Читать книгу Field Book of Western Wild Flowers - Armstrong Margaret - Страница 7
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A. | Parts of the flower nearly always in threes; leaves almost always parallel-veined. | ||
a. | Ovary superior. | ||
b. | Leaves often arrow-shaped; pistils many, in a head. Alismaceae | 2 | |
b. | Leaves not arrow-shaped; pistil one. Liliaceae | 4 | |
a. | Ovary inferior. | ||
b. | Flowers regular; stamens three. Iridaceae | 66 | |
b. | Flowers irregular; stamens one or two. Orchidaceae | 72 | |
A. | Parts of the flower mostly in fours or fives; leaves mostly netted-veined. | ||
B. | Corolla absent; calyx mostly present, sometimes showy. | ||
a. | Ovary superior. | ||
b. | Pistils several to many, distinct. Ranunculaceae | 126 | |
b. | Pistil one, one to several-celled. | ||
c. | Flowers in long spikes with a white involucre at base. Saururaceae | 80 | |
c. | Flowers not in long spikes. | ||
d. | Stipules if present sheathing the stem; sepals three to six. Polygonaceae | 86 | |
d. | Stipules absent; sepals mostly five. Chenopodiaceae | 96 | |
a. | Ovary inferior or appearing so by the closely fitting calyx. | ||
b. | Ovary six-celled; stamens six to twelve. Aristolochiaceae | 84 | |
b. | Ovary one-celled; stamens three to five. | ||
c. | Leaves opposite; flowers often showy. Nyctaginaceae | 100 | |
c. | Leaves alternate; flowers not showy. Santalaceae | 82 | |
B. | Both corolla and calyx present. | ||
C. | Corolla of separate petals. | ||
D. | Ovary superior. | ||
a. | Stamens more than ten in number. | ||
b. | Pistils several to many, separate or united below. | ||
c. | Pistils separate and distinct. | ||
d. | Pistils enclosed in a hollow receptacle. | ||
e. | Leaves opposite; petals numerous. Calycanthaceae | 158 | |
e. | Leaves alternate; petals mostly five. Rosaceae | 218 | |
d. | Pistils not enclosed in a receptacle. | ||
e. | Stamens attached to the calyx. Rosaceae | 218 | |
e. | Stamens not attached to the calyx. Ranunculaceae | 126 | |
c. | Pistils united below into a lobed or beaked ovary. | ||
d. | Water plants with floating leaves. Nymphaceae | 156 | |
d. | Terrestrial or land plants. | ||
e. | Pistils forming a ring; filaments united. Malvaceae | 284 | |
e. | Pistils not forming a ring. | ||
f. | Pistils inserted on a convex receptacle; stamens attached to the calyx. Rosaceae | 218 | |
f. | Receptacle not convex; stamens not attached to the calyx. Papaveraceae | 160 | |
b. | Pistil one, the styles and stigmas often several. | ||
c. | Ovary one-celled. | ||
d. | Style and stigma one. | ||
e. | Fruit a drupe (stone-fruit.) Drupaceae | 216 | |
e. | Fruit an akene tipped with a tail. Rosaceae | 218 | |
d. | Styles or stigmas more than one. | ||
e. | Sepals falling as the flowers expand. | ||
f. | Sepals two or three; fruit a capsule. Papaveraceae | 160 | |
f. | Sepals four or six; fruit a berry. Ranunculaceae | 126 | |
e. | Sepals persistent; low shrubs. Cistaceae | 304 | |
c. | Ovary more than one-celled. | ||
d. | Water plants with floating leaves. Nymphaceae | 156 | |
d. | Plants not growing in water. | ||
e. | Leaves with smooth margins and with transparent dots. Hypericaceae | 292 | |
e. | Leaves neither smooth-edged, nor with transparent dots. Malvaceae | 284 | |
a. | Stamens ten or fewer in number. | ||
b. | Stamens of the same number as the petals and opposite them. | ||
c. | Ovary more than one-celled; calyx four- to five-cleft. Rhamnaceae | 282 | |
c. | Ovary one-celled. | ||
d. | Anthers opening by uplifted valves. Berberidaceae | 152 | |
d. | Anthers opening by longitudinal slits. Portulacaceae | 120 | |
b. | Stamens not of the same number as the petals, or if of the same number, alternate with them. | ||
c. | Ovaries two or more, separate or partly united. | ||
d. | Stamens united with each other and with the large thick stigma. Asclepiadaceae | 374 | |
d. | Stamens free from each other and from the pistils. | ||
e. | Stamens inserted on the receptacle. | ||
f. | Leaves and stems fleshy. Crassulaceae | 192 | |
f. | Leaves and stems not noticeably fleshy. | ||
g. | Lobes of ovary two to five, with a common style. | ||
h. | Ovary two- to three-lobed. Limnanthaceae | 278 | |
h. | Ovary five-lobed. Geraniaceae | 274 | |
g. | Ovaries with separate styles. Ranunculaceae | 126 | |
e. | Stamens inserted on the calyx. | ||
f. | Stamens twice as many as the pistils. Crassulaceae | 192 | |
f. | Stamens not twice as many as the pistils. | ||
g. | Stipules present. Rosaceae | 218 | |
g. | g. Stipules absent. Saxifragaceae | 196 | |
c. | Ovary one, the styles and stigmas one to several. | ||
d. | Ovary with one cell and one placenta. | ||
e. | Corolla forming standard, wings and keel; filaments mostly united. Fabaceae | 242 | |
e. | Corolla not of standard, wings and keel; filaments mostly not united. | ||
f. | Stamens ten or five; fruit smooth, slender. Cassiaceae | 264 | |
f. | Stamens three or four; fruit spiny, globose. Krameriaceae | 268 | |
d. | Ovary with one or more cells and styles, and two or more placentae and stigmas. | ||
e. | Ovary one-celled. | ||
f. | Corolla irregular; petals and sepals five. Violaceae | 296 | |
f. | Corolla regular or nearly so. | ||
g. | Ovules attached at the center or bottom of the ovary. Caryophyllaceae | 112 | |
g. | Ovules attached on two placentae. | ||
h. | Stamens equal; pod on a stalk. Capparidaceae | 186 | |
h. | Stamens unequal; pod without a stalk. Cruciferae | 174 | |
e. | Ovary more than one-celled. | ||
f. | Ovary three-celled; trees with palmate leaves. Hippocastanaceae | 280 | |
f. | Ovary more than three-celled. | ||
g. | Cells of ovary as many as the sepals. | ||
h. | Anthers opening by terminal pores; dwarf evergreen shrubby plants. Pyrolaceae | 354 | |
h. | Anthers opening by longitudinal slits. | ||
i. | Ovules and seeds one or two in each cell. | ||
i. | Herbs with lobed or cut leaves. Geraniaceae | 274 | |
i. | Evergreen shrubs with varnished leaves. Zygophyllaceae | 268 | |
i. | Ovules and seeds several in each cell; leaflets three. Oxalidaceae | 272 | |
g. | Cells of ovary twice as many as the sepals. Linaceae | 270 | |
D. | Ovary inferior or more or less so. | ||
a. | Stamens more than ten in number. | ||
b. | Plant spiny; leaves absent or soon deciduous. Cactaceae | 304 | |
b. | Plant not spiny; leaves persisting for the season. | ||
c. | Leaves three-sided, fleshy. Aizoaceae | 108 | |
c. | Leaves neither three-sided nor fleshy. | ||
d. | Herbs; leaves rough-hairy. Loasaceae | 300 | |
d. | Shrubs or trees. | ||
e. | Leaves opposite; stipules none. Hydrangeaceae | 206 | |
e. | Leaves alternate; stipules present. Pomaceae | 214 | |
a. | Stamens ten or fewer in number. | ||
b. | Ovules and seeds more than one in each cell. | ||
c. | Ovary one-celled; fruit a berry. Grossulariaceae | 210 | |
c. | Ovary with two or more cells. | ||
d. | Stamens four or eight. | ||
e. | Shrubs; filaments two-forked at the apex. Hydrangeaceae | 206 | |
e. | Herbs; filaments not two-forked at the apex. Onagraceae | 312 | |
d. | Stamens five or ten; styles two or three. Saxifragaceae | 196 | |
b. | Ovules and seeds only one in each cell. | ||
c. | Stamens mostly ten; ovary partly inferior. Hydrangeaceae | 206 | |
c. | Stamens less than ten; ovary wholly inferior. | ||
d. | Stamens five; fruit dry. Umbelliferae | 332 | |
d. | Stamens four; fruit fleshy. Cornaceae | 338 | |
C. | Corolla with petals more or less united. | ||
E. | Ovary superior. | ||
a. | Stamens more than five in number. | ||
b. | Ovary one-celled. | ||
c. | Placenta one. | ||
d. | Corolla very irregular; stamens not protruding from the corolla. Fabaceae | 242 | |
d. | Corolla nearly regular; stamens Mimosaceae | 266 | |
c. | Placentae two; corolla irregular. Fumariaceae | 168 | |
b. | Ovary two to several-celled. | ||
c. | Ovary two-celled; corolla irregular. Polygalaceae | 278 | |
c. | Ovary three or more-celled; corolla regular or nearly so. | ||
d. | Stamens not attached to the corolla. | ||
e. | Style one; leaves simple. Ericaceae | 340 | |
e. | Styles more than one. | ||
f. | Styles three; erect spiny shrub. Fouquieriaceae | 294 | |
f. | Styles five; low herbs. Oxalidaceae | 272 | |
d. | Stamens attached to the corolla, plants without green foliage. Monotropaceae | 356 | |
a. | Stamens five or fewer in number. | ||
b. | Corolla regular. | ||
c. | Stamens free from the corolla. Ericaceae | 340 | |
c. | Stamens attached to the corolla. | ||
d. | Pistil one. | ||
e. | Stamens of the same number as the corolla lobes and opposite them. Primulaceae | 362 | |
e. | Stamens alternate with the corolla lobes or fewer. | ||
f. | Ovary one- or two-celled. | ||
g. | Styles two or occasionally one. | ||
h. | Capsule usually many-seeded; sepals united. Hydrophyllaceae | 402 | |
h. | Capsule few-seeded; sepals separate. Convolvulaceae | 380 | |
g. | Styles one or none. | ||
h. | leaves opposite. | ||
i. | Trees with pinnate leaves. Oleaceae | 366 | |
i. | Herbs with simple smooth-edged leaves. Gentianaceae | 368 | |
h. | Leaves alternate. | ||
i. | Ovary one-celled; leaves with three leaflets. Menyanthaceae | 380 | |
i. | Ovary two-celled; leaves various. Solanaceae | 458 | |
f. | Ovary three- or four-celled. | ||
g. | Style one; ovary three-celled. Polemoniaceae | 384 | |
g. | Styles two; ovary four-celled. Boraginaceae | 422 | |
d. | Pistils two. | ||
e. | Stamens and stigmas united; flowers with hood-like appendages. Asclepiadaceae | 374 | |
e. | Stamens and stigmas not united; flowers without hood-like appendages. Apocynaceae | 378 | |
b. | Corolla more or less irregular. | ||
c. | Fruit a many-seeded capsule. | ||
d. | Ovary two-celled. Scrophulariaceae | 466 | |
d. | Ovary one-celled; plants without green foliage. Orobanchaceae | 504 | |
c. | Fruit of two or four seed-like nutlets. | ||
d. | Ovary four-lobed; plants mostly aromatic. Labiatae | 434 | |
d. | Ovary not lobed; plants rarely aromatic. Verbenaceae | 434 | |
E. | Ovary inferior. | ||
a. | Stamens eight or ten; evergreen shrubs. Ericaceae | 340 | |
a. | Stamens five or fewer in number. | ||
b. | Plants tendril-bearing. Cucurbitaceae | 518 | |
b. | Plants not tendril-bearing. | ||
c. | Stamens free, not united. | ||
d. | Leaves alternate; stamens free from the corolla. Campanulaceae | 520 | |
d. | Leaves opposite or whorled; stamens inserted on the corolla. | ||
e. | Stamens one to three. Valerianaceae | 508 | |
e. | Stamens four to five. | ||
f. | Leaves opposite, never in whorls nor with stipules. Caprifoliaceae | 512 | |
f. | Leaves opposite and with stipules, or in whorls and without stipules. Rubiaceae | 506 | |
c. | Stamens united by their anthers. | ||
d. | Corollas all strap-shaped and perfect; juice milky. Cichoriaceae | 570 | |
d. | Marginal corollas strap-shaped, never perfect; disk corollas perfect; juice not milky. Compositae | 522 |