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General Knowledge, etc.


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The general education of the student must on no account be neglected, in prematurely or unduly developing his talent for 'cello playing. The life of a musician is distinctly social, and it should be the aim of all aspirants to the title of artist, to fit themselves for the society into which it is likely their professional duties will take them.

It is well known that some people believe that musical talent can only be in a high state of cultivation, at the expense of every other branch of learning; the term virtuoso in their estimation being synonymous with ignorance or even vice. Others even go so far as to imagine that all great musicians are in a more or less state of imbecility, and no matter how much they may be encouraged when on the concert platform, if invited to a private social function would only be tolerated for their musical capabilities. In a great measure this has been caused by some few artists who have thought to add to their popularity by assuming in their demeanour, eccentricities of the Paganini type.

In these days of much education, it is almost essential for the violoncellist who hopes for only ordinary success, especially as a teacher, to be well grounded in several secondary subjects, as well as in 'cello playing. Besides an ordinary English education, the following are the most important, Theory of Music, Musical Form, a slight knowledge at least of Harmony and History of Music, and for teaching purposes, if not for his own edification, a smattering of at least two modern languages, say French and German; even if the instrumentalist only knows the correct pronunciation of musical terms in these and similar languages, much blundering will be saved. To all this should be added a complete knowledge of the construction of the violoncello, and also its most well known makers, together with the period in which they worked.

The reader will perhaps be dismayed at so large a list of subjects, but as it is not necessary to teach every subject of which one knows a little, sufficient for one's own use may soon be learned, if a properly regulated course of reading be adopted. To accomplish this, it is much better to master an elementary work on each subject, than to skip through a more advanced treatise in an imperfect fashion. Messrs. Novello, Ewer and Co. publish some very useful little works on some of the above subjects. There is also a little book on Theory by Robt. Sutton (Robert Cocks and Co.) which will be found to be very useful for beginners.

The above and similar works should be the daily companions of the young student for the first few years of his pupilage.

Chats to 'Cello Students

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