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Giussani’s Works
ACL’autocoscienza del cosmo
AVSUn avvenimento di vita cioè una storia
GTSMGenerare tracce nella storia del mondo
IPOL’io, il potere, le opere
JTEThe Journey to Truth Is an Experience
MOIl miracolo dell’ospitalità
NFTSe non fossi tuo
PLWIs It Possible to Live This Way? (3 vols.)
ROEThe Risk of Education
RSThe Religious Sense
RVUAlla ricerca del volto umano
SPVVCSi può vivere (veramente?!) così?
TTIl tempo e il tempio
“Tu”“Tu” (o dell’amicizia)
USDL’uomo e il suo destino
VNCVivendo nella carne
WTCWhy the Church?

Other Works:
AASActa Apostolicae Sedis
An. post.Posterior Analytics, Aristotle
C. Ar.Orationes contra Arianos, Athanasius
Cat.Categories, Aristotle
CCSGCorpus Christianorum, Series Graeca
CCSLCorpus Christianorum, Series Latina
Civ.De civitate Dei, Augustine
EEL’être et l’esprit, Bruaire
EncyclopediaEncyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Hegel
ETExplorations in Theology (4 vols.), Balthasar
GAGesamtausgabe, Heidegger
GDThe Gift of Death, Derrida
GLThe Glory of the Lord (7 vols.), Balthasar
GTGiven Time, Derrida
Haer.Adversus haereses, Irenaeus
In Ioa.In Evangelium Ioannis tractatus, Augustine
Metaph.Metaphysics, Aristotle
In Metaph.In duodecim libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis expositio, Aquinas
In Nic. Eth.In decem libros Ethicorum expositio, Aquinas
Or.Orationes, Gregory of Nazianzus
OTBOn Time and Being, Heidegger
PGPatrologiae cursus completus. Accurante Jacques-Paul Migne. Series Graeca (Paris)
In Physic.Commentaria in octo libros Physicorum, Aquinas
PLPatrologiae cursus completus. Accurante Jacques-Paul Migne. Series Latina (Paris)
De pot. DeiQuaestiones disputatae de potentia Dei, Aquinas
PSPhenomenology of Spirit, Hegel
SCGSumma contra gentiles, Aquinas
I Sent. / IV Sent.Scriptum super libros Sententiarum magistri Petri Lombardi episcopi Parisiensis, Aquinas
STSumma theologiae, Aquinas
TBThe Texture of Being, Schmitz
TDTheo-drama (5 vols.), Balthasar
TDNTTheological Dictionary of the New Testament, Kittel
TLTheo-logic (3 vols.), Balthasar
Trin.De Trinitate, Augustine
De ver.Quaestiones disputatae de veritate, Aquinas
VPRVorlesungen über die Philosophie der Religion (Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion; 3 vols.), Hegel
WLWissenschaft der Logik (The Science of Logic), Hegel
Gift and the Unity of Being

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