Читать книгу The Glass Constellation - Arthur Sze - Страница 7

OPENING POEMS FROM The Redshifting Web 1998 Before Completion 1


I gaze through a telescope at the Orion Nebula,

a blue vapor with a cluster of white stars,

gaze at the globular cluster in Hercules,

needle and pinpoint lights stream into my eyes.

A woman puts a baby in a plastic bag

and places it in a dumpster; someone

parking a car hears it cry and rescues it.

Is this the little o, the earth?

Deer at dusk are munching apple blossoms;

a green snake glides down flowing acequia water.

The night is rich with floating pollen;

in the morning, we break up the soil

to prepare for corn. Fossilized cotton pollen

has been discovered at a site above six thousand feet.

As the character yi, change, is derived

from the skin of a chameleon, we are

living the briefest hues on the skin

of the world. I gaze at the Sombrero Galaxy

between Corvus and Spica: on a night with no moon,

I notice my shadow by starlight.

The Glass Constellation

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