Читать книгу Phenomenology - Anthony Chemero - Страница 11
Notes on the second edition
ОглавлениеFor the second edition, we have revised, reorganized, and expanded substantially. A list of the most important changes follows.
Chapter 2 “The Rise of Experimental Psychology” is a new chapter, collecting material that was spread across several chapters in the first edition, and with an additional section on the structuralism–functionalism debate in psychology. In its current form, it is better in keeping with the chronological structure employed in most of the rest of the book.
Chapter 3 “Edmund Husserl and Transcendental Phenomenology” has a new section on Husserl’s writings on the body (section 3.5), the purpose of which is to draw closer connections between Husserl and Merleau-Ponty.
Chapter 5 “Gestalt Psychology” collects material that was distributed across several chapters in the first edition.
Chapter 6 “Aron Gurwitsch: Merging Gestalt Psychology and Phenomenology” is entirely new. Gurwitsch is a key figure in the history of phenomenology, and was a major influence on Merleau-Ponty.
Chapter 7 “Jean-Paul Sartre: Phenomenological Existentialism” is significantly expanded from the first edition. It now includes in-depth discussion of three more of Sartre’s major works, The Transcendence of the Ego, The Imagination, and The Imaginary.
Chapter 9 “Critical Phenomenology” is new to this edition. It collects and expands upon the discussions of the phenomenology of gender and race from the first edition, and includes new discussions of Frantz Fanon and trans phenomenology.
Chapter 12 “Enactivism and the Embodied Mind” is also new to this edition. It includes an expanded version of the basic discussion of enactivism from the first edition. It also includes new sections on 4E cognitive science and enactivist approaches to social cognition and language.
All citations give the date of the first edition listed in the references. Where English translations of foreign works are listed, they are the source of our quotations. Where no English translations are listed, the translations are our own.