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A. Parts of the flower nearly always in threes; leaves almost always parallel-veined.
a. Ovary superior.
b. Leaves often arrow-shaped; pistils many, in a head. Alismaceae 2
b. Leaves not arrow-shaped; pistil one. Liliaceae 4
a. Ovary inferior.
b. Flowers regular; stamens three. Iridaceae 66
b. Flowers irregular; stamens one or two. Orchidaceae 72
A. Parts of the flower mostly in fours or fives; leaves mostly netted-veined.
B. Corolla absent; calyx mostly present, sometimes showy.
a. Ovary superior.
b. Pistils several to many, distinct. Ranunculaceae 126
b. Pistil one, one to several-celled.
c. Flowers in long spikes with a white involucre at base. Saururaceae 80
c. Flowers not in long spikes.
d. Stipules if present sheathing the stem; sepals three to six. Polygonaceae 86
d. Stipules absent; sepals mostly five. Chenopodiaceae 96
a. Ovary inferior or appearing so by the closely fitting calyx.
b. Ovary six-celled; stamens six to twelve. Aristolochiaceae 84
b. Ovary one-celled; stamens three to five.
c. Leaves opposite; flowers often showy. Nyctaginaceae 100
c. Leaves alternate; flowers not showy. Santalaceae 82
B. Both corolla and calyx present.
C. Corolla of separate petals.
D. Ovary superior.
a. Stamens more than ten in number.
b. Pistils several to many, separate or united below.
c. Pistils separate and distinct.
d. Pistils enclosed in a hollow receptacle.
e. Leaves opposite; petals numerous. Calycanthaceae 158
e. Leaves alternate; petals mostly five. Rosaceae 218
d. Pistils not enclosed in a receptacle.
e. Stamens attached to the calyx. Rosaceae 218
e. Stamens not attached to the calyx. Ranunculaceae 126
c. Pistils united below into a lobed or beaked ovary.
d. Water plants with floating leaves. Nymphaceae 156
d. Terrestrial or land plants.
e. Pistils forming a ring; filaments united. Malvaceae 284
e. Pistils not forming a ring.
f. Pistils inserted on a convex receptacle; stamens attached to the calyx. Rosaceae 218
f. Receptacle not convex; stamens not attached to the calyx. Papaveraceae 160
b. Pistil one, the styles and stigmas often several.
c. Ovary one-celled.
d. Style and stigma one.
e. Fruit a drupe (stone-fruit.) Drupaceae 216
e. Fruit an akene tipped with a tail. Rosaceae 218
d. Styles or stigmas more than one.
e. Sepals falling as the flowers expand.
f. Sepals two or three; fruit a capsule. Papaveraceae 160
f. Sepals four or six; fruit a berry. Ranunculaceae 126
e. Sepals persistent; low shrubs. Cistaceae 304
c. Ovary more than one-celled.
d. Water plants with floating leaves. Nymphaceae 156
d. Plants not growing in water.
e. Leaves with smooth margins and with transparent dots. Hypericaceae 292
e. Leaves neither smooth-edged, nor with transparent dots. Malvaceae 284
a. Stamens ten or fewer in number.
b. Stamens of the same number as the petals and opposite them.
c. Ovary more than one-celled; calyx four- to five-cleft. Rhamnaceae 282
c. Ovary one-celled.
d. Anthers opening by uplifted valves. Berberidaceae 152
d. Anthers opening by longitudinal slits. Portulacaceae 120
b. Stamens not of the same number as the petals, or if of the same number, alternate with them.
c. Ovaries two or more, separate or partly united.
d. Stamens united with each other and with the large thick stigma. Asclepiadaceae 374
d. Stamens free from each other and from the pistils.
e. Stamens inserted on the receptacle.
f. Leaves and stems fleshy. Crassulaceae 192
f. Leaves and stems not noticeably fleshy.
g. Lobes of ovary two to five, with a common style.
h. Ovary two- to three-lobed. Limnanthaceae 278
h. Ovary five-lobed. Geraniaceae 274
g. Ovaries with separate styles. Ranunculaceae 126
e. Stamens inserted on the calyx.
f. Stamens twice as many as the pistils. Crassulaceae 192
f. Stamens not twice as many as the pistils.
g. Stipules present. Rosaceae 218
g. g. Stipules absent. Saxifragaceae 196
c. Ovary one, the styles and stigmas one to several.
d. Ovary with one cell and one placenta.
e. Corolla forming standard, wings and keel; filaments mostly united. Fabaceae 242
e. Corolla not of standard, wings and keel; filaments mostly not united.
f. Stamens ten or five; fruit smooth, slender. Cassiaceae 264
f. Stamens three or four; fruit spiny, globose. Krameriaceae 268
d. Ovary with one or more cells and styles, and two or more placentae and stigmas.
e. Ovary one-celled.
f. Corolla irregular; petals and sepals five. Violaceae 296
f. Corolla regular or nearly so.
g. Ovules attached at the center or bottom of the ovary. Caryophyllaceae 112
g. Ovules attached on two placentae.
h. Stamens equal; pod on a stalk. Capparidaceae 186
h. Stamens unequal; pod without a stalk. Cruciferae 174
e. Ovary more than one-celled.
f. Ovary three-celled; trees with palmate leaves. Hippocastanaceae 280
f. Ovary more than three-celled.
g. Cells of ovary as many as the sepals.
h. Anthers opening by terminal pores; dwarf evergreen shrubby plants. Pyrolaceae 354
h. Anthers opening by longitudinal slits.
i. Ovules and seeds one or two in each cell.
i. Herbs with lobed or cut leaves. Geraniaceae 274
i. Evergreen shrubs with varnished leaves. Zygophyllaceae 268
i. Ovules and seeds several in each cell; leaflets three. Oxalidaceae 272
g. Cells of ovary twice as many as the sepals. Linaceae 270
D. Ovary inferior or more or less so.
a. Stamens more than ten in number.
b. Plant spiny; leaves absent or soon deciduous. Cactaceae 304
b. Plant not spiny; leaves persisting for the season.
c. Leaves three-sided, fleshy. Aizoaceae 108
c. Leaves neither three-sided nor fleshy.
d. Herbs; leaves rough-hairy. Loasaceae 300
d. Shrubs or trees.
e. Leaves opposite; stipules none. Hydrangeaceae 206
e. Leaves alternate; stipules present. Pomaceae 214
a. Stamens ten or fewer in number.
b. Ovules and seeds more than one in each cell.
c. Ovary one-celled; fruit a berry. Grossulariaceae 210
c. Ovary with two or more cells.
d. Stamens four or eight.
e. Shrubs; filaments two-forked at the apex. Hydrangeaceae 206
e. Herbs; filaments not two-forked at the apex. Onagraceae 312
d. Stamens five or ten; styles two or three. Saxifragaceae 196
b. Ovules and seeds only one in each cell.
c. Stamens mostly ten; ovary partly inferior. Hydrangeaceae 206
c. Stamens less than ten; ovary wholly inferior.
d. Stamens five; fruit dry. Umbelliferae 332
d. Stamens four; fruit fleshy. Cornaceae 338
C. Corolla with petals more or less united.
E. Ovary superior.
a. Stamens more than five in number.
b. Ovary one-celled.
c. Placenta one.
d. Corolla very irregular; stamens not protruding from the corolla. Fabaceae 242
d. Corolla nearly regular; stamens Mimosaceae 266
c. Placentae two; corolla irregular. Fumariaceae 168
b. Ovary two to several-celled.
c. Ovary two-celled; corolla irregular. Polygalaceae 278
c. Ovary three or more-celled; corolla regular or nearly so.
d. Stamens not attached to the corolla.
e. Style one; leaves simple. Ericaceae 340
e. Styles more than one.
f. Styles three; erect spiny shrub. Fouquieriaceae 294
f. Styles five; low herbs. Oxalidaceae 272
d. Stamens attached to the corolla, plants without green foliage. Monotropaceae 356
a. Stamens five or fewer in number.
b. Corolla regular.
c. Stamens free from the corolla. Ericaceae 340
c. Stamens attached to the corolla.
d. Pistil one.
e. Stamens of the same number as the corolla lobes and opposite them. Primulaceae 362
e. Stamens alternate with the corolla lobes or fewer.
f. Ovary one- or two-celled.
g. Styles two or occasionally one.
h. Capsule usually many-seeded; sepals united. Hydrophyllaceae 402
h. Capsule few-seeded; sepals separate. Convolvulaceae 380
g. Styles one or none.
h. leaves opposite.
i. Trees with pinnate leaves. Oleaceae 366
i. Herbs with simple smooth-edged leaves. Gentianaceae 368
h. Leaves alternate.
i. Ovary one-celled; leaves with three leaflets. Menyanthaceae 380
i. Ovary two-celled; leaves various. Solanaceae 458
f. Ovary three- or four-celled.
g. Style one; ovary three-celled. Polemoniaceae 384
g. Styles two; ovary four-celled. Boraginaceae 422
d. Pistils two.
e. Stamens and stigmas united; flowers with hood-like appendages. Asclepiadaceae 374
e. Stamens and stigmas not united; flowers without hood-like appendages. Apocynaceae 378
b. Corolla more or less irregular.
c. Fruit a many-seeded capsule.
d. Ovary two-celled. Scrophulariaceae 466
d. Ovary one-celled; plants without green foliage. Orobanchaceae 504
c. Fruit of two or four seed-like nutlets.
d. Ovary four-lobed; plants mostly aromatic. Labiatae 434
d. Ovary not lobed; plants rarely aromatic. Verbenaceae 434
E. Ovary inferior.
a. Stamens eight or ten; evergreen shrubs. Ericaceae 340
a. Stamens five or fewer in number.
b. Plants tendril-bearing. Cucurbitaceae 518
b. Plants not tendril-bearing.
c. Stamens free, not united.
d. Leaves alternate; stamens free from the corolla. Campanulaceae 520
d. Leaves opposite or whorled; stamens inserted on the corolla.
e. Stamens one to three. Valerianaceae 508
e. Stamens four to five.
f. Leaves opposite, never in whorls nor with stipules. Caprifoliaceae 512
f. Leaves opposite and with stipules, or in whorls and without stipules. Rubiaceae 506
c. Stamens united by their anthers.
d. Corollas all strap-shaped and perfect; juice milky. Cichoriaceae 570
d. Marginal corollas strap-shaped, never perfect; disk corollas perfect; juice not milky. Compositae 522




Field Book of Western Wild Flowers

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