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Internet links
ОглавлениеAdditional information and support for this book at Polity: www.politybooks.com/giddens9
National Centre for Research Methods, UK – contains many resources and articles on methods. A very useful site: www.ncrm.ac.uk/
CESSDA – Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives – houses many social science data archives covering different types of research: www.nsd.uib.no/cessda/home.html
The UK Office for National Statistics, which includes lots of survey research, but other types as well: www.ons.gov.uk/ons/index.html
The American Sociological Association – their useful research methods section: www.asanet.org/topics/research-methods
The UK Data Archive – a large collection of digital data on a variety of subjects: www.data-archive.ac.uk/
Ipsos MORI – a merged company (Ipsos UK and MORI) focusing on market research and social research: www.ipsos-mori.com/