Читать книгу Narrative Ontology - Axel Hutter - Страница 21
Оглавление1 1. Upon closer examination, one can see that this account is also not always of help with single words. While it may make sense at first glance to clarify the meaning of the word ‘tree’ by pointing to a tree, with words such as ‘time’ or ‘or’ this approach faces insurmountable difficulties.
2 2. Basically, the primordial phenomenon of understanding the unity of meaning can be clarified with every demanding text, whether it be a poem, a play or a narrative. A narrative is distinguished here from all other linguistic forms simply because it incorporates most clearly the historical-narrative constitution of human existence into the organization of its own sense of language. For this reason, we speak of the life story of a person when we want to gain a view of the temporal whole of a human existence, and only in exceptional cases of a life drama, and barely at all of a life poem. Nevertheless, the art of understanding can be practised not only on a narrative but, just as well, on a play, a poem or a sonata. For this reason, Wittgenstein states that ‘Understanding a sentence is much more akin to understanding a theme in music than one may think’ (1953, 121, §527).
3 3. ‘Ces deux modes de regard sont indépéndants, l’un de l’autre. Le texte vu, le texte lu sont choses toutes distinctes, puisque l’attention donnée à l’une exclut l’attention donnée à l’autre.’
4 4. ‘En se reportant à ce qui précède, on pourrait dire que la lisibilité est la qualité d’un texte qui en prévoit et en facilite la consommation, la destruction par l’esprit, la transsubstantiation en événements de l’esprit.’