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ОглавлениеAARON and his sons, Numbers, 32.
– and Moses meet, Exodus, 87.
– begins the Tabernacle service, Leviticus, 219.
– Character of, Numbers, 29.
– Close of his life, Numbers, 235.
– complains of the marriage of Moses, Numbers, 137.
– Consecration of, Leviticus, 181.
– Consecration of, Hebrews, 185.
– Intercession of, Numbers, 207.
– Priesthood of, Hebrews, 79, 128.
– Rod of, Numbers, 198, 207.
– suggested as Moses' Helper, Exodus, 74.
AARONITES, Support of the, Numbers, 25.
ABBA, Genesis, 165; Galatians, 254.
ABBOTT, Dr. Ezra, Biblical Essays, Acts II., 12, 43.
ABECEDARIANS, Pastoral Epistles, 70.
ABEL, Genesis, 28-41.
– compared with Christ, Genesis, 40, 41.
– Faith of, Genesis, 35, 36; Hebrews, 223-225.
ABERCIUS, St., Acts I., VI.
ABGAR, King, Acts II., 53.
ABIATHAR deposed, Kings, 110, 111.
ABIEZER, Conversion of, Judges 159.
ABIGAIL, wife of Nabal, I. Samuel, 384; II. Samuel, 39.
– marries David, I. Samuel, 388.
ABIHU, Strange fire of Nadaband, Leviticus, 237-255; Numbers, 29.
ABIJAH, son of Jeroboam.
– Sickness and death of, I. Kings, 302-308.
ABIJAH, king of Judah, I. Kings, 318-321; Chronicles, 325-337.
ABIMELECH, Judges, 210-223.
ABIRAM, Dathan and, Numbers, 195, 205.
ABISHAG, the Shunemite, I. Kings, 62, 106; Songs of Solomon, 4.
ABISHAI, II. Samuel, 245, 345.
ABOMINABLE, Altogether become, Peter, 313-324.
ABNER assassinated by Joab, II. Samuel, 52.
– sets up Ishbosheth, II. Samuel, 23.
– wars against David, II. Samuel, 26-49.
ABRAHAM and the "cities of the plain," Genesis, 186-197.
– and Ishmael, Genesis, 147-158, 212-225.
– and Melchizedek, Hebrews, 118.
– Blessings of, Galatians, 180-188.
– The call of, Genesis, 81-95.
– Change of name, Genesis, 165.
– Faith of, Job, 27; Hebrews, 223.
– Friend of God, James, 160, 162.
– God's covenant with, Genesis, 134-146.
– God's oath to, Hebrews, 101.
– in Egypt, Genesis, 96-107.
– intercedes for Sodom, Genesis, 172-185.
– Justification of, Romans, 103-109, 117-127.
– Legend of, Daniel, 44.
– Lot's separation from, Genesis, 108-120.
– Promise to, Hebrews, 9.
– purchases Macphelah, Genesis, 226-239.
– rescues Lot, Genesis, 121-133.
– sacrifices Isaac, Genesis, 198-211.
– Seed of, Hebrews, 45.
ABSALOM and Amnon, II. Samuel, 193-204; I. Kings, 76.
– Balaam like, Numbers, 322.
– banished and brought back, II. Samuel, 205-216; I. Kings, 77.
– Burial of, II. Samuel, 273.
– David flees before, II. Samuel, 229-252.
– David's grief for, II. Samuel, 277-288.
– Defeat and death of, II. Samuel, 265-276.
– in Council, II. Samuel, 253-264.
– Pride of, II. Samuel, 211.
– Revolt of, II. Samuel, 217-228; 1. Kings, 79.
– Samson like, Judges, 286.
ABSOLUTION, Forms of, James, 342.
ABSTINENCE, Pledge of, Numbers, 60.
ACCEPTANCE of God's forgiveness, Genesis, 38.
– of offering and offerer, Genesis, 35.
– The one way of Divine, Romans, 90-99.
ACHAIA, The province, Acts II., 326.
ACHAN, Punishment of, Joshua, 177-188.
– Trespass of, Joshua, 165-176.
ACHISH, king of Gath, I. Samuel, 336-340, 396-403.
ACHSAH, Judges, 21.
ACOIMETAE, or watching monks, Acts II., 176.
ACTA SANCTORUM, Acts I., 111, 162; II., 56, 141, 200, 213, 247.
ACTION a primal necessity, Judges, 295.
ACTS, The book, Apocryphal, Acts I., 2.
– Inspiration of, Acts I., 28.
– not by Paul, Pastoral Epistles, 360-362.
– not by Titus, Pastoral Epistles, 207.
– Object of the first part of, Acts I., 346.
– Origin and authority, Acts I., 1-22.
– Title, Acts I., 1.
ACTS I., 1, Romans, 275.
– 2, 9, Mark, 444.
– 4, 5, Galatians, 253.
– 7, Daniel, 151; Romans, 363; Galatians, 247.
– 8, Leviticus, 216; Matthew, 67; Hebrews, 269.
– 11, Romans, 313, 362; Peter, 164; John Epistles, 82.
– 13, James, 26, 28; John Epistles, 6.
– 14, Ephesians, 423; James, 35, 374; Peter, 108.
– 15, Matthew, 441.
– 17, Peter, 237.
– 19, Luke, 3.
– John Epistles, 125.
ACTS II., Leviticus, 461.
– 5-11 James, 51.
– 10, Romans, 3.
– 16-21, Revelation, 105.
– 17, 18, Ephesians, 357.
– 19, Peter, 340.
– 22, Peter, 183.
– 23, 24, Mark, 427; Romans, 237; Peter, 8; Revelation, 202.
– 27, John Epistles, 309.
– 29, I. Kings, 103; Chronicles, 144.
– 30, II. Samuel, 107; Chronicles, 251; Hebrews, 35.
– 31, Peter, 140.
– 34, 35, Ephesians, 91.
– 38, II. Corinthians, 52; Pastoral Epistles, 287.
– 44, 45, Leviticus, 396.
ACTS III., 4, John Epistles, 6, 7.
– 13, 26; Isaiah II., 287.
– 14, Isaiah II., 287; James, 285.
– 16, James, 67, 116.
– 19-21, Leviticus, 472, 511.
– 21, Revelation, 354.
– 21-25, Romans, 14.
ACTS IV., 13, John Epistles, 7.
– 19, Peter, 128.
– 24, Revelation, 99.
– 27-30, Isaiah II., 287; Mark, 407.
ACTS V., 13, John Epistles, 6.
– 17, James, 198.
– 24, 29; Jeremiah I., 412.
– 28, John Epistles, 293.
– 31, Songs of Solomon, 310.
– 40, Jeremiah I., 412.
– 41, James, 65, 130; Peter, 137, 183.
ACTS VI., 1, Peter, 165, 170.
– 3, Peter, 120.
– 4-6, Pastoral Epistles, 116.
– 6, Pastoral Epistles, 315.
– 10, James, 193.
– 13, 14, Jeremiah II., 17.
ACTS VII., 5, Colossians, 387; Hebrews, 216.
– 6, Exodus, 198.
– 20, II. Corinthians, 294.
– 20, Hebrews, 239.
– 22, Exodus, 73; Ephesians, 385; Hebrews, 244.
– 26, James, 251.
– 37, Hebrews, 235.
– 38, Peter, 173.
– 42, Romans, 49.
– 47, Chronicles, 172.
– 48, Jeremiah II., 17.
– 49, Isaiah II., 460.
– 52, Isaiah II., 287.
– 52, James, 286, 294.
– 53, Galatians, 217; Hebrews, 23.
– 56, Daniel, 248; Mark, 52.
– 58, Galatians, 62.
ACTS VIII., 1-3, Galatians, 62.
– 4, Romans, 346.
– 14, John Epistles, 6, 7.
– 17, Pastoral Epistles, 167, 315.
– 20-22, Galatians, 49.
– 22, Peter, 62.
– 26, Psalms III., 161; Ephesians, 239.
– 28, Isaiah II., 6.
– 30, Isaiah II., 287.
– 39, II. Corinthians, 347.
ACTS IX., 1, Galatians, 62; James, 126.
– 1-19, Galatians, 58.
– 2, James, 48, 127.
– 4, Daniel, 262.
– 7, Daniel, 294.
– 10-19, Galatians, 71.
– 15, Romans, 12.
– 16, II. Corinthians, 231.
– 17, Pastoral Epistles, 315.
– 19-25, Galatians, 79.
– 25, Mark, 206.
– 26, 27, Galatians, 81; James, 35.
– 30, Peter, 120.
– 34, James, 329.
– 39, 41, Pastoral Epistles, 163.
– 43, Peter, 169.
ACTS X., 2, 8, Romans, 19.
– 4, Leviticus, 77.
– 10, II. Corinthians, 191.
– 14, Daniel, 133.
– 20, James, 32, 122.
– 34, 35, Ezra, 22; Daniel, 323.
– 38, Leviticus, 202; John I., 41.
– 41, 42, John Epistles, 243.
– 42, Peter, 183.
– 43, Romans, 14.
– 44, Galatians, 171-173.
– 45, Twelve Prophets II., 428.
– 47, Ephesians, 55.
ACTS XI., 5, II. Corinthians, 191.
– 8, Twelve Prophets II., 495.
– 15-18, Galatians, 171, 173; Ephesians, 59.
– 17, Galatians, 121, 204, 255.
– 19, 21, Galatians, 91.
– 25, 26, Galatians, 91.
– 26, Peter, 169, 190.
– 27-30, Galatians, 93, 102.
– 28, Hebrews, 318.
– 29, Peter, 120.
ACTS XII., 2, Matthew, 240; James, 26.
– 11, Daniel, 228.
– 17, James, 26, 35.
– 20, I. Kings, 152.
– 20-23, Daniel, 198.
– 22, 23, Daniel, 51.
– 24, Peter, 58.
– 33, Luke, 346.
ACTS XIII., 1-4, Exodus, 409; Romans, 434.
– 2, 3, Mark, 63; Galatians, 100.
– 3, Exodus, 67; Pastoral Epistles, 167, 315.
– 10, James, 184.
– 15, Mark, 21.
– 21, Joshua, 320.
– 26, Ephesians, 6; Peter, 65.
– 32, Ephesians, 55.
– 33, Psalms I., 1, 18; Ephesians, 93.
– 36, Romans, 243.
– 39, Revelation, 101.
– 43, 45, 46, Galatians, 100.
– 47, Isaiah II., 288.
– 50, Thessalonians, 163.
ACTS XIV., 4, 14, II. Corinthians, 331; Galatians, 12; Ephesians, 239.
– 11, 12, Daniel, 50.
– 12, Galatians, 100.
– 14, 15, Daniel, 165.
– 15, 17, Galatians, 267; Peter, 49.
– 17, Ephesians, 271.
– 23, Pastoral Epistles, 59; Peter, 202.
ACTS XV., 2, 12, Galatians, 100, 102.
– 3, Galatians, 93.
– 7, Galatians, 123.
– 10, Galatians, 307.
– 11, Galatians, 151.
– 12, II. Corinthians, 362.
– 13, James, 26, 35.
– 15-17, Peter, 74.
– 21, James, 103.
– 22, Pastoral Epistles, 394.
– 23, 24, Galatians, 91, 110.
– 24, Philippians, 176.
– 28, Galatians, 106.
– 29, Daniel, 165.
– 32, Peter, 230.
– 36-40, Galatians, 100.
– 39, Philippians, 3.
– 41, Galatians, 91.
ACTS XVI., 1-3, Galatians, 305, 319.
– 3, Galatians, 62.
– 6, Galatians, 17; Thessalonians, 38.
– 6-10, Romans, 30; Peter, 229.
– 9, II. Corinthians, 348; Galatians, 67; Pastoral Epistles, 242.
– 15, Philippians, 358; Peter, 169.
– 17, Daniel, 179.
– 23, 24, Jeremiah I., 412.
ACTS XVII., 4, Thessalonians, 3.
– 5, Romans, 434.
– 6, Galatians, 329.
– 7, Peter, 169.
– 12, Thessalonians, 163.
– 18, II. Kings, 303; Peter, 183.
– 19, John Epistles, 293.
– 22-31, Galatians, 267.
– 26, Chronicles, 49; Daniel, 28, 151; Ephesians, 28; Thessalonians, 187.
– 27, John Epistles, 107.
– 28, Pastoral Epistles, 224.
– 29, Exodus, 296.
– 30, I. Kings, 101; Galatians, 258; Ephesians, 269.
ACTS XVIII., 2, Pastoral Epistles, 414.
– 9, II. Corinthians, 348; Galatians, 67.
– 18, Leviticus, 551; Galatians, 320; John Epistles, 18.
– 22, 23, Galatians, 91, 132, 327.
– 25, Ephesians, 277.
– 26, Romans, 427; Peter, 108.
ACTS XIX., 1-7, Ephesians, 277.
– 6, Pastoral Epistles, 167, 315.
– 10, Ephesians, 15.
– 13-20, Pastoral Epistles, 383.
– 15, Luke, 155.
– 18, 19, Ephesians, 342.
– 19, 20, John Epistles, 21.
– 20, Peter, 58; John Epistles, 15.
– 21, Romans II.
– 22, Pastoral Epistles, 415.
– 24, 38, John Epistles, 18.
– 26, 27, John Epistles, 275, 303.
– 29, John Epistles, 301.
– 33, Pastoral Epistles, 413.
– 34, Pastoral Epistles, 394.
– 55, Pastoral Epistles, 84.
ACTS XX., 2, 6, Philippians, 4.
– 4, Romans, 434;
Ephesians, 433;
Colossians, 387;
Pastoral Epistles, 415.
– John Epistles, 301.
– 17, Peter, 202.
– 18-35, Ephesians, 277.
– 28, Exodus, 175;
Romans, 261;
Ephesians, 368.
– 29, 30, Ephesians, 412;
Thessalonians, 309;
Pastoral Epistles, 302, 376.
– 30, John Epistles, 42.
– 31, Romans, 278;
Ephesians, 14;
John Epistles, 19.
ACTS XXI., 8, Ephesians, 239.
– 9, Peter, 108.
– 13, Romans, 419.
– 15, 16, Galatians, 93.
– 17, James, 35;
John Epistles, 7.
– 17-25, Galatians, 130.
– 18, James, 26.
– 20, 26, Galatians, 62, 320.
– 21, Ephesians, 65.
– 24-26, Leviticus, 551.
– 27-30, Jeremiah II., 16;
Galatians, 106;
Ephesians, 404.
– 28, 29, Ephesians, 433.
– 29, Colossians, 373;
Pastoral Epistles, 415.
– 38, Galatians, 328.
ACTS XXII., 3, Galatians, 63;
Ephesians, 385.
– 4, Pastoral Epistles, 55.
– 5-16, Galatians, 58.
– 6, Galatians, 311.
– 12-21, Galatians, 71.
– 14, Pastoral Epistles, 59.
– 16, Pastoral Epistles, 287.
– 17, II. Corinthians, 348; Galatians, 67.
– 21, Galatians, 90.
– 22, Galatians, 455.
ACTS XXIII., 2-5, Galatians, 278.
– 6, Romans, 84; Galatians, 62; Peter, 182.
– 11, Romans, 37.
ACTS XXIV., 15, Galatians, 311.
– 20, 21, Romans, 84.
ACTS XXVI., 5, Philippians, 186.
– 6-8, Galatians, 311.
– 7, Twelve Prophets II., 408; John Epistles, 19.
– 11, James, 127.
– 12-18, Galatians, 58.
– 13, Revelation, 304.
– 14, Jeremiah I., 95; Romans, 428; Galatians, 64.
– 18, Ephesians, 43, 402.
– 20, Romans, 412; Galatians, 93.
ACTS XXVII., 11, Colossians, 373, 387.
– 3, John Epistles, 309.
– 23, Pastoral Epistles, 242.
– 24, Pastoral Epistles, 68.
– 26, 29, Peter, 374.
ACTS XXVIII., 6, Daniel, 50.
– 16, Philippians, 47.
– 17, Romans, 69.
– 21, Galatians, 421.
– 22, Philippians, 49.
– 23, Daniel, 98; Romans, 15.
– 28, Ephesians, 52.
– 30, Pastoral Epistles, 361.
ACTS OF PAUL AND THECLA, John Epistles, 91.
ADAM, Genesis, 16-27; Hebrews, 220.
– Christ and, Romans, 143-155; Hebrews, 36.
ADAM OF SAINT VICTOR, John Epistles, 5, 69, 78, 184.
ADONIZAH and Abishag, I. Kings, 105.
– Rebellion of, I. Kings, 81, 93.
– slain, I. Kings, 109.
ADONIZEDEK, king of Jerusalem, Joshua, 223; Judges, 12.
ADORAM, I. Kings, 143.
ADORNMENT, Nature of, Pastoral Epistles, 251, 252.
ADULLAM, The cave of, David in, I. Samuel, 341-344.
ADULTERY, Eyes full of, Peter, 305.
– a form of murder, Leviticus, 426.
– Prohibition of, Exodus, 319, 321; Leviticus, 386; Deuteronomy, 95, 400; Matthew, 75.
– Spiritual, James, 227.
ADVENTURER, The, Judges, 211.
ADVICE of Samuel, I. Samuel, 182.
AELIUS GALLUS, James, 328.
AENEAS, Acts II., 97.
AESCHYLUS, Ecclesiastes, 46; Jeremiah I., 288; David, 224.
AFFECTION Natural, right, Leviticus, 249.
AFFLICTION, The man that hath seen, Song of Solomon, 180-193.
AFRICA, Mission in, Thessalonians, 157, 158.
AFRICAN SLAVERY and Hebrew compared, Exodus, 342.
AGABUS, the Prophet, Acts II., 162, 426, 434.
AGAPE, The, Acts II., 399, 400;
Ephesians, 342;
James, 427, 432;
Peter, 304.
AGAG, Numbers, 307.
– killed by Samuel, I. Samuel, 250.
AGASSIZ, Proverbs, 144.
AGED, The, Beautiful life of, I. Kings, 61.
– Joshua the, Joshua, 250.
– Reverence for, Leviticus, 412.
AGES OF FAITH, Joshua, 139.
AGNOSTICISM, Judges, 346;
Job, 117;
Matthew, 164;
Ephesians, 255;
Hebrews, 235.
AGRICULTURE, Proverbs, 140, 269.
AGRIPPA II., Acts II., 432, 448.
AGUR SON OF JAKEH quoted, Genesis, 150.
– Words of, Proverbs, 386-395.
AHAB, King of Israel, and Benhadad, I. Kings, 451-462.
– and Elijah, I. Kings, 377-382.
– and Herod compared, Mark, 171.
– and Jehosaphat, I. Kings, 485.
– and Jezebel, I. Kings, 347-356.
– and Naboth's vineyard, I. Kings, 473-483.
– and the rain, I. Kings, 399-403.
– Death of, I. Kings, 494, 495.
– Infatuation of, I. Kings, 462.
AHASUERUS, Ezra, 153, 155, 352, 361, 370, 382, 396, 399.
AHAZ, king of Judah, II. Kings, 260-264;
Isaiah I., 98.
– Apostasies of, II. Kings, 272-285.
– compared with Charles I., Isaiah, 99, 103, 113.
– Isaiah and, II. Kings, 265-272.
– the Judas of the Old Testament, Isaiah I., 118.
– a wicked king, Chronicles, 200-220.
AHAZIAH, king of Israel, II. Kings, 3-18.
AHAZIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 102-105, 118-120.
– Chronicles, 399-401.
AHIJAH of Shiloh and Jeroboam, I. Kings, 252-259.
– and the wife of Jeroboam, I. Kings, 302.
AHIMAAZ, messenger to David, II. Samuel, 278.
AHIMELECK and David, I. Samuel, 332-340;
II. Samuel, 129.
– slain by Saul, I. Samuel, 346-353.
AHINOAM the Jezreelitess, II. Samuel, 39.
AHITHOPHEL and Absalom, II. Samuel, 225, 236, 256.
– counsellor of David, II. Samuel, 131;
Psalm II., 32, 159.
– Suicide of, II. Samuel, 261.
AHOLIAB, Exodus, 426 sq.
AI, Joshua defeated at, Joshua, 168.
– captured, Joshua, 189-200.
ALABARCH, Acts II., 81, 153.
ALARIC, Hebrews, 272.
ALBINUS, James, 40.
ALEXANDER the Coppersmith, Acts II., 378.
ALEXANDER and Hymenaeus, Pastoral Epistles, 75, 76, 373, 413.
ALEXANDER the Great, Daniel, 156; James, 163.
– and Jaddua, Daniel, 103-106.
ALFORD, Henry, Ephesians, 439;
Thessalonians, 74, 316;
Pastoral Epistles, 392;
James, 32, 399, 418;
Revelation, 351.
ALFRED the Great influenced by Moses, Exodus, 262.
ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION of the Song of Solomon, Song of Solomon, 42.
ALMOND TREE, Fruit of, Ecclesiastes, 268;
Jeremiah I., 62.
ALPHEUS, James, 27.
ALMS-GIVING, Matthew, 80-82.
ALTAR, The, in Judaism, Ezra, 51;
Hebrews, 323.
ALTAR ED, Joshua, 365-375.
Joshua, 206.
ALTUS, centurion, Acts I., 110.
AMALEK, Exodus, 252-258;
Numbers, 312;
Joshua, 25;
Judges, 78, 79;
I. Samuel, 245;
I. Samuel, 425.
AMASA killed by Joab, II. Samuel, 320.
– supersedes Joab, II. Samuel, 292.
AMASIS, James, 173.
AMAZIAH the priest, and Amos, Twelve Prophets I., 115-120.
AMAZIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 167-174;
Chronicles, 412-417.
AMBITION disclaimed by Paul, Thessalonians, 74.
AMBROSE, Pastoral Epistles, 230.
AMEN, Eucharistic, Acts II., 396;
James, 470.
AMIEL, Henri Frederic, quoted, Job, 88, 288;
John Epistles, 158.
AMMIEL of Lo-debar, II. Samuel, 249.
AMMONITES, Judges, 230, 240-245;
I. Samuel, 170, 175;
II. Samuel, 146-157;
Jeremiah II., 242;
Ezekiel, 169, 170, 224, 226;
Twelve Prophets I., 131.
AMNON, Absalom and, II. Samuel, 193, 204;
I. Kings, 76, 77.
AMON, king of Judah, II. Kings, 371-373.
AMORITES, Numbers, 157, 253;
Judges, 64.
– Israel defeats the, Numbers, 255.
AMOS the prophet and his ministry, Twelve Prophets I., 106-120.
– and Israel, II. Kings, 193-203.
– the man and the prophet, Twelve Prophets I., 73-120.
– Problem left by, Twelve Prophets I., 227-231.
AMOS the Book, Twelve Prophets I., 61-231.
– contents, authority, etc., Twelve Prophets I., 61-72.
– Period of, Twelve Prophets I., 65.
AMOS I., 1, II. Kings, 194, 196.
– 2, Jeremiah I., 76.
– 3, 4, II. Kings, 142.
– 6-15, II. Kings, 143.
– 7, 8, II. Kings, 194.
– 11, II. Kings, 139, 171;
Twelve Prophets II., 176.
– 13, II. Kings, 221.
AMOS II., 1, II. Kings, 37, 39, 139;
Jeremiah I., 315.
– 4-8, Jeremiah II., 276.
– 5, II. Kings, 194.
– 6-13, II. Kings, 194.
– 7, Ezekiel, 312.
– 8, Deuteronomy, 415.
– 11, II. Kings, 134.
– 14, Psalms III., 407.
AMOS III., 1, Jeremiah I., 79;
Ezekiel, 190.
– 2, Leviticus, 246;
II. Kings, 198;
Jeremiah II., 214;
Romans, 283.
– 6, Twelve Prophets II., 137, 316.
– 8, Ezekiel, 50.
– 9-15, II. Kings, 196.
– 14, II. Kings, 194.
– 15, I. Kings, 495.
AMOS IV., 1, Ezekiel, 312.
– 1-3, II. Kings, 218.
– 1-13, II. Kings, 196.
– 13, Jeremiah II., 288.
– 6, II. Kings, 193.
– 7, 8, II. Kings, 193.
– 9, II. Kings, 193;
Jeremiah I., 180.
– 10, II. Kings, 193;
Jeremiah I., 102.
– 11, II. Kings, 193, 194.
– 12, II. Kings, 200.
AMOS V., 2, Song of Solomon, 65.
– 8, Jeremiah I., 233, 287.
– 9, Jeremiah I., 184.
– 10, Jeremiah I., 392.
– 11, I. Kings, 279.
– 15, Genesis, 212.
– 18, 20, Jeremiah II., 308;
Peter, 328.
– 19, Ecclesiastes, 242.
– 21-23, I. Kings, 212.
– 25, 26, Acts I., 310.
– 26, II. Kings, 256.
AMOS VI., 1-14, II. Kings, 197.
– 2, II. Kings, 191.
– 4, Twelve Prophets II., 371.
– 4-6, I. Kings, 279.
– 7, Twelve Prophets II., 155.
– 14, II. Kings, 191, 414.
AMOS VII., 1, II. Kings, 193, 197.
– 4, II. Kings, 193.
– 9, II. Kings, 200.
– 12, II. Kings, 426.
– 16, Jeremiah I., 414.
AMOS VIII., 1, II. Kings, 203.
– 2, II. Kings, 217;
Ezekiel, 72.
– 5, Leviticus, 415;
Numbers, 35;
Isaiah II., 420;
Jeremiah I., 368, 370;
Ezekiel, 450.
– 7, Jeremiah I., 84.
– 8, II. Kings, 194.
– 9, Jeremiah I., 293.
AMOS IX., 1-3, Revelation, 115.
– 3, Joshua, 177; I. Kings, 379.
– 5, 6, Jeremiah I., 233.
– 7, Jeremiah I., 126.
– 9, 10, II. Kings, 203.
– 11, Ezekiel, 314;
Acts II., 242.
– 11-15, II. Kings, 201, 203;
Chronicles, 144;
Peter, 74.
– 12, James, 129.
– 13, Ezekiel, 486.
– 14, Jeremiah II., 329.
AMUSEMENT QUESTION, The, Genesis, 22, 64, 324;
Deuteronomy, 195-196;
Judges, 310;
Jeremiah I., 322;
I. Corinthians, 188;
Pastoral Epistles, 102.
ANACLETUS, Pastoral Epistles, 416.
ANAK, Sons of, Numbers, 157;
Joshua, 246, 247, 273.
ANANIAS AND SAPHIRA, Acts I., 211-228;
Pastoral Epistles, 73. 75.
ANANIAS OF DAMASCUS, Acts II., 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 68.
ANANIAS the High priest, Acts II., 431, 440-443.
ANARCHY in the church, Pastoral Epistles, 73, 271.
ANATHEMA, Meaning of, Exodus, 224;
I. Corinthians, 398.
– of Galatians, 34-49.
ANCYRA, Acts II., 339, 367.
AND, Many books of the Old Testament begin with, Exodus, 1.
ANDREE, M. Tony, Twelve Prophets II., 225, 227, 229.
ANDREW, Mark, 86;
John I., 61.
ANGEL OF JEHOVAH, Exodus, 363;
Numbers, 281.
– and Gideon, Judges, 145-148.
– and Jacob, Joshua, 133.
– and Zecharias, Luke, 26.
– announces the birth of Samson, Judges, 266-271.
– captain of the Lord's host, Joshua, 128-139.
ANGELS, Pastoral Epistles, 138.
– and Moses, Exodus, 47.
– as emanations, Hebrews, 22.
– as witnesses, Ephesians, 173.
– assembly of, Hebrews, 301.
– in the book of Daniel, Daniel, 67, 68.
– in the book of Zechariah, Twelve Prophets II., 310-319.
– Jesus Christ and the, Hebrews, 21-46.
– Man inferior to, Hebrews, 34.
– mediators, Colossians, 233-238.
– Ministry of, Hebrews, 27, 316.
– Sinful, James, 408-412;
Peter, 289.
– visit Abraham, Genesis, 172.
– visit Lot, Genesis, 176, 188.
ANGER, Proverbs, 204-207;
Ephesians, 294-295.
– of God, Song of Solomon, 142;
Isaiah I., 47-56.
ANIMALS, The lower, Isaiah I., 190-194.
– Our mediatorship to, Isaiah I., 193.
– Treatment of, Deuteronomy, 430-432.
ANNANUS, James, 40.
ANNAS, Acts II., 30.
ANOINTING OIL for the sick, James, 326.
– for the Tabernacle, Exodus, 423.
– used for priests, Leviticus, 201.
ANSELM of Canterbury, Order for visitation of the sick, Leviticus, 45, 46.
ANSHAN, Isaiah II., 163.
ANT, The, Proverbs, 83, 87, 88.
Numbers, 169;
Isaiah, 144;
Jeremiah I., 383.
ANTICHRIST, Thessalonians, 317;
John Epistles, 167-172.
ANTIGONOUS, Rabbi, Ecclesiastes, 294.
ANTINOMIAN BELIEF, Acts I., 134, II., 62;
Pastoral Epistles, 44, 49, 298, 299;
Hebrews, 148, 201.
– Results of, Exodus, 315.
ANTIOCH-Syrian, Church of, Acts II., 146, 154.
– City of, Acts II., 150-153.
– Paul at, Acts II., 157.
– People and nicknames of, Acts II., 159.
– Synagogue of, Acts II., 155.
– Synod at, James, 360.
ANTIOCH of Pisidia, Acts II., 198.
– Paul at, Acts II., 206-210;
Galatians, 129-162.
ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES, Psalms II., 349, 353, 400;
Daniel, 13, 55, 162, 245, 261, 299-318;
Acts II., 6; Hebrews, 264.
AORIST, as used by John, John Epistles, 77.
APHRAATES, James, 22.
APOCRYPHA, James, 145, 156, 204, 424.
– Jude's use of, James, 424.
– Value of the, James, 76-79.
APPOLLONIUS OF TYANA, John Epistles, 189.
APOLLOS, Acts II., 341-343, 347;
I. Corinthians 34;
Pastoral Epistles, 203, 208, 214.
APOSTASY, Hebrews, 95.
APOSTLE, Meaning of, Acts II., 83, 84, 193;
Galatians, 12.
– Paul's claim to be an, Colossians, 9.
– The sign of an, II. Corinthians, 224-236.
– The title, Acts I., 348;
Pastoral Epistles, 69, 70.
APOSTLES' CREED, Acts I., 417.
Acts II., 344;
Pastoral Epistles, 125, 156, 232.
APPEARANCES deceitful, I. Samuel, 258;
II. Samuel, 215.
– Idolatry of, I. Samuel, 259.
APPHIA, Colossians, 423.
APPULEIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 379.
AQUILA AND PRISCILLA, Acts II., 322, 323, 332, 333, 337, 341, 347;
Pastoral Epistles, 413, 414.
AQUILEIA, Church of, Acts II., 247.
AQUINAS, Thomas, John Epistles, 41.
ARABAH wady, Numbers, 244.
ARABIA, Isaiah I., 277.
– Paul in, Acts II., 72-77;
Galatians, 78-82.
ARAD, King of, Numbers, 178, 243.
ARAM, Isaiah I., 94, 103 sq.
ARATUS, Acts II., 11, 315;
Pastoral Epistles, 225.
ARCHAEOLOGY, The study of Chronicles, 112, 113.
ARCHIPPUS, Colossians, 407, 410, 425-427.
ARCHITECTURE, Massive ancient, Ezra, 92-94.
AREOPAGUS, Court of the, Acts II., 309-317.
ARETAS, Acts II., 30, 81.
ARGUMENT FROM DESIGN and evolution, Genesis, 9.
ARIAN HERESY, Acts I., 124.
ARISTARCHUS, Colossians, 373, 387, 388.
ARISTIDES, Apology of, Acts I., IX., 400, 418, 419;
II., 35, 214, 318-320.
ARISTOTLE, Galatians, 378;
Pastoral Epistles, 240.
– Logic, Acts I., 132, 298.
– on friendship, Proverbs, 227.
– on habit, Hebrews, 85.
– on locusts, Ecclesiastes, 107.
ARK, The, The animals in, Genesis, 56.
– where stranded, Genesis, 71.
Numbers, 44;
Jeremiah I., 124.
– among the Philistines, I. Samuel, 73-84.
– at the house of Obed-edom, II. Samuel, 89;
Psalms III., 349.
– borne before the host, Numbers, 116;
Joshua, 98.
– brought to Jerusalem, II. Samuel, 84-96.
– of the Temple, I. Kings, 177-180.
– taken by the Philistines, I. Samuel, 61-72.
ARMOUR, The Christian, Ephesians, 410-424;
Colossians, 318.
ARNOLD, Matthew, quoted, Job, 95;
Proverbs, 359;
Ecclesiastes, 300; Acts I., 151, 178;
I. Corinthians, 334;
Ephesians, 84, 126, 281;
John Epistles, 122, 262.
– and Balaam;
Numbers, 304.
ARNOLD, Thomas, Daniel, 75;
Acts I., 306.
ARRIAN, James, 182.
ART claimed for God, Numbers, 95.
ARTAXERXES, Ezra, 110, 119, 122, 153, 157, 194, 259, 341.
ARTEMAS, bishop of Lystra, Acts II., 213.
ARTEMIS, see Diana.
ARTEMISIUS, Month of, Acts II., 362.
ASA, king of Judah, I. Kings, 321-326;
Chronicles, 338-365.
– Jehosaphat succeeds, I. Kings, 327.
ASAHEL, brother of Joab, II. Samuel, 29.
– Death of, II. Samuel, 30.
ASENATH, wife of Joseph, Genesis, 371.
ASCENSION, The, of Christ, Matthew, 446-450;
Mark, 442-445;
Acts I., 43-60.
ASCETICISM, Pastoral Epistles, 44, 142, 143.
– absent from the teaching of Christ, Matthew, 98.
– and luxury, Colossians, 249, 250.
– not to be neglected, Philippians, 255.
ASHDOD, Isaiah I., 198.
– The ark at, I. Samuel, 75.
ASHER, the tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 322.
– Moses blessing, Deuteronomy, 470.
ASHTORETH, Worship of, Leviticus, 387;
Jeremiah I., 155.
ASIARCHS, Acts II., 375-378.
ASSEMBLIES, Calling of, Numbers, 96.
James, 419-423.
ASSURANCE, Hebrews, 174.
– Paul's doctrine of Ephesians, 113-115.
ASSUR-BANI-PAL, Twelve Prophets II., 12, 85.
– Inscription, II. Kings, 492.
– See Asur-Bani-Pal.
ASSYRIA, Isaiah I., 53, 92-95, 97, 103, 122.
– and Ahaz, II. Kings, 230.
– and Azariah, II. Kings, 210, 211.
– and Egypt, II. Kings, 251, 276, 298.
– and Hezekiah, II. Kings, 296-298, 319-350.
– and Jehu, II. Kings, 141.
– and Joash, II. Kings, 183.
– and Menahem, II. Kings, 224.
– and the siege of Samaria, II. Kings, 240.
– and Syria, II. Kings, 189.
– Kings of, Table, II. Kings, 487-489.
– Penitential Psalms of, Deuteronomy, 134.
– The prophets and, Twelve Prophets I., 44-58.
– Religion of, Deuteronomy, 132-135.
ASTROLOGY neglected, Job, 317.
ASTRONOMY and unbelief, Psalm I., 72.
ASUR-BANI-PAL, Ezra, 158;
Daniel, 188.
– See Assur-Bani-Pal.
ATHALIAH of Judah, II. Kings, 146-153;
Chronicles, 401, 402.
ATHANASIUS, St., Acts I., 270, 291, 416;
II., 301;
James, 7, 16, 369;
John Epistles, 283, 302.
ATHEISM of force and fear, Isaiah I., 168-178.
– a product of the city, Jeremiah I., 189.
– unknown to Israel, Proverbs 11, 18.
ATHENAGORAS, Pastoral Epistles, 125.
– apology, Acts II., 282.
ATHENS, Church of, Acts II., 321.
– Paul at, Acts II., 305-321.
– Topography of, Acts II., 312.
ATHLETE, Hebrews, 194.
– as a type of Christian, Pastoral Epistles, 348-349.
ATONEMENT, Exodus, 379;
Ephesians, 318-320.
– An aspect of, Proverbs, 362-374.
– the center of Christianity, Galatians, 25.
– Christ's, Hebrews, 38.
– Extent of the, John Epistles, 102-105.
– for omissions, Numbers, 184.
– Great day of, Leviticus, 256-263, 463;
Numbers, 356; I. Kings, 188;
Hebrews, 296.
– meaning of, Proverbs, 362-371;
Romans, 142.
– Missions and the, John Epistles, 106-116.
– Sacrificial, Ezekiel, 476-484.
– Theory of substitution, I. Kings, 203.
– The word, Leviticus, 45.
ATTALIA, Acts II., 201, 276.
AUGUSTINE, St., John I., 331;
Romans, 100;
Galatians, 154;
Ephesians, 240;
Pastoral Epistles, 229, 373;
Hebrews, 142;
John Epistles, 41, 62, 148, 177, 181.
– and the law, Exodus, 277.
– Christ in the storm, Mark, 137.
– City of God, Ezekiel, 497;
Twelve Prophets II., 157.
– Confessions, Song of Solomon, 237;
Acts II., 29, 286; Romans, 233, 373;
Thessalonians, 187;
John Epistles, 112, 144.
– Letters, Acts I., 195, 242, 386;
II., 398, 401;
James, 4.
– on the resurrection, Mark, 335.
– on seeing God, Exodus, 373.
– use of heathen learning, Exodus, 195.
AUSTIN, St., John Epistles, 116.
AUSTRALIAN, The native, not without ideas of morality, Deuteronomy, 89.
AUTHORITY, Divine origin of, Pastoral Epistles, 273-275.
– of Christ, Ephesians, 375.
– of our High priest, Hebrews, 77.
– The question of, Colossians, 174.
AUTHORS possess a variety in style, Joshua, 16, 17.
AUTHORITY rejected, Genesis, 88.
AVARICE, Dangers of, Pastoral Epistles, 196-198.
AZARIAH, I. Kings, 141.
AZARIAH, king of Judah, II. Kings, 209-214;
Chronicles, 418-424.
AZAZEL, Leviticus, 264-276;
Numbers, 355;
I. Kings, 210;
James, 411.