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IN this task, the author has received the generous help of many, many people. I would like to specifically mention the fine detective work of Sue Savidge of Winchester, a relation of the Author’s wife Sandy. At the risk of leaving someone out, he wishes to acknowledge the generous assistance of the following people: Richard Alcock; Douglas Austin; Commander Erminio Bagnasco; Jo Bailey; Gertrude Barrett; Alec Bateson; Maurizio Brescia; Jane (née Friedberger) and Michael Bretherton; Jim Calcraft; Peter Cannon, Petty Officer, Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Canberra; Christian Carpenter; Joseph Caruana; Ron Checketts; Andrew Choong, National Maritime Museum, Woolwich; Julie Cochrane; David Davies; Elizabeth K Dickson; Michael Eisenstadt; Meredith Elsik; Contrammiraglio Maurizio Ertreo; Angela Evennett; Robert Ferry; Hans Frank; Mark Friedberger; Frederick Galea; Jock Gardner, Naval Historical Branch; Edward Barry Gibson, 4th Lord Ashbourne; Rachel Gill, Tyne & Wear Archives; Ian Goodwin; Norman Goodwin, RIP, & son Tim Goodwin; Jeremy Grindle; Catherine Hamilton née Robertson; Jean Hannant née Cowie; Brian Hargreaves, World Ship Society and Warships; Detlef Hartwig; Dolores Ho; Harley and Peta Hodges; Heather Johnson, National Museum of the Royal Navy; Mark Johnston; Alexander Kasterine; Christopher Langtree; Eric Leon; Ken Maher, RIP; L O Maurer; Helen Mavin, Imperial War Museum; Michael McAloon, Naval Historical Branch; Alison Metcalfe, National Library of Scotland; Jeremy Michell, National Maritime Museum, Woolwich; John Mizzi; Ray Moore, Fast Minelayers Association; Victoria Northridge, Imperial War Museum; Charles Orr Ewing; Trevor Piper; Francesca Pitaro, Associated Press Corporate Archives; Robin and Flickie Pleydell-Bouverie; Diana Porter; Anthony Price; Steven Prince, Naval Historical Branch; Bill Pye; George Robbert; Jane Rosen, Imperial War Museum; Sue and Mark Savidge; Randy Short; Peter C Smith; Sue Sullivan, Navy News; Bob Swartz; Leanne Tamaki, 28maoribattalion.org; Ronald Thake; Jack Tully-Jackson; Lt. Cmdr. Ben Warlow, RN; Corinna Westwood, Isle of Wight Heritage Service; Jacqueline Whiting née Ferry; Alastair Wilson; Jennifer Wraight, Admiralty Library.

To anyone he has inadvertently left out, and there is surely someone, the author sincerely apologises. The author of course takes full responsibility for any and all errors in this work.

Very Special Ships

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