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Everything that makes the experience possible occurs on a condition of absolute reference, which is a life that reflects and assimilates everything through a sensitive and active function, which incorporates in itself the similar and also, that which of its same principles not participate; condition without which the consciousness of the subject wouldn´t exist, who intervenes on the same and the different to sustain itself. It happens that by judging what it supposes isn´t it, life also judges itself by implementing with this judgment, an immanent contradiction that can be unexpected and surprising. Life is the first problem and also the last but equally, nothing can be justified outside of it; even its apparent denial that it is death necessarily depends on it.

Life, which beyond any definition represents for the subject of the experience an awareness of its own existence, continually raises a series of questions that must be resolved; problems that by the fact of their very statements always have a solution based on correspondence -otherwise they wouldn´t exist, because without a solution there´s no problem. It´s said that for everything there´s an origin from which its beginning is established, without realizing that with this spontaneous and fortuitous initial moment, the cause of its very beginning is unknown; aspects that are generally not taken into account. By some logical and necessary rules of action and consequence, without a preceding cause, a subsequent effect can´t be justified; this makes the reality of that first moment unjustifiable. Although the need for an antecedent is irrefutable, it could be considered a relative beginning without ignoring the existence of a causal logic; as would be the beginning of a discontinuous cycle on an uninterrupted process -as if each cycle were a kind of updating or reproduction of a permanent structure -on a dialectical relationship between both moments based on the same and the different.

Where there´s a starting point that doesn´t necessarily imply an initial moment, there´s a present and a continuity that raises many questions; based on an untestable past and an uncertain future. Imaginary moments that nevertheless exist on the reference of a present that, just as it doesn´t recognize an absolute beginning, nor does it speculate with a definitive end; as if despite a succession of births and deaths, the eternally alive only existed as reason and witness. Aware of an apparently contradictory situation, which in logical terms will be paradoxical, whoever enunciates these words hopes to arrive at a kind of conclusion where, above any circumstantial interpretation, it finds among all the variables involved a relationship of similarity where the different is identified with the same without contradicting itself.

Highlighting for this in the first place, the need to solve beyond any particular conditioning, the fundamental problem of understanding, which´s the relationship between the subject who perceives and thinks, and the direct and immediate object of his experience; which is the general context of what is thought based on what is given. That is, of a world that, being for the subject a place of birth and the cause of his sustenance, is considered external and alien and, moreover, is characterized due to a series of properties that, making life possible, don´t possess the principle that characterizes it, much less, the consciousness functions of the individual who thinks about all this.

The internal and external of the experience coinciding indistinctly with the functions of consciousness, constitute the active foundation of life and the sensitive aspect of existence.

Consequently, there´s no way to identify the meaning of experience, without first solving the problem of the physical question and its relation to the imaginary functions of consciousness; of a subject who, trying to justify his existence, thinks everything in terms of difference.

However, things exist and are different because their generic and genetic principles remain -on a production model based on the sequence of the same and the different- the same as a principle and the different as a phenomenon.

This situation implies a relationship of exchange between the subject made consciousness and the object that constitutes the material of its experience, which despite their categorical conceptual differences, combine their principles and properties under similar conditions through a mechanism of reciprocal action; the world transforms the consciousness of man and this, in turn, transforms the image of the world -a world that then supposes, changes as a function of time. This concrete, effective and alien world is internalized in order to be objectified in this way; although synthesized with the procedure, in the symbolic understanding of those who think so in their own way.

In physics, understood as the mother of natural sciences, it´s spoken because that´s what its natural foundation is about, a dynamic structure based on the ambiguous properties of space and time; which is by a logical question of referential simplicity, an unacceptable excess. This space, in turn, would be explained by the projection of its three extensive dimensions, necessary to justify the corporeity of things; that due to its plurality, it also constitutes an excess. These structural multiplicities are contradictory for a very simple reason: the logical and essential basis of the whole is unity, which by definition is one. Without forgetting the greatest contradiction of experience, the one found in the existential relationship derived from the subject and the object; constituting in logical terms the greatest excess.

The Image Of Time

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