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Various Bowings Applied to Scale Practice.
ОглавлениеIt is a mistake for a young player to imagine that after he has once "been through" the scales with his teacher, he need never bother himself about them again. When the major and minor scales in three octaves can be played from memory, it will be found to be of great assistance in keeping the intonation correct in all the keys, to adopt a system of daily scale practice. The number of scales taken each day must depend upon the amount of time which each student has at command; it is advisable, however, to be content with one kind of bowing each week, and even longer may be devoted to bowings which are difficult to master, or in which the student happens to be backward. The advantage of studying the various bowings after this method, is that the attention of the student, not being occupied with reading the music, can be fully directed to the management of the bow.