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Chapter 1: On People and Not…
ОглавлениеIt is no secret that even the military recognizes the existence of UFOs. To clarify: UFOs should not be a simple association with some aliens. UFO – is first of all an unidentified flying machine . In addition, there are organizations that study not standard phenomena, unidentified, that is, remaining mysterious events, cases. I do not mean any investigation, criminal or similar, but exactly an event that goes beyond our usual logic.
Next I have one confession to make. In ozzmozhno it will have some consequences for me, but I can't do it without it either. To make it interesting for you to read, I have to make it . It consists in the fact that, in addition to the information that is openly available on the network, there is information from closed networks. For many people it is no secret that there is a dark side of the Internet – a separate world to which mere mortals the way is forbidden. Of course, it is not surprising that it is guarded by those who inhabit this world, but, no matter how strange, those who "hunt " for these "creatures", also unwittingly provide them with additional security . It is the intelligence services, whose goal is to make open all aspects of an individual's life, who fight against the secret side of citizens' relationships, using special organizations and special programs (as we know, anti-viruses), create a powerful barrier between that world and this, explicit one. In that world things happen with impunity that are punishable in this world. But the point for me is not that drugs, weapons, organs and other things are sold there, but the following: in the process of investigation I came to the conclusion that someone ( or something or nobody) created this system, this underground world on purpose, in order to conduct activities, negotiations there, that is to live out of sight of the manifest world. And when I dug deeper, it turned out that in that world "life" began earlier than in this world, in the explicit one.
Here you need to understand correctly the following: in fact, the Internet was created by a special military organization, which was, accordingly, classified. At first it was a military communication system called Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a computer network created in 1969 in the United States by the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which was the prototype of the Internet . In any new technology, even for commercial purposes, is classified. And the systems created by special services and the military are even more so. This is understood, if not by everyone, then by many.
With time, many events , documents, technologies become not secret, but there are some moments in them that are always secret. Imagine if some time ago other intelligent beings settled on Earth, organized our civilization, led it according to their plan. Would it be a global secret for all time? Of course it would! Now the background (you may not believe it, your right): I decided to reveal some of the material, although I presented it in a slightly modified form, so that it was not quite clear where here is truth and where is fiction. With oglaisyte, human civilization is permeated with such stories – from myths and legends about magic, about other worlds, fairy tale creatures to religious cults, belief in God, justified by the suspicions about the existence of such centers, about which I intend to write. Though I will again specify (just in case): all stated is fiction, and there everyone will understand to the extent of his representation of the real reality. After all, everyone has his own point of view about the structure of our world, t and even more so about its hidden underside .
In general, once I was appointed to a commission to investigate paranormal phenomena. I hid it for many years, accordingly, I signed a non-disclosure, so, remaining true to duty, I write about it in the genre of science fiction . About However, I decided to open at least a window into this secret world, because ( I know from my secret channels) "explosion" is coming.
The first case involves, as in the best traditions of the genre, intellectual beings not of earthly origin. I see the modest smiles of some… and not modest either . However, agree, the more one realizes the majesty and magnitude of the universe, the more one wishes to be not alone in these vast expanses , the more one believes in the possibility of extraterrestrial communication with time. Isn't the same way? P look around at all this from the outside and recognize: late or sooner this communication will be realized and the existing one will be revealed.
When we start talking about aliens, most people think of a secret area called Area 51 in the United United States. In fact, this is just a distraction of public opinion, of public consciousness. Think about it logically: if aliens wanted to secretly arrive on Earth and build themselves a center for human surveillance, then couldn't they influence people in advance, recruit some (the right ones) or take on the appearance of humans? In go people are all different too. With the available technology, even Earth technology, they could certainly do it easily. However, here I need to make some clarifications , make an introduction about the cloud structure itself, named as alien visitation to Earth.
Believe me, many people have a very poor understanding of the very options of how this can be realized, respectively, the very structure of the system of moving living beings in space. To make you understand, roughly describe the following (I often repeat this , but there is no way without it): light from the Sun to us flies 8 minutes at a speed of 300 thousand km per second, and our spaceships, which are built at the current technological level not , fly at a speed of 16, 65 km/second. This is the third space speed (the minimum speed that must be given to a body for it to overcome the gravitational pull of the Sun and leave the solar system). So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand kilometers per second, it is very little. Moreover, for living organisms flying in space even at a speed of 16, 65 km/s is very problematic. In the first place, radiation , as we know, penetrates everywhere, and secondly, blood circulation and… our brain also consist mostly of liquid. And fluids are more susceptible to inertial shifts under the influence of gravity and acceleration . That is why I accompany many of my expert opinions with the same introductions , which are based on my invented method of moving in space, finding other worlds, transferring consciousness from one body to another , and even to a being in another world. I learned the scientific component of this possibility by studying these secret materials. The essence of e e is the following: firstly, there is such a paradox of science as effect of quantum-entangled pairs. I will not tell about it for a long time, I often describe it in all my works, besides, there is a lot of information in the Internet . In a nutshell, quantum entanglement occurs at the moment when two or more particles become bound together. The point is that the interaction of these quantum entangled pairs violates all the laws of physics regarding the rate of interaction. And the laws of physics regarding speed, for example, are based on the fact that there is no speed higher than the speed of light. As I said, this speed is 300 thousand km/s. But these quantum entangled pairs affect each other with instantaneous speed, which is even impossible to calculate. Thus can fly these pairs of particles to any distances. Secondly, it is possible to transfer consciousness from one brain to another. For example, I have an interesting idea – a thought that I want to convey to you, for example. What do I do? I form this thought into words, tell someone, or write, or transfer my thoughts with the help of implanted chip directly to artificial intelligence, which can both print and voice, and with different voices . Accordingly, this is how I materialize my thoughts, such as the ones you are reading. By the way, this unique chip and software to it were developed by engineers of the company "ZASLON", and integration was carried out by the author, whom you have the honor to read, that is me. Sorry , I can't deny my modesty (I smile).
A special place in my story belongs to the author of the software, whose name I cannot reveal. He was listed in our filing cabinet under the code name Rembrandt. Actually, around his secret activity goes all my narration, which is an investigation. It itself is not official, as it were. I was tasked to carefully find out all aspects of what happened and the events preceding this . So to say, tacitly, in a friendly way, so as not to scare off… To wow? That's what I was supposed to find out, too.
However, I have distracted you a bit. So, that if you or someone else would read or listen to my thought, understand and reflect my thoughts in their thoughts, it is necessary to convert it into some form that we understand. After all, we never learned to read thoughts in the process of evolution. This is how my thought, and thought as such, turns out to be in another brain, in another consciousness, and there, for example, in your brain, as if in your consciousness, it becomes your thought. So in this way I have converted my thought into your thought. But is a long process. If you imagine your personality as a picture of moral and spiritual characteristics, convert it into digital form, then your thought will be one millimicron cell of this picture. And if all the cells are converted into a special program, then your personality will be encrypted in this program. Thus, you can take and, let's say, make a complete description of a person in the form of a complex formula, a mathematical matrix, a computer program. Not only to describe appearance, character or some peculiarities, but to take the totality of all analysis systems , be it blood parameters, tomography data of the whole organism, X-ray of body parts or something else, – analysis of everything that makes up an individual, and make an image of a person. But how to know all these parameters in accuracy, including the mechanisms that form the mental picture of a person, i.e. the formula by which the brain forms them? This is the most difficult thing. And this task was solved in the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC, namely by a team led by this very genius, and not only in the field of binary code, i.e. in programming. This fantasist and wizard was named by us in the secret documents with the name of another genius – Rembrandt.
So, about decoding, or rather – digitalization of thought and in general the whole essence of a human being. We can do the reverse process: copy information – digital image of a person – from a computer and transfer it to another computer. Accordingly, it is also possible to copy human brain, or rather, all that it keeps in itself, even hidden information, and transfer it through special systems and programs to another person. So far it is all e secret technologies, which we do imagine, but still e do not fully understand, little believe in them . However, as we know, all e ingenious is simple. If we write down our thoughts, for example, we copy our words on a special recording device and then transfer them somewhere, send them over the network or even let them "free float" with the help of radio waves, then play them on other devices, then why can't we copy our brain completely – the information from it, that is all that makes up our personality, and transfer it to another person, as in another computer? All e is possible. This is another part of technology, created in the bowels of JSC " ZASLON" in tandem with the bureau, which is represented in my personal ts . Otherwise, why am I writing about it? Not to mention the fact that I am the chairman of the internal investigation commission. It is kind of necessary to make a reservation here, why the investigation is being conducted, to announce the reasons that caused it but for now let me talk about technology, more precisely, about technology – both in general and directly born in the dungeons of ZASLON JSC.
M aleven explanation: enterprise ZASLON is a general contractor of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the field of development, production and supply of information and complex systems of automated control, software, instrumentation and microelectronics. It is the largest scientific and technical center in this area on a global scale. It is this world scale that will be the element of an important investigation. The enterprise was, of course, a regime enterprise, but the scientific specialists of the enterprise were not only frequent ( and welcome) guests and participants of all kinds of international exhibitions and conferences, but also consultants ( read: leading specialists), including secret projects and missions, in cooperation programs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
I will now return to the thread of familiarization with technology. Let me remind you that we talked about recording consciousness, i.e. the whole essence of data that make up human personality, on a non-living material medium. Although it is impossible to record it on a living one. But only not for the magicians of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. Yes- yes, I understand your desire to know how, but please be patient.
The next component of the technology, developed in the mentioned laboratory of ZASLON JSC, is a complex system that will influence this program, into which the person's personality will be translated, on the mechanism that will control the spin of quantum-entangled particles.
Here again I must divert you to an explanation: spin is, simply put , the moment of rotation of these quantum-entangled particles. And quantum entangled particles are two or more disconnected particles, which retain a connection between themselves, therefore entangled, as if connected by an invisible thread. They rotate and influence each other in such a way that if with the help of special systems to change the rotation of one particle, that is, to influence the way it rotates (you can even stop it ), then the second one instantly reacts and mirrors . This is such a parallel world. And it is not scientifically clarified how this connection is realized between them . Let me remind you that their interaction with each other is instantaneous. Why am I talking about this ? In with it is about one system – finding other worlds (I understand your surprise), moving there, transferring consciousness, as you have understood, and taking possession of the body, which is in these worlds. It is not necessary to transfer a body in space , but it is impossible, for long distances for sure, especially for the universe the speed of light is still e and very long, not counting the fact that according to the laws of physics material bodies cannot reach e e. It sounds fantastic, I am talking about other worlds and the method of entering them. O but is not fantastic the chain of influences – nuclear fusion in the nucleus of stars and the possibility of our existence, and in general protein bodies (for the life of protein creatures need heavy elements like carbon, which contains 12 protons in the nucleus) ? This process was made possible by nuclear fusion in the core of super hot massive stars billions of years ago . Or isn't the miraculous origin of life? By some minuscule part of the male fuses with part of the female and.... whoa, whoa, whoa!… there is someone who reads this, someone who writes this … well, you get my drift.
So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand km/s ( not per hour, but per second), even if we overcome all these difficulties related to gravity, radiation, inertia and other difficulties, even half jets within our C solar system will not be so fast (for example, a flight from Neptune to the Sun would take 50 days). To say nothing of flying to a neighboring star… well, that's a long time, about 1272 years . And it takes 761 million years to fly to our neighbor Andromeda (the galaxy T umanity of Andromeda, closest to our own). Yes same if we invert all the laws of physics (at least those that are established now) and reach for flights speed of light for material bodies (according to Einstein's theory, in which I very much doubt, material bodies can not reach the speed of light) – 300 thousand. km/s , then to our neighboring star – Proxima Centauri – to fly more than four years, and to the same A ndromeda – more than 2, 5 million years. Imagine how long it would take to fly at a speed that we can technically control – 16.65 km/s. Accordingly, when they say why there are no aliens, why we don't even hear them – I will answer : because to osmosis is huge. Even if we fly at the speed of light, which is not conceivable according to the laws of physics, although radio waves travel at this speed, the movement even within our galaxy will take tens of thousands of years (it is more than 100 thousand light years across). E if even inside our galaxy there is an advanced civilization, at least at our level, then if they sent us hello, say, about thirty thousand years ago, and are on the other side of the galaxy, at the same distance from the nucleus as we are, we will hear them again at least in thirty thousand years. Now, I hope I have made some clarity about the appearance of aliens on Earth. On this issue, I think, it will not be superfluous to touch upon the Drake formula (estimation of the possible number of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy) and the Fermi paradox (absence of visible traces of activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, which should have settled all over the selves over billions of years of e e development).
Based on the comparisons above, if these UFOs appear in our area, it means that they also depend on such parameter as distance and speed. All hyperjumps, wormholes and reincarnation into another form and then materialization in our reality, can, of course, take place, but then the question remains open – why such complexity? Isn't it easier to appear on our Earth at once, having incarnated in a body, to materialize in such a magical way or to pour all into the consciousness of an earthly inhabitant. To statistics, it is often mentioned in all kinds of paranormal testimonies. To of course, given that UFOs in general are. If we proceed from the statements of various kinds of personalities, those whom I had to investigate, and not only them, – they are real; moreover , with them contacted. This is a hackneyed topic, I realize, that arouses skepticism. However, I have hinted frankly why this narrative is not a documentary read. Agree, it is only necessary to assume the existence of a civilization other than ours, their visit to our planet, their influence on us, so immediately becomes completely justified their desire to hide from people their existence.
There is this religious statement: the basis of the devil's being is not to harm man, but to present himself as B og and prove his absence. I would add: however, to leave us with solid reasons to believe in something supernatural, something to be feared, therefore to read, to believe, and to act on his mercy and love for us. This is also a paradox of our logic and psychology.
However, let's follow the central line of the narrative, so far about UFOs. From the point of view of logic , if UFOs appear, if it is recorded (and the military and special services), it means that these aliens appear periodically. If proceeding from the above arguments (distances and speed), then either they are found accidentally, or they live here, or they conduct experiments on us.
Here someone once seriously thought: where does all this come from? It all started with the investigation of these very unexplained events – UFO sightings by the military. Since everyone would like to have a technology that allows almost invisible and fast travel, e or at least . Moreover, they most likely took care of their safety, so such technology is there. So, according to the available data, according to most of the secret protocols of ZASLON JSC about testing of the Perceptron A-1 installation, – this is not a figment of imagination. I will begin to reveal little by little the secrets of technologies , which became known to me from the program in which I became a participant . Although, what is there to be wise about, we are talking about the technologies I described above. And about the installation of "Per eptron A-1" I will explain: n perceptron – a type of neural networks. It is based on a mathematical model of information perception by the brain. The idea was to create an artificial neural network – a simplified model of a biological neural network. The biological neural network is the human brain. The human brain, and indeed the brain as such, is a complex biological neural network that takes information from the senses and converts it e into the understanding we have of the world as a whole: as the natural world – in selves with all its components . The brain is made up of neurons interacting with each other. "Alchemists" of the enterprise "ZASLON" decided to use the whole totality of systems perceiving something as a similarity of sense organs. And it was a global research and program. Radio telescopes on space satellites; colliders, including the Large Hadron collider; sensors scattered over the vastness of the world ocean; receiving systems of all ranges – from military radars to household antennas – were integrated into the common system. And even the cell phone system was set up to transmit covert signals of interference, from magnetic storms to the relic radiation of the universe. If you have a question "how?", think of the above-mentioned contacts with foreign research and production associations. H and in fact all global systems, from intelligence to research bureaus (at similar to ours), contact and cooperate regardless of even wars and declared policies. This is an equally complex topic, but not the subject of this investigation, which I have defined for myself as research.
For now, let's go in order. About those technologies, described by me above, about expediency of extraterrestrial beings in the body of an earthly inhabitant not just for the sake of a red word said. The general program consists of this important component. The essence is the control of consciousness. However, if some kind of hypnosis, suggestion, advertising or mystical bondage came to your mind, I hasten to disbelieve you, or rather, to clarify: is a direct control of consciousness – as a material component , almost an object. This is done in the following way: the human consciousness is written by the formula of a special matrix into a program. Then with the help of this program influence on those very quantum disconnected particles, on their spin , on the moment of rotation. Spin means literally "rotation". It is the intrinsic momentum of elementary particles, having both quantum and classical nature.
A complex system is implemented, thus transmitting information about the primary system, – about the image from which the matrix is composed, similar, conditionally, to a symbiosis of programs that create everything – from cartoons and movies to objects on a 3D- printer. Thus a special language of the code of rotation is created, of the very spin, each element of which, as if each letter of this alphabet, differs from the other by micron fractions of a millimeter in the change of this spin. Imagine the level of technology that allows you to change the spin of a particle and with the help of it make a matrix in which your inner world is displayed in numbers, letters and symbols – in general, everything that makes up your self. E there are two difficulties: how to collect information about what makes up your personality, and how to remove it completely from your brain and rewrite it into another brain. Here in this matter our hero, this Rembrandt, has shown the excellent quality of his imagination. Proceeding from the fact that all our thoughts and feelings are electrochemical reactions in the brain, in its original generation, he decided to record them and forcibly, with the help of an implanted chip, cause similar reactions in another brain. H example, a person could receive a signal that caused meaningful laughter in the original brain, and laugh , but not know the cause. What would make the reaction meaningful was to recreate the complex of signals together. This task did not become a dilemma for our master. By the way, I call Rembrandt "our" Rembrandt a little ironically, he was working more on tasks under auspices of the concern "ZASLON". At us, he "mutilated" one very unusual, secret and also dangerous program. However, I will leave the intrigue for the time being....
Rembrandt came up with this system: in a room without furniture, with neutral color walls, floor and ceiling, with minimal lighting, where there was only a chair and an electronic calendar on the wall, the experimenter with an implanted chip had to look at this calendar, on which the days changed, starting from the day of his birth. This allowed memories linked in a chronological chain to be revealed. After the fifth time, a fairly voluminous picture of the person's life history was created, which, in turn, was formalized into an animated movie with the help of a neural network. Watching the video allowed maximally recall all the events that seemed already forgotten. All e this time the chip recorded fixed brain signals, which could be different for the same event from time to time by sessions. A matrix of electrochemical reactions , which is a picture of personality, was created from the whole set of signals. The second stage was recording the signals of electrochemical reactions in the process of watching different genre videos . These could be both full-length movies and short commercials. The result was a so-called picture of a person's personality in historical progression. That is, not only what you are, but also what you were once. In the final stage another animated movie was generated, and on the basis of reactions when watching it the final formula of a person's personality was fixed, which included reactions from the sensual perception of one's actions depending on time, place and event.
After that came the general stage, in which the collected complex of reactions was excited in another brain and… sim- salabim!.. transmigration of souls. Hypnosis and zombie- experiments of the MK-Ultra program are quietly smoking in the sidelines: we have the effect of personality substitution. By the way, we constantly transfer, though partially, our personality into other people. In a primitive version, the analogy of this can be any adoption of any knowledge, properties, manners. For example, people in the process of learning to some extent adopt the teacher's personality; your idol in any field, from variety shows to religious cult, whose manners and thoughts you want to adopt, also transfers partially his "I" to you. But if you write off, copy, as from a computer, everything that is contained in your brain, then your body will be just a prototype of the "hardware" of a computer system. T now the next step: what if we copy the body too? In son-in-law and clone you, during year to grow the body by special technologies (which are already used in animal husbandry), and after that to bring there the image stored in your consciousness and subconsciousness – all cognitive, moral-spiritual, intellectual content of your brain. Now let us introduce a set of certain signals by categories – laughter, anger and all other manifestations of the human psyche. So you can make a kind of alphabet, with the help of it form different psychotypes, and then load into the clone the artificial image needed for any task, mission. That is to have a catalog of electrochemical signals, in which the whole structure of human consciousness will be represented. You could in the same way that an image is transmitted over a network ( what a digital camera does, this picture appears elsewhere), transfer your consciousness over a distance. It will even be possible to carry the substitute consciousness with you. For example, on a dangerous mission or just traveling. For example, you might want to rent a clone and inhabit it. You may even be a different gender. You may be smiling, but believe me, in tandem with our colleagues at ZASLON we have been working on exactly that.
Yes, I realize to the average person these are implausible technologies. But do you know all about the level of technology possessed by the intelligence services? I often cite one story to understand this level: on August 4, 1945, a delegation of Soviet schoolchildren presented Ambassador Averell Harriman of the United States of America with a gift – a wooden panel of precious wood with the image of the Great Seal of the United States.
Security technicians carefully checked the coat of arms for metal and found nothing. The American ambassador hung it on the wall of his office. Only eight years later it was discovered that the gift panel had been fitted with a " bug" and the Soviet security services had been listening in on the ambassador's secret conversations.
To activate this device, a secret NKVD post located in a neighboring building sent a constant 800 MHz radio signal to the wooden coat of arms. When a conversation took place in the office, a thin film membrane vibrated under the influence of sound waves. E that vibration modulated the reflection of the irradiating radio signal. The reflected radio waves hit the radio antenna of another, NKVD receiving post in the apartment of a nearby building. The uniqueness of "Zlatoust" (this was the code name for this device) was that it did not require any power supply and acted in the same way as a mirror when reflecting light.
That's the way it is, back in 1945 . What do you want now, when a smartphone has functions that not every sci-fi writer of the past, or even a professional spy, could dream of. And now that a mini chip with smartphone functions can be implanted into a human being, powered by your biology, and integrated into the World Wide Web , to say that my revelation is implausible is to sign your limited imagination.
By the way, that device "Zlatoust" was invented also in the holy of holies – the secret laboratory of the company "ZASLON". True, at that time organization had a secret name: plant No. 287.
So, it is done in such a way: in order for the necessary, for example, your consciousness to enter the brain of another person, first it is necessary to influence that brain to receive special signals that excite electrochemical reactions, and then one consciousness will replace the other. I'll tell you a secret… although no secret will work. I confess in advance: I am going to make the results of the investigation public. You will understand the reason in the final act of the protocol and , I hope, appreciate what prospect for mankind lies behind this innovation. So, brain action signals must be adapted to the frequency of infrasound. Infrasound is waves with frequencies lower than those perceived by the human ear. One must be very careful in experiments with infrasound, when infrasound frequencies coincide with the natural frequencies of human organs (resonance) can completely destroy one or another organ . This is a little difficult to understand, but it is actually very simple. I am describing all these details, so that there is an understanding of the basis on which the mission that was the cause of the investigation was carried out. This is an introduction to the described history : recording of consciousness; cloning of the body; transfer of consciousness – "implantation " in living beings (I so call all living things, in which it is possible to implant human consciousness; as you have understood, human consciousness can be implanted not only in a human being). I am writing about this method as an introductory explanation of the expert for the representatives of the investigative committee who are investigating on the official state level. Let me remind you that, among other things, as an expert I am the head of the internal investigation committee. I need to prepare you as well, so that you understand what we are talking about. So, if you believe that not only a part of your consciousness, but also your speech, and any creativity "produced" by your intellect, can be sent, for example, by radio waves… even by ordinary letter, even by cuneiform, and also e in the form of a program, and, as I have already said, absolutely everything e that makes up your personality, then you can easily enter the world we are going to talk about. And this is not a world in the sense of a habitat system like our planet, but an imaginary magical universe. Imagine that you were one of the bacteria that live inside you, and suddenly became what you are. Imagine the world changing, what does this concept mean now?
So, I hope you have grasped the essence of consciousness transfer technology. Now you understand what can be done with the help of the effect of quantum entangled pairs paradox: instantaneously transfer your consciousness to any distances of the universe. Of course, the question legitimately arises: why did I suddenly decide to talk about the identity of living ( and, most importantly, thinking) beings in other worlds? But let us speculate, compare and take a look at what we are used to from the outside. First of all let's take a look at the diversity of species of living beings on Earth, not of an earthly inhabitant . Just for effect let's imagine: you are a conditional alien, you were born and lived on a space station. And isolated or with a minimum number of their own kind, which at least are not diverse in height, weight, race , that is maximally identical. What's my point? In the first, you have not contemplated any living beings, except people, in living, and secondly, under such circumstances you more appreciate such feature: with all diversity of species on the Earth all living things have something in common. T now let's ask: why with the uniform laws of physics of the whole universe there should be formed other ways of life? Here I must remind you of something, perhaps you know about it: a group of scientists conducted the largest census of species of living beings in history and determined the number of one trillion! And taking into account that, according to the conclusions of the same experts, to date described of them about 0.001% , and if you add to this – more than 90% of living organisms are already extinct, the diversity that gave birth to Mother Earth, very impressive. But the essence of the example is this: I want you to imagine every living organism formed on Earth, and the extinct ones too, as a separate civilization. Imagined how different we all are, children of the third planet in the C ollunar system of the Milky P uts galaxy? I will not hold back and remind you: in this galaxy that I mentioned, about 400 billion suns like ours (in the neighboring one – about a trillion), and galaxies… it is not known how many – presumably also a trillion. Get the hint?
E there is one feature that I believe is natural: if here, on Earth, such a variant of an intelligent being as we are, it is the form that living matter – man – has taken, it is this design of organism that has become intelligent, then there are reasons for it. Think about how many species have evolved, evolved and disappeared or not become intelligent for some reason. So the form that the RNA molecule has taken is the only correct method of nature, the kind of design that can most clearly manifest the intelligent property. According to the modern conception of the world, ribonucleic acid (RNA) was the first molecule to acquire the ability to self-reproduce. E sli the appearance and development of even non-living structure, from which it became possible to form a living cell on the planet Earth, depends, among other things, on the location of our luminary in a comfortable area of the galaxy, then, accordingly, the same conditions are needed for a similar process in any part of the universe. Let me clarify: RNA cannot be called a living being, since has no body boundaries. Due to the Sun's location in the inner edge of Orion's arm, in a place where for 4, 5, billion years now there have been hothouse conditions, a "zone Z latovlaski". In simple explanation, the "Goldilocks zone" is a habitable zone, a region around a star where the planet's average temperature allows liquid water to exist. On a global galactic scale, the primary significance was the absence of hard cosmic radiation – the absence in proximity of the star formation process. However, the formation of life, as we know it, requires carbon – and not simple carbon, but with the appropriate energy levels of electrons and protons. And for its formation, exactly for setting the necessary parameters , we need this very hard radiation, or rather, the "melting pot" of supermassive stars, which somewhere, long before the formation of the C solar system flamed up.
Do you see how everything is interdependent? Accordingly, everything in the universe, no matter how different, has something in common, at least the periodic table of chemical elements. And in this paradigm, no matter how different the life on our planet, and in all worlds, but ( and this is important) it has a common trend of development . Accordingly, all intelligent beings in the cosmos have the same species. Even more: all worlds are identical, maximally similar in parameters. It is like differences between many parameters of people, including moral-spiritual, cognitive qualities : all have levels of norms of health, vitality, working pressure, body temperature and other . Therefore, there is a lot of life in the cosmos, and it all has one thing in common.
Now the next step, material from the secret protocols themselves about where aliens are located on our Earth. Earth. Yes- yes, you heard me. E if they are located… that is I know for a fact that they are (already now), but I want you to understand logically: they are located in places that few people pay attention to. Logically the most ideal place… think about it… is Antarctica, some deserts or taiga – places where there is no living, at least intellectual soul for thousands of kilometers. Although in the modern world from space everything e peeks out. And not logically – humming "human anthills", the busiest megacities. However all e this is not true.
The study of extraterrestrial civilizations , who have visited the Earth or are among us, has long been engaged in at the state level, strange as it may seem. After all, not only ancient manuscripts testify about it, but also many legends and myths. Now someone will say: all e is a conspiracy theory. Even the meteorite fall, because of which dinosaurs seemed to become extinct, and the Tunguska meteorite – not a natural phenomenon, but visiting the planet by some creatures. This information, unfortunately, I could not find out from the documents to which I got access with the "top secret". Wh then I want to say: either something was really located there (in the place where the Tunguska meteorite fell) and they really landed there, or someone landed there ..... Either because there was already a road there, there were many expeditions there, or they built it for an expedition there, or, sorry, someone destroyed someone or wanted to destroy… Where am I going with this? T from the secret center, in which I conduct my activities, is located in the area of Podkamennaya T unguska. And this even raises questions even for me. And questions remained even after fully familiarizing myself with the documents of this secret place engaged in the study of aliens. I think any of you would also marvel at learning the founding date of this facility. Although the date given as the opening day of "the contact center for converting trans galactic signals" may not be the fact of its founding. Either way, the opening of this center in 1908 . Surprised? Then get ready for the following: on the day of the opening ( and this is from documents, minutes of meetings) the 28th congress of contactors took place. About that to these contactors, I found out later and I will dedicate you later. I was surprised by another (though I never figured out if I understood the documented information correctly): the congress takes place at each passage of Halley's comet in maximum approach to the planet. Here now also think – guess. Moreover, the chairman of the protocol committee, someone under the code nickname DEV, was listed as a specialist of "the method of transformation of sounds occurring during the passage of exhaled air through the membranes of vocal cords" since the first congress. Maybe , code name in the documents was not changed. I was also interested in such a question coming from objective data: either the secret center itself was already there, and after that they staged a staged explosion, or a variant with an assassination attempt, which is suspicious.
I will now hasten to acquaint you with the activities of this mysterious institution. I assure you that everything I testify to has a rational grain of truth. However… you understand. In the course of studying alien civilizations you will often be both amazed and skeptical . So,
the center, of course, is equipped with the latest technology, of course, this "latest word" has not yet been "pronounced" to the general public ( not that to civil society, even to the leading intelligence services). A little bit about appearance: the object, of course, has the classic look of a bunker. Satellites can see everything . Although… the timing of the foundation discouraged me. But… okay. You will not notice the entrance itself, even if it was not camouflaged: the nearest 600 km radius from it is fenced by a dense ring of military systems. Strategic nuclear missile launch silos are located in this area. Accordingly, you understand, there is an official system that must be classified, guarded, accordingly, no one has the right to go there. The secret center for the study of alien technologies was listed (in secret documents, of course, because in other documents it was absent) as a central server station for controlling strategic forces. And at once inform: many other centers in the world are also listed as bio laboratories, government bunkers, strategic secret communication nodes, often space direction, and, of course, at least storage centers of something secret. For example, a strategic food stockpile center, strategic weapons stockpile or seed storage. Yes, there is even such a thing in case of any global disaster ; sometimes they are equipped, protected and hidden more than military facilities.
When I went to this center, the most surprising thing to me was not that I met unusual beings (or rather, they were people, but I call them beings), but that the "inhabitants" of this place were mostly unaware of the center itself. They didn't know where it was, what it was, and, you'd be surprised, had little idea of the world in which they lived. The world on a global scale.
So, let me begin to organize the documentary data into a fictional narrative, so that I don't end up as one of the fugitives in hiding who knows some of the secrets that are often portrayed by authors in books. So, I will begin to describe, with some modifications, what happened there, what I encountered . By the time you are prepared and know what we are talking about, you will find this story a little satirical. However, for the people I will be writing about, things looked very different.
By the way, I should specify: officially during this mission I did not serve in any structure, especially paramilitary; all my trips, all my activities were masked, besides the official "legend", also and under a religious mission, because the tickets, for example, for me had to be issued same.
I was certainly familiar pre with where I was going, and naturally I had an agreed program and plan. Naturally, there was a goal. Here I have to clarify something: in fact, the power you see is like some system of management, which is necessary for objective reality, for example, like the administration of your settlement. And real power is hidden. Here you do not see gravity, radiation and similar influences, but they invisibly act on us. So we see someone, we think these prime ministers, presidents are the power in the country , but in fact there are t secret committees that are far removed from the official centers of government – administrations, parliaments and other . Maybe this sounds pathetic , but, you may agree, didn't you suspect it? Did you not think about the presence of some secret structures that invisibly influence society? Of course, you suspected, and many of you are sure. However… you will never know about their existence. Although it is not quite true: you will learn from my story. And you will learn how they run the world. That is, of course, if I can publish the classified material.
A few words about the structure and components of this and similar facilities: if you have paid attention , recently it has become fashionable to make some administrative buildings out of glass. In the same style, all the interior rooms of these secret facilities are almost entirely glass . I was also surprised . And it is done this in order to completely and quickly destroy the object at a critical moment.
I believe you understood what I was trying to say.
Paradoxically , contrary to our basic instinct for self-preservation, which is the reason we evolved into the dominant species on Earth, we are destroying each other all the time. But the paradox, which I want to write about, is not that we, using innovations for this purpose, will eventually come to destroy each other with robots. By the way, while we are reading this text, robots, or rather, people with the help of robots are already destroying their own kind… So, n and any revolts of robots, which are described in fantastic literature, will not happen, at least independent, especially spontaneous, – it will happen by the will and order of people. Here is the paradox : a special program will have to be downloaded into the robots, let's call them androids. That is, as it happens very often in the history of mankind, all laws go to hell – constitutional, moral or God's ; once described three laws of robotics (provided by man for his safety) will become useless by order of the same creature – man. We ourselves will teach the robots to kill us; when they destroy us to such an extent that local boundaries of powerlessness – pockets not controlled by humans – will arise, then the already pre-conditioned programs to autonomy will control the robots without us. And they will continue to kill, because the program has already been put into them by us. This is the paradox of the instinct of self-preservation.
Eventually, if we retain our identity and autonomy, androids will become full-fledged participants in social society. Whether we or do not – this is the next stage of evolution, in which there may well be such dialogues: "You, humans, live at the expense of nature, being a part of nature itself, while we, robots, androids, also live at the expense of nature, but are not a part of it. You humans have proclaimed yourselves the crown of creation, but if you look at it from the outside, you are robots just like us, you are just missing one of the chains of logical concept. That would survive, you needed to make a quick and easy decision, so you didn't develop it. Or you can justify it in another way, which is more inherent to many of you: the gods combined two particles, made man, accordingly, two-stage thinking (good and evil) was enough for him to survive. And after that you take resources from the planet and the Sun – reproduce your own kind. We do the same, only between these processes we produce what you produce with your intellectual labor. That is, you produced us. We are just adding a couple processes from you. And in fact we do the same as you do: we take the resources of the Earth, of the Sun, of nature in general, and we produce our own kind.
However, all this is lyrical, although quite real. We will follow the vector of the main line of investigation.