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We are so grateful for our association and collaboration with Jeffrey Jones, Douglas Rife, and the exceptional professionals at Solution Tree. We know this collaboration has been so successful because we share a common vision: To transform education worldwide to ensure learning for all! The publications team has edited and improved every sentence of all our books, and the events team has made this content available through RTI at WorkTM institutes and workshops. We would specifically like to thank Christine Hood for her outstanding editing of this book. Shannon Ritz and the professional development department have extended our work to schools and districts around the world. Most important, Solution Tree’s efforts to promote our work have demonstrated the highest level of passion and professionalism. It is not surprising that this focus on quality over quantity has made Solution Tree a global leader in educational publishing, events, and staff development. We look forward to our continued collaboration for years to come.

We call our intervention recommendations RTI at Work because they are built on the Professional Learning Community at WorkTM (PLC at Work) process. We believe that it is impossible to develop an effective system of interventions unless it builds on the guiding principles of the PLC at Work process—with a learning-focused culture, collaborative structures, and a results orientation. The leading authors of this process—Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, and Robert Eaker—have generously shared their knowledge, expertise, and friendship. A special thank you to Becky, who read every word of our draft to ensure that we clearly and accurately capture how the RTI at Work process fits within and is driven by the PLC at Work framework. We hope that our work, in collaboration with Bob and Becky, will lead others to the power of the PLC at Work process and honors the life of our mentor, Rick DuFour.

We are also blessed to work with an exceptional team of RTI at Work associates: Kim Bailey, Tim Brown, Brian K. Butler, Daniel Cohan, Luis F. Cruz, Darin L. Fahrney, Paul Farmer, Paul Goldberg, Aaron Hansen, Brandon Jones, Dennis King, Greg Kushnir, Dave LaRose, François Massé, Maria Nielsen, Geri Parscale, Garrick Peterson, Will Remmert, Laurie Robinson Sammons, Rich Rodriguez, Paula Rogers, Julie A. Schmidt, Sarah Schuhl, W. Richard Smith, Bob Sonju, Timothy S. Stuart, Eric Twadell, and Nicole Dimich Vagle. They are all outstanding educators from around the world. Serving as practitioners, they have gained the depth of knowledge and understanding only achieved through actually doing the work at the highest levels. They graciously share their expertise with us and with educators from St. Louis to Singapore and beyond.

Like virtually all educators, we view our work as a labor of love. We have a singular focus—to help every student have the kind of future we would want for our own children. When your career requires you to give to others, it is essential to have people in your life who fill your heart and soul with their love. We are so blessed to have these people in our lives. We would like to thank Anita Mattos, Laurel Mattos, Lesley Buffum, and all of Janet’s growing family. This book is an extension of the inspiration you fill us with every day.

Visit go.SolutionTree.com/RTIatWork to download the free reproducibles in this book.

Taking Action

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