Читать книгу Darkness Public Relations - Anton Vuima - Страница 2
ОглавлениеFirst of all let’s look what exactly black PR is. In foreign literature, this term is very rare and it can be said that the term «black PR» is Russian invention. If you ask any Western Public Relations practitioner, if he is engaged in black PR, he will deffinetely be offended. But, overseas black PR is even more developed, perhaps even more strongly than in Russia. Spreading a negative information in politics and economic is a tool of competition. But there is no one who uses the term black PR. But they call it:
Fighting for fair competition;
Telling the truth about the candidates;
Fighting for human rights;
Fighting for social justice;
Fighting for democracy;
Fighting for a cleaner environment;
Fighting for the rights of consumers;
Fighting for freedom and justice;
Protection of human rights;
That is always a fight for something socially useful and good. And, of course, no one will ever tell you that this fight is for the market. From the outside it looks very noble. However, the way it should be – it’s a real PR.
I would say that all the major companies of the world are practicing black PR-technologies. In a modern capitalism unable to lead PR-world battle just to survive.
What do we mean by Black PR? Any information attacks which are destroying the business, image, corporate bonds, etc.
Many people think that black PR is the prerogative of the white PR for big business and politicians. However, even in small businesses black PR can take a place. And it does not need to have a lot of money to make it. It is spread everywhere and at all levels. But even in Russia still not all are able to use it. But an information war can be at any level.
Black PR is often contributes to the protection of consumer rights, protecting them from the low-quality goods. It promotes the efficiency of the authorities and often protects people from tyranny and lawlessness of various government agencies. Yes it is destructive, but more inclined to destroy the sick and rotten than the healthy and beautiful.
Note that the term «Black PR”is much more famous and popular in Russia than normal PR. For many, the concept of normal PR is still not clear and understandable. Some call this activity as «jeans’ or freebie, some public relations, one understands PR as a form of advertising. But the black PR more than understandable to all in Russia. When you say «PR», many react like this: «A PR… Black PR. Yes, that is clear. "So, we have a phenomenal popularity of the term.
But where did the term itself took from? The fact is that in the post-perestroika period, many people gave up doing PR. But the press was not in a hurry to take the news for free.That is when, the press has suddenly become totally corrupt and the PR practitioner did not need a creative approach to post news. Why? Because it is paid. And the press at that time did not care about take – dirty watering or neat advertising.
So very soon we formed two fields: the custom promotional articles (which do not dare to call the PR, and in fact it has more «advertisement» sense), and also custom abusive articles that could not be called advertisements, as the customer usually modest Fade. And all that was called PR. Since journalists tried" to «merge dirt» and please the customer, these activities couldn’t be called as an another way than black PR.
I must say that this kind of black PR has no relation to the real professional black PR. In professional PR you create newsworthy, but it is so much fun for the press willingly publish the information free of charge.
But in Russia, all the processes in this period developed in a bit extreme way. So, fair competition replaced by gang violence. And for the development of production you only needed to privatize formerly state-owned enterprises very quickly. And a few days later a poor, but clever entrepreneur could become the owner of several factories and ships.
Basically, in Western Countries PR was formed in the same way, but now it has come up to a stage, where the black PR campaign perceived as an exclusive benefit. In the West, Black PR was developing much longer, but it’s much more professional and much more dangerous. Incidentally, this is felt by those who tried to get their goods to their market. There black PR practitioner can quickly completely destroy someone’s business. That is why black PR is no less effective than an aggressive competition.
And, at the end, who does often benefit from this information warfare? Off course, consumers. For example, there is a place of false facts in the competitor’s advertisement. And if a company is prone to false information in advertising, therefore, it can not produce a quality product. Consumer begins to doubt and what is worse buys goods from fraudulent company. All this suggests that companies closely monitor product quality and integrity of their advertising.
Let’s take a look on advertising in Russia. For example, in advertising tape they constantly overestimated their technical characteristics. Instead of 200 watts. Power Player can play only 150 watts. etc. But in the advertising write inflated figures, because they know that in Russia, this won’t bring any problems.
Even in foreign factories, which are located in Russia, the quality control is not less stringent than in a similar plants in their homeland. Why? Because if this product may fall into the hands of Western Public Relations specialist, any inaccurate information will lead to a magnificent black PR against a reputation of that company.
Russian variety of black PR leads to very interesting results. Even people stopped going to the elections, because of the government members reputattion as «thieves.» And what is the reason to chose one «thief’ from the pack of «thieves»?
Black PR is quite a positive activity, as it stimulates an increase in the quality of products and services.
Lets try to define the black PR. So Black PR – is a targeted dissemination of negative information concerning any animate or inanimate object.
The purpose of this activity is either the destruction of the business, or the undermining of business relationships, or something else.
And I do not see a serious moral difference squeezing competitors out of the market by price dumping by trial or by black PR. All this tough competition. Consequently, a weak leaves the market, and a strong win.
Black PR professional can not be related in any way to an unfair competition. Although at first glance it may seem that it can be so interpreted. Black PR can disclose evidence to support the poor quality of products and service of a competitor, as well as to point out the hidden mistake, and consumer fraud.
Naturally black PR – is a business tool. And depending on whose hands it falls, it can bring benefit or be a stronghold of evil. If it falls into the hands of an honest businessman, he can protect himself and his consumers from unfair competition and bureaucratic arbitrariness. Black PR in his hands destroys substandard products, weak business and achieves peak of something healthy and strong. In this case, the best wins and we will only win.
Black PR in the hands of the villain turns into evil. He begins to destroy useful goods, destroy an honest business, etc. It becomes harmful to society activities. Moreover, successful companies can not protect themselves by not having a staff of PR-powerful group. This book helps how to teach entrepreneurs to create a black PR campaign and to how to address it. Only by creating a perfect method of attack and defense, you can be successful in this kind of activity and to promote fair and honest business.
Often you may find that some company did not fulfill the conditions of the contract, but got the money. You can work on it in court or in other ways, but you can apply a black PR as well. And the truth is on your side.
Black PR – is not a science, as an evil, it is the method of how to use negative publicity to seek justice, integrity and excellence in the market.
Where can I use black PR? This book outlines how political and commercial organizations use black PR. But, I want to notice, that it is still more emphasis on commercial use. Here they are:
For competition. Black PR can be used to fight out competitors. You can reduce the sale of goods of a competitor. You can just destroy a business of a competitor or just weaken his position.
To influence the government. Russian officials are usually not good enough at their jobs. In this case, top management either did not know about it, or turn a blind eye on it. Drawing public attention to a data breach can change the situation dramatically. And this is one of the most effective methods. Top management wants the officials to work well, or at least wants to make the society tends to think that they want it. Therefore, when the information falls into the mainstream media, it may lead to action of the upper authorities. There is a global problem in different areas of business, which for some reason is not being revealed, but, nevertheless, in the case of publicity they could be resolved. The scheme is about the actions. Population demands a solution. Held shares. Information gets to the press. Top management proceed. Problem in one form or another is solved. Effectiveness of the solution, by the way, is also dependent on the PR. However, in the case of exposure to power it can not only be solved, but also contribute to the problem. It all depends on the correct way of your strategy.
You can have an impact on partners and suppliers. Partners and suppliers can fulfill the agreement, but can not perform properly or not to perform at all. This situation can be influenced by the court, but you may use PR technologies as well. Especially when litigation does nothing.
To neutralize the negative sentiment groups or organizations.
You can also use black PR for your own self advertising. You make a black pr campaign against yourself and your business, but you do it in a way, so that instead of destroying, the popularity of the company and the products increases.
All of these methods are widely used in practice in Russia and the world, but when you are facing a black PR, it is not always clear to understand that you’re dealing with it. Professional black PR campaign is usually well disguised even before random spontaneous event. That is why, they mimic some external factors, suddenly took up arms against you. Sort of bad luck begins to haunt the company. And while you struggle with fate or destiny, your opponents successfully implement their evil plans.
For example, imagine that a group of women who are indecent kind comes to your office suddenly.And they come the next day as well. And when you leave the office and come back, you are finding out that the crowd indecent women is changed by group of grandmothers, who are picketing your office, confirming that you have a brothel here or something like that. You are obviously hindering live. TV arrives and makes a report about a brothel, which you have organized, a decent view of the enterprise and of grandmothers who are outraged by this. You are trying to sort out by telling that this is misunderstanding. But then half-naked woman suddenly claims that you did not pay for her indecent services. Off course, you will be taken to the police. Then you discover that your office is sealed and there is some test is running. As a result of a chain of such actions, you can completely lose the image and all clients. Then all will be like some kind of phantasmagoria. A kind of game of fate. And as if by accident. A misunderstanding? But it is not…