Читать книгу Phenomenology - Anthony Chemero - Страница 2
1 Cover
5 Introduction What you will not find in this book Phenomenology now Why study phenomenology? Overview Notes on the second edition
6 1 Immanuel Kant: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Background 1.1 Kant’s critical philosophy 1.2 Intuitions and concepts 1.3 The transcendental deduction 1.4 Kantian themes in phenomenology Key terms Further reading
7 2 The Rise of Experimental Psychology 2.1 Wilhelm Wundt and the rise of scientific psychology 2.2 William James and functionalism 2.3 The structuralism–functionalism debate Key terms Further reading
8 3 Edmund Husserl and Transcendental Phenomenology 3.1 Transcendental phenomenology 3.2 Franz Brentano 3.3 Between logic and psychology 3.4 Ideas 3.5 The body 3.6 Phenomenology of time consciousness Key terms Further reading
9 4 Martin Heidegger and Existential Phenomenology 4.1 The intelligibility of the everyday world 4.2 Descartes and occurrentness 4.3 Being-in-the-world 4.4 Being-with others and the anyone 4.5 The existential conception of the self 4.6 Death, guilt, and authenticity Key terms Further reading
10 5 Gestalt Psychology 5.1 Gestalt criticisms of atomistic psychology 5.2 Perception and the environment 5.3 Influence of Gestalt psychology Key terms Further reading
11 6 Aron Gurwitsch: Merging Gestalt Psychology and Phenomenology 6.1 Phenomenology of Thematics and of the Pure Ego 6.2 Others and the social world Key terms Further reading
12 7 Jean-Paul Sartre: Phenomenological Existentialism 7.1 The Transcendence of the Ego 7.2 The Imagination and The Imaginary 7.3 Being and Nothingness Key terms Further reading
13 8 Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The Body and Perception 8.1 Phenomenology of Perception 8.2 Phenomenology, psychology, and the phenomenal field 8.3 The lived body 8.4 Perceptual constancy and natural objects Key terms Further reading
14 9 Critical Phenomenology 9.1 The path not taken 9.2 Phenomenology and gender 9.3 Phenomenology and race 9.4 Conclusion Key terms Further reading
15 10 James J. Gibson and Ecological Psychology 10.1 Gibson’s early work: Two examples 10.2 The ecological approach 10.3 Ecological ontology 10.4 Affordances and invitations Key terms Further reading
16 11 Hubert Dreyfus and the Phenomenological Critique of Cognitivism 11.1 The cognitive revolution and cognitive science 11.2 “Alchemy and artificial intelligence” 11.3 What Computers Can’t Do 11.4 Heideggerian artificial intelligence Key terms Further reading
17 12 Enactivism and the Embodied Mind 12.1 Embodied, embedded, extended, enactive 12.2 The original enactivism 12.3 Other enactivisms: The sensorimotor approach and radical enactivism 12.4 Enactivism as a philosophy of nature Key terms Further reading
18 13 Phenomenological Cognitive Science 13.1 The frame problem 13.2 Radical embodied cognitive science 13.3 Dynamical systems theory 13.4 Heideggerian cognitive science 13.5 The future of scientific phenomenology Key terms Further reading
19 References
20 Index
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 55.1 The Hermann grid5.2 Mach bands5.3 The Law of Proximity5.4 The Law of Similarity5.5 The Law of Direction
2 Chapter 1010.1 Example of a field of safe travel10.2 Body and mind
3 Chapter 1212.1 Co-emergence of self and world
4 Chapter 1313.1 A unified system13.2 The HKB model13.3 A control system for a simple robot13.4 Cognition as a nested, self-organized, dynamical system
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