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Table of Contents

Orange Mariposa Tulip Frontispiece
Wild Onion 14
Covena 16
Indian Hyacinth 24
Dogtooth Violet 28
Bronze Bells 38
Butterfly Tulip 62
Butter Balls 92
Sand-Verbena 104
Indian Pink 116
Foothills Larkspur 128
Lilac Clematis 150
California Poppy 164
Bush Poppy 166
Western Wallflower 176
Cliff Rose 226
Bi-colored Lupine 252
Wild Sweet Pea 254
Pride of California 256
Hedysarum pabulare 260
Desert Senna 266
Spotted Mallow 288
Salmon Globe Mallow 290
Hedgehog Cactus 306
Opuntia basilaris 308
Pincushion Cactus 310
White Evening Primrose 326
Western Azalea 342
Snow-Plant 358
Small Shooting Star 366
Canchalagua 370
Scarlet Gilia 392
Large Prickly Gilia 398
Mountain Phacelia 404
Phacelia grandiflora 408
Baby Blue-eyes 412
Ramona incana 438
Thistle Sage 450
Paint Brush 472
Pentstemon cyananthus 480
Pentstemon Parryi 482
Bush Monkey Flower 490
Pink Monkey Flower 492
Wild Valerian 510
Arizona Thistle 524
Easter Daisy 530
Xylorrhiza tortifolia 544
Cut-leaved Balsam-Root 558
Field Book of Western Wild Flowers

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