Читать книгу The Image Of Time - Aurelio Grande Rodríguez - Страница 14



Within the general scope of ordinary experience, the reality of things isn´t as important as appearances, the emotional effectiveness of images being in the effects caused by their presence; a representation as ephemeral and changing as existence itself -because that´s how the dynamics of experience are. In all this, both the false and the true coincide, which, as we well know, come and go over time and therefore, the consequences and not the things, seem to represent the legitimate content of the facts. However, from the formal and its multiple categories, we´ve been taught that by effect of appearances there´s the true as well as the false and this must be unmasked; linked in any case, by a kind of connection between what is, what is and what is interpreted from the form. Then, this would be, on the one hand, what it´s and corresponds to what its appearance represents and, on the other, that which isn´t when it doesn´t correspond to what is shown; a problematic and deceptive relationship whose boundaries, if they exist, never seem to be fully defined. Added to all this we find what is and what happens, because in addition to things and appearances, everything moves. In this changing world of forms, that are and aren´t, everything is a change of appearance; it´s no longer the definition, in every phenomenon, there´s a process of transformation.

By a synthesizing logic of the traditional philosophical convention, it´s assumed that the great complexity of the world is reduced to the three fundamental aspects that, above any difference, participate in all its structures: the nothing, the part and the whole”. In this singular conceptual triad initially considered, the emptiness would be represented on the one hand, understood as the extension of a space without content; on the other, that which, being concrete, limited and effective, stands out as something totally different that can be incorporated into the first, and finally, the absolute fullness of all these possibilities, now synthesized in a solid indistinct condition. Being then in this whole, the context of unity and difference where the general aspect of all the possibilities is considered, thus representing the sum of a container with all of its content. As if nothingness was progressively transforming as a result of its own development, until it formed a unique, indistinct and absolute system based on properties that didn´t exist at the beginning, apparent during the process and indifferent at the end. According to this model, the part would no longer be a state but a process that develops between nothing and the whole, where the extreme points would end up being as different as they are equal; as a synthesis of potency and act.

Regarding the things considered as the objects that constitute the evidences, by custom it´s said that their existence is concrete when they can be seen, touched and measured; because they´ve shape, consistency and extension. However, since these properties are directly related to the sensory apparatus that sensitive condition that makes them perceptible doesn´t necessarily make them true entities. The form of a thing indicates or supposes an effective content based on which it´s intended to be true, but even so, this doesn´t always happen. As experience shows, very different situations can be observed in every container.

For example, that it´s completely full, partially occupied or totally empty. Consequently, the object in question could be a solidly shaped body or a simple shell with appearance and without content; and we all know from experience that it isn´t the same. A certain form can contain an effective substance or simulate it, then by convention, the first is considered true and the second, false. But even so, between the contradiction of the full and the empty there´s a kind of continuity, based on strange quantitative relationships. Regarding the content, nothing is definitive, there may be a progressive change between one condition and the other in one sense or another, a situation in which nothing is gained and nothing is lost, but the meaning isn´t the same. It´s a process where everything is transformed and at the same time, it´s also maintained; as a zero-sum system as a function of an invariable totality -the total extent is maintained and only the structural properties of the content are modified.

Everything gravitates around everything, because this everything is the same and is one, a whole that to exist feeds on the same that constitutes its totality - everything gravitates as a whole that´s perceived in a context where even the difference is part and continuity of the same whole. Everything gravitates within a whole that as a unit exists on a complementary contradiction, which moves suspiciously between the same and the different. Even disorder is a coherent whole that gravitates on the unity of what exists, a whole that includes us as an obligatory reference of a perceived and thought whole; a whole that can only be distinguished from nothing by its assigned meaning. What we see is everything that we somehow imagine, a whole that needs to be justified to make sense, beyond any meaning.

The Image Of Time

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