck, hope you find him maybe you should check another floor. OK, thanks for your time. No problem! He said then quickly made his way to the elevator to escape the awkward situation.

The elevator doors open, the radio is playing Guy's; let's Chill. “From the first time I saw your face, girl you know I had to have you” “ I wanted to wrap you in my warm embrace” “visions of your lovely face” “All this love is for you “ “ Whatever you want I will do” “ You're the only one I want in my life.. For you I'll make that sacrifice” “Let’s Chill, Let's settle down, that's what I want to do” Ding! The door opens to the pool area, the girls were sitting at the bar, sipping on margarita's as if they were on a vacation. Hey Nina, saddle up baby, time to get moving. OK girls, get your things and let’s roll, Ashley are you guys OK? Yes AC, we're good, did you get this mess cleaned up. Yep! Yep is all you have to say? Yep! So you almost got my friends smoked, all you have to say is Yep! Look Bitch! Yall ain't get hurt, so just shut up; leave it alone before someone does. Oh is that a threat nigga! No it's a promise, play with it!

Fuck You AC! Nina get rid of that skirt, before she gets hurt. OK Ashley, come on baby let it go, no one is at fault, we are all are in a bad mood because of this shit. So why don't you and your girls go to your place, I will come holler at you guys later. That's cool Nina, I'm just saying, he could have been more considerate, know what I'm saying? Yeah I do, but that's my bro, he's always been that way. Alright, bye girl and fuck you AC, your bald ass head! Kick rocks Bitch! Sabrina, bring your ass over here. Yeah daddy, what’s up? What's up! Your gig is about to be up if you don't come clean. This bitch came looking for Monk, said she was his girl and shit. Do you know her? I don't know, Monk always had a different chic with him whenever I seen him. Damn, aint that a bitch! Well she's still here looking for him, I left her upstairs a few minutes ago, if we run into her and she recognizes you, we have problems! No I take that back, you will have problems; I'm not smoking another fool over your bad luck ass! You will be pulling the trigger this time Bitch! OK daddy, calm down, I didn't plan none of this shit! Shut up; get your janky ass on the damn elevator. He pushes her in the back. Come on Nina, what the hell you waiting on? Hey don't yell at me poppy, I will kick you in the damn neck with these pumps! Just come on Nina, your crazy ass. I'm coming, I'm coming. The door closes, there's dead silence. Meanwhile Manny and the Vegas police are having a discussion downstairs.

Well officer I really didn't pay attention to what the two were arguing about, my main objective was to get them the hell out of my lobby; he smacked the shit out of her though! Do you remember what she was wearing? Not really, I want to say a blue dress to match her pimp’s suite, if I'm not mistaking. Can you take a look at these pictures; tell me if you see her in any of them. He looks over the album of pictures and spots the lady in question. Yes that's her right there officer. Thanks, I was afraid you were going to say that. He then pulls out a few more pictures of the woman lying dead in an alley. Here she is now; we found her a few hours ago. Damn! That's fucked up! Do you know her pimp? No, can't say that I do, never saw him around the strip before. Do you remember anything about him? He was a brother, stood maybe 6'3”, light skinned complexion and drove a silver Benz, I think it was. Did you get his name? Nope, afraid not! So you think he killed her? As of right now, he's our prime suspect. Well if I hear anything, I will let you know officer. Sorry I couldn't be of any more assistance. Well actually, where is your control room for your security cameras? That's on the 10th floor, just take the elevator up and go to room 1007. Thanks Manny, have a good evening. You do the same Sir.

The lobby elevator opens, out steps AC, Nina and Sabrina. I will be so glad when this day is over and I can get some damn sleep. Sabrina, take your bad luck tail home tonight! Ha-ha-ha. Boy leave that girl alone, it’s not her fault she pussy whipped your ass! Shut up girl before you make my baby mad. Shit girl, that fool been mad about 5 hours ago at your bad luck ass. See Nina, you aint right. I'm just saying chica, I think I'm going to buy your butt a rabbits foot for some good luck, your behind needs it. Man both you guys are tripping, come on lets go meet Will up front. Bro., I’m serious, get that bitch two rabbit feet; put one in each pocket. No wait, put one in each ear, so when bad lucks coming, it will see them mother fuckers and go the other way. Ha-ha. Whatever, shut up Nina. Hey guys, there’s Manny. What’s up Amigo? Just spoke to one time, he was asking about that Hoe and Pimp that came in earlier. They found that skirt dead a few blocks away, a few hours ago. Damn, pimping killed his bitch; she must not have been meeting the quota. Shut up Coop, you crazy as hell. So what happened with that situation upstairs? Going to meet Will up front in a minute, we have to give our friend a lift out near Area 51; I remember seeing a new development going up out that way. That’s even better, we can put his ass in the foundation of one of those Mansions before they poor the concrete.

Where is he already, they should have been up here by now. Look there they are right there! Why in the hell is he pushing the truck? Manny, AC and Nina run out doors to meet them. Girl what happened! Why are the guys pushing your ass around in this truck? Sis the damn battery died, the jumper cables are in Looney’s car, we wasn't going to leave our dead friend and the truck in the back while he came and got the cables. Man, yall some dumb asses, girl you and Will could of stayed with the truck while Looney came and got his car.

Loon; go get the damn car, jump this truck already. I want you guys to take our friend out to that new development by Area 51 and bury him under some concrete of one of those new foundations. That’s a great idea, because I really wasn’t trying to dig no damn grave! Me either Will, plus I got a date later and I'm not getting dirty because AC’s ass is pussy whipped. Damn bro., everybody says you are whipped fool! Fool shut up, at least I’m getting pussy, you got spider webs on your balls, it’s been so long. OK guys, seriously go take care of this, I'm going to call it a night, I have to work at the club tomorrow, I will call you guys after and let you know when to put our plan in motion. Alright man, we will let you know how it went tomorrow. Sabrina, do you need a ride? No I drove but thanks, see you guys later. OK baby, I guess I will see you at work tomorrow then. Yes Sir, you will. Muah! Good night baby. She kissed him on the cheek.

The night was alive once again in Sin City; neon lights danced across the Mojave Desert, 95 degree winds blew across the strip and felt like someone had just opened an oven door. The lobby at the Towers began to empty around midnight as patrons headed out towards the strip, the 3rd shift staff had just checked in. Manny approached AC and gave him a pound. Goodnight Coop, get some sleep bro., smoke some of that chronic before you crash, it will definitely help you sleep well through the night and calm your nerves. Alright amigo, you be safe out there with them young chicas tonight, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Hey Coop, you know how it’s going down pimping, I got that new chronic too; oh want you let me get those two magnums out of your wallet; I’m sure you have more at your place! He reached into his wallet and gave him the condoms he always kept on hand. Later bro., don't let Sophie catch you, she will slice your ass up! Yeah thanks man, you had to say that didn't you! Ha-ha-ha. AC laughs as he headed towards the elevators and ran into Monk’s girlfriend again. Hey there lady, did you ever find your boyfriend? No, I looked all over this place. Well good luck, I hope you find him; did you go next door to Paradise and see if he was over there getting a table dance or something? He smirked as he said it. I tell you what, here’s my number, if you ever get tired of his ass, call me, I will take you out and show you how a real man treats a woman. Aww, that’s so sweet, but Monk doesn’t like me talking to other men if he's not around. OK I respect that, but my offer still stands and good luck finding him OK.

The elevator doors open and the radio is playing the quite storm. “The quite storm, soft and warm’ “The Quiet storm…. “This is your night time Dj, Shelly shell and all you lovers get ready to go on a ride with the Queen of the night. Next up is an oldie but goodie, here’s Rolls Royce with I’m going down. “Time on my hands, since you’ve been away boy" " I aint got no plans, no, no, no, no, no, and the sound of the rain, against my window pain, is slowly, slowly driving me insane. Boy!" “I’m going down; cause you aint around, baby! My whole worlds upside down” 35th floor, 36th floor, 37th floor, 38th floor, Ding! A gentleman enters the elevator. Hey Scott! When did you get back in town man? Just got in last night AC; I was just coming to your place to give you back your Dogg Pound CD, thanks for letting me borrow it. No problem man, anytime. Man, this music right here nigga, Rolls Royce! That’s when motherfuckers were making that love music, most shit is all gangsta now, except for a few groups. Yeah you right about that. 39th floor, 40th floor, 41st floor, 42nd floor, Ding! Well AC, I will get at you later playboy and thanks again. OK man, take it easy. The door closes. 43rd floor, Ding! Hey mister, I was just looking for you! Oh yeah, what do your yellow ass want? Don’t be so cruel. Well, you were the one talking shit earlier like you was miss bad ass. I know, but I was angry, I came to apologize. I’m Sorry AC, do you accept my apology? Yeah I guess I can. Are you going out tonight? No Ashley, not tonight, it’s been a long day and I'm going to get me some much needed sleep. 44th floor, Ding! Well can I come in and have a drink? Please, I promise I will have one drink and leave so you can get your sleep. OK just one!

Two hours had passed; Ashley was on her 3rd cocktail. So is Sabrina your girlfriend? No, we're just fucking, no strings attached. Oh, so if I wanted to suck your dick right now, would you let me? Would I let you? What do you think? I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I tell you what, put your head down here, and let me pull it out for you, so you can get busy! They both were sitting on the couch, AC laid back with his dick in one hand and a blunt in the other. Taking a pull off the sticky; he said in a low voice with his lungs full of chronic. Come here; let me see what those pretty lips feel like. He exhaled and blew the smoke in her face. She kneeled down before him in front of the couch, grabbed his penis with her right hand and started to slowly suck on it; she sucked and looked up at him with her pretty brown eyes to see his reaction. Aww baby, damn that shit feels so good right now. He starts rubbing her head and running his fingers through her hair. SSSSSSHHHHhhhh, SSSshhhhhhh baby, damn. Suck that dick baby, Suck it! Oh shit baby! Baby! Baby! Stop baby! Baby stop! I have to pee! Stop bay! No! Why! I don’t want to stop! But I have to pee!! Hmm-Hmm, you like that daddy?

Hell yeah but I have to pee. Stop! Like that daddy! Like that! He stood up to get away, she wouldn’t let go, and she gripped both his ass cheeks to keep him still. Ashley will you stop! No, No, No, it taste so good baby, I don’t want to stop. Fuck it then baby, do your thing. AC sat back down on the couch; she continued to suck on his hard Johnson. Ohhhh, Ohhh, Ohhhh shit! You motherfucker! You pissed in my mouth! She spits it out on the carpet. Ewww! You nasty ass! He smirks and shakes his head. I told you to stop. Fuck You AC! You could have told me. Girl you crazy! I was trying to tell you for the last 6 minutes, so how did it taste? Ha-ha-ha. Bye, I’m leaving! I can’t believe you! I’m sorry but hey, I was saying stop, you just kept on going, like that energizer bunny. BYE! The door slams. Bammmm!

He walks in the kitchen and turns on the radio. Hello out there, all my people in lovers land, the time is right, the incents are burning and here's some Jodeci to get you in the mood. "Every time I close my eyes, I wake up feeling so horny" “I can't get you out of my mind. Sexing you be all I see" Reaching in the lower cabinet where the pots and pans are located, he pulls out the big skillet, a small pot and a lid. Then places the small pot on the back left eye of the stove and the skillet on the right front. Yeah I'm about to get my eat on, up in this mother! I'm glad all those fools are gone; I don't have to share this here 5 star dish. Damn, where did I put my bud? Oh there she go! Coop picks up the weed, places it on the counter by the rolling papers and ash tray and yells out. Every freakin day and every freakin night, I want to freak you baby, your body so freakin tight! Yeah aye, yeah aye. Yeah that's that shit right here nigga. AC gets a cup of rice from the container on the counter by the stove. Puts it in the small pot, adds two cups of water then turns the back left eye on high to bring the rice to a boil. While the rice was heating up, he pulled out a rolling paper and began to line it with chronic, rolls a tight joint and sits it on the kitchen table.

The rice had come to a boil, he placed the lid on the pot, turned it down to a simmer; then reached in the fridge for the onions, green peppers and peeled divine shrimp. He took the olive oil from the cabinet over the stove, poured enough oil in the pan so that it covered the bottom, turned the eye on low so that the oil could heat slowly. He slid the cutting board over near the stove so that he could cut the peppers and onions before they went in the pan. While walking over to the pantry to get the seasoning, he spots a black duffle bag under the kitchen table. Damn, I wonder who left their bag; I bet it's one of Ashley's friends from earlier. He said out loud. The pan began to sizzle and he added the veggies to the hot oil, rinsed off the shrimp and seasoned them as he placed them in the glass bowl. 4 minutes had passed and it was time to add the shrimp. The aroma of the food filled the air as it slowly simmered in the pan as the veggies sauté, the shrimp cooked to a bright red. AC turned the eye down to a simmer and spoke out loud. OK now it's time to hit this spliff, get my mind right for tomorrow. He lit the joint, leaned against the counter and looks down at the duffle bag. Hmm, let's see what's in this damn bag. He slides it from under the table, unzips it, then yells out. Holy Shit! You got to be fucking kidding me! Where in the hell did all this money come from? It has to be at least 2 million dollars in here, man it turned out to be a damn good day! He takes another pull off the joint then paced back and forth in the kitchen for the next few minutes. Fuck I'm hungry! He says out loud. Coop fixed himself a plate of rice covered with the shrimp and veggies then opened a cold beer. Damn this is too good, a nice dinner, cold beer, some Mary Jane and a bag of money. It's going to be sweet dreams tonight! Hell yeah, a nigga rich now baby! He finished eating, rolled another joint and headed to bed.

Meanwhile upstairs on the 45th floor, the girls are talking things through. Hey Ashley what's wrong girl? You look pissed as hell! Jewel this nigga AC is so damn nasty! What do you mean girl, Nasty? I was giving his ass head and he fucking pissed in my mouth! Wow! Are you serious; that's so gross, I wouldn't tell anybody else that shit bitch. Ha-ha. Did you swallow? Fuck you Jewel! I'm just saying, girlfriend that's something you might not want to repeat, A dude pissing in your mouth. Well, did you get the bag at least? Hell no, I was too busy getting my butt out of there after that damn episode. Ashley, you have to get that money bitch! Yeah I know. So what's the next move then? We will get it tomorrow morning, but you coming with me this time. That's cool, just don't try and include me in you guy’s kinky sex circle. Girl shut up! Do you think he knows about us though? No, not yet anyway, besides what's he going to do, tell the police. Yeah you have a point there; we rob banks, but these fools be straight 187 niggas. Hell, the worst thing that can happen is he will want to keep it, but we have some cold shit on him and his crew, so there's plenty room to negotiate. Damn girl, you got it all figured out don't you? Yep, Bitch you know how we pretty gangsters do it. All day baby, we in it to win it! Where's Lisa's ass at? Oh, she went to bed about an hour ago, drunk as hell. She killed a whole bottle of Jose' when we got back here, poor baby was scared as hell.

Yeah that was some cold ass shit that went down. What did they do with the body? I have no idea, I just know AC's place was clean when I got there and the duffle bag was still under the kitchen table. What about Megan? She's friends with Manny, I'm sure he took care of that situation. OK that's a relief, that bitch seemed like a square, a fucking L7. I didn't think so, she seemed cool to me. Well anyway, I'm headed to bed girl; I will talk with you tomorrow. OK that's what's up. Good night Ashley. Good Night Jewel. Oh J, don't forget we have to case a bank in Bakersfield tomorrow, our ride will be here at noon. OK Ashe; got you, Good night girl.

MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success

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