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BAAL-PEOR, Judges, 51;

Psalms III., 147.

– Festival of, Numbers, 314.

BAAL-WORSHIP and Elijah, I. Kings, 383-398.

– extirpated, II. Kings, 131-145.

BAAL-ZEBUT, Ahaziah worships, II. Kings, 8-10.

BAALS, The, Numbers, 295;

Judges, 51, 52.

– names from, I. Kings, 350.

BAANAH AND RECHAB, II. Samuel, 58-60.

BAASHA, king of Israel, I. Kings, 310.

BABYLON, Isaiah I., 93, 201, 405-415;

II., 55, 189-204.

– Call to leave, Isaiah II., 211, 396.

– Captivity in, Psalms III., 370-375;

Ecclesiastes, 32-43.

– Isaiah I., 201, 402.

– Capture of, Isaiah II., 146.

– compared with Rome, Isaiah II., 189-199.

– Cruelty of, Isaiah II., 201.

– Early history of, Isaiah II., 192.

– The fall of, Revelation, 303-315.

– in the modern world, Isaiah II., 200 sq.

– its pride, Isaiah II., 191.

– Jeremiah and, Jeremiah II., 258-263.

– Jews return from, Ezra, 36-47.

– Meaning of the name, Isaiah II., 191.

– of John, Revelation, 274-276.

– Persian period in, Ecclesiastes, 43-66.

– Religion of, Isaiah II., 193.

– Ruin of, Isaiah II., 199-204.

– yields to Cyrus, Isaiah II., 193.

BABYLONIA, Ancient civilization of, Genesis, 84.

– described, Isaiah II., 107, 146.

BACON, Lord Francis, Proverbs, 16, 230.

BAETHGEN, Friedrich, Psalms I., 151, 158, 166, 178, 219;

II., 16, 59, 75, 105, 127, 228, 261, 290, 295, 311, 353, 360, 363, 377, 427, 502;

III., 17, 30, 88, 91, 120, 181, 201, 233, 294, 372, 398, 407, 421, 460.

BAGEHOT, Walter, Isaiah I., 109;

II., 199.

BAILEY, Philip James, Festus quoted, Job, 290.

BALAAM and Balak, Numbers, 288.

– as a illustration, Peter, 307.

– Character of, Joshua, 259, 269.

– critical, Numbers, 283.

– End of, Numbers, 320.

– First parable of, Numbers, 292.

– Fourth parable of, Numbers, 309.

– his error, Numbers, 273.

– his knowledge of Jehorab, Numbers, 267;

refuses to go to Moab, Numbers, 268.

– like Absalom, Numbers, 322.

– Name of, Numbers, 262.

– Prayer of, Numbers, 296.

– Reputation of, Numbers, 261.

– Second parable of, Numbers, 300.

– Third parable of, Numbers, 305.

– used by Jude, James, 442-449.

BALAK and Balaam, Numbers, 288.

– bewildered, Numbers, 305.

– his sacrifices, Numbers, 290.

– in anxiety, Numbers, 261.

BALBILLUS, John Epistles, 19.

BALJON, II. Corinthians, 134.

BALM OF GILEAD, Jeremiah I., 186-188.

BAN, Cherem the word for, Deuteronomy, 169-171;

Galatians, 44.

– Law of the, Leviticus, 554-558;

Deuteronomy, 168-201.

BAPTISM, Pastoral Epistles, 284-293;

Hebrews, 87, 186, 240.

– Buried with Christ in, Colossians, 205-208.

– Formula of, Acts II., 345.

– of Christ, Matthew, 31-38;

Mark, 6-13.

– of Cornelius, Acts II., 140.

– of the Ethiopian Eunuch, Acts I., 416.

– of John, Luke, 96.

– of John, whence was it? Mark, 310-317.

– of Paul, Acts II., 72-77.

– preached by Peter, Acts I., 137-146.

– Red Sea passage a type of, Pastoral Epistles, 289.

BARAK, Judges, 98 sq.

– agreement with Deborah, Judges, 140.

– Faith of, Hebrews, 26.

BARCLAY, Robert, Acts II., 122.

BARCOCHBA, Acts I., 157.

BARNABAS, Acts II., 7, 8, 81, 155, 258;

Galatians, 91.

– and Paul; Acts I., 218-221; II., 248-251.

– Early life of, Acts I., 216, 218.

– Epistle of, James, 18, 23, 76.

BARONIUS, Caesar, Annals, Acts II., 259.

BARTIMAEUS healed, Mark, 295-298.

BARTOLOCCI, William, Bibl. Rabbin, Acts II., 13.

BARUCH, The recorder, II. Kings, 426.

BARUCH, son of Neriah, Jeremiah I., 36;

II., 33, 37, 54-62.

BARZILLAI, the Gileadite, II. Samuel, 249.

– David and, II. Samuel, 301-313.

BASHAN reduced, Numbers, 255.

BASILIDES, Pastoral Epistles, 8, 42.

BASNAGE, Jacob, History of the Jews, Acts II., 13, 19.

BATHSHEBA and Adonijah, I. Kings, 107.

– and David, II. Samuel, 162 sq.

– and the succession of Solomon, I. Kings, 85.

– became the wife of David, II. Samuel, 170.

– name not in Chronicles, Chronicles, 147.

BAUDISSIN, W. W. F., Isaiah II., 463;

Twelve Prophets II., 483.

BAUR, F. C., Acts II., 1;

II. Corinthians, 117;

Galatians, 125;

Ephesians, 4;

Pastoral Epistles, 8, 10, 12, 33;

James, 138, 140.

BAXTER, R., Acts I., 134, 137.

BAYET, C., De Titulis Attica Christ, Acts II., 308, 321.

BEATITUDES, The, Matthew, 58-69.

– See Sermon on the Mount.

BEAUTY, moral and aesthetic, Deuteronomy, 104.

BECK, J. T., Ephesians, 103, 107.

BEDE, Venerable, Eccles. Hist., Acts I., 294;

James, 6, 8, 84, 103, 153, 172, 267, 268, 282, 285, 331, 351.

BEELZEBUB, Jesus Christ and, Mark, 91-95.

BEET, J. A., II. Corinthians, 95, 137, 151, 233;

Galatians, 143, 309, 328;

Ephesians, 4, 66, 99, 345.

BEETHOVEN, Ludwig Von, Funeral march of, Exodus, 387.

BELLARMINE, Robert F. R., James, 338.

BELLS on high priests robe, Leviticus, 196.

BELSHAZZAR, Isaiah II., 113, Daniel, 54, 203-217.

BENAIAH, II. Samuel, 345;

I. Kings, 87.

– slays Adonijah, I. Kings, 109.

– slays Joab, I. Kings, 113.

– slays Shimei, I. Kings, 114.

BENE-KEDEM, Job, 23.

BENEDICTION, The Apostolic, Hebrews, 329.

– The double, of the Tabernacle, Leviticus, 231.

BENEDICTUS, The, Luke, 28, 42-44.

BENEDICTUS, The lesser, Luke, 36-39.

BENGEL, J. A., II. Corinthians, 121, 155, 179, 235, 310, 311, 318, 350;

Galatians, 148;

Ephesians, 322;

Thessalonians, 117;

Hebrews, 100;

James, 115, 285, 325, 418;

John Epistles, 21, 105, 119, 181, 219.

BENHADAD and Ahab, I. Kings, 451-472.

– and the siege of Samaria, II. Kings, 76-86.

BENHADAD III., II. Kings, 183.

BENJAMIN, Jacob and, Genesis, 405.

– Joseph and, Genesis, 388.

BENJAMIN, the tribe, Inheritance of, Joshua, 316-319.

– Moses blesses, Deuteronomy, 467.

BENT, J. T., Acts II., 374.

BENTLEY, Sir Richard, John Epistles, 137, 240.

BENZINGER, J., Ezekiel, 407.

BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, Song of Solomon, 43;

Acts II., 417;

Romans, 75;

Peter, 66;

John Epistles, 71, 115, 154, 203.


BERNICE, Acts II., 432, 448.

BEROEA, Acts II., 296, 302.

BETHEL, Jacob at, Genesis, 282.

BETHHORON, Battles at, Joshua, 319.

– Battles of, Joshua, 223-235.

BETHLEHEM, Judges, 364, 386;

I. Samuel, 254, 272.

– Christ born in, Luke, 62.

– lacking in hospitality, Genesis, 175.

BETHSHEAN, Joshua, 303.

BETHSHEMESH, Ark at, I. Samuel, 81-82.

– Curiosity of the men of, I. Samuel, 82.

BEVERIDGE, William, Acts I., 134.

BEYSCHLAG, Willibald, James, 60.

BEZA, Ephesians, 15, 275;

James, 159, 222, 387, 418, 432, 454, 457.

BEZALEEL, Exodus, 426 sq.

BIAS, the sage, James, 173.

BIBLE, The, Accuracy of the, Jeremiah I., 177.

– the bread of life, Deuteronomy, 213, 214.

– its character, Proverbs, 382.

– not a fetish, I. Kings, 4.

– nothing in it without purpose, Joshua, 376.

– Statements of, Numbers, 281.

– Study of, Joshua, 64-66.

– Universality of the, Job, 17.

– the word of God, Numbers, 163.

BIBLE HISTORY, the history of Redemption, Genesis, 28.

BIGOTRY of Zophar, Job, 244.

BILDAD, Bitterness of, Job, 216.

– Character of, Job, 102.

– his first speech, Job, 135.

– second speech, Job, 215.

BINGHAM, Richard, Antiquities, Acts I., 67, 386;

II., 176, 396;

John Epistles, 170.

BISHOPS, Origin of, Acts II., 416-418.

BITHIAH, Chronicles, 76.

BITTERNESS of soul, Proverbs, 194.

BLAMELESS, Christians to be, Philippians, 143.

BLANDINA, Pastoral Epistles, 257.

BLASPHEMY, Penalty of, Leviticus, 480-486.

BLESSED in the Psalms, Psalms I., 2;

II., 436, 445, 447.

– They who bless are, Peter, 119-132.

BLESSING OF MOSES, Deuteronomy, 460-470.

BLESSINGS OF GOD, Hebrews, 89.

– Catalogue of, Psalms III., 430.

– dwelling with Him, Psalms II., 250.

– The meaning of the, Genesis, 238.

– of Aaron, Numbers, 67.

– of Moses, Numbers, 116.

– Spiritual and temporal, Joshua, 126.

– willingly bestowed, Genesis, 248.

BLOMFIELD, Bishop, Acts II., 229.

BLOOD of the Passover, Exodus, 189, 190.

– The plague of, Exodus, 129-132.

– Prohibition of, Leviticus, 99.

– Revenge, Numbers, 400.

– Sprinkling of, Leviticus, 136.

BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST cries for pardon, Genesis, 39.

– See Atonement.

BOASTING, Foolish, II. Corinthians, 325-341.

BOAZ, Judges, 389-416.

BOCHIM, Judges, 35-44.

BODENSTEIN, Andrew Rudolph, James, 24.

BODY and the Christian life, Philippians, 310-314.

– and spirit, Exodus, 105.

– compare with society, I. Corinthians, 283.

– for the Lord, I. Corinthians, 152-155.

– influences the higher nature, Exodus, 320.

– The spiritual, in the resurrection, I. Corinthians, 371-386.

– to be kept under, I. Samuel, 55;

I. Corinthians, 223.

BOECKH, Augustus, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, Acts II., 205, 278, 300, 363, 366.

BOEHME, Jacob, on the Divine shining, Numbers, 69.

BOETHIUS quoted, Job, 288.

BOILS, The plague of, Exodus, 144-146.

BOLLANDISTS, Acts I., 111, 162;

Pastoral Epistles, 248.

BONDAGE, Return to spiritual, Galatians, 256-271.

"BOOK OF THE DEAD," Job, 213.

BOOK OF ENOCH, Acts I., 25, 28, 119;

James, 409, 432-447.

BOOK OF JUBILEES, Acts I., 25, 28.

BOOK OF THE LAW found by Hilkiah, II. Kings, 386, 399-401.

BOOTH, Wm., John Epistles, 231.

"BORROWED JEWELS," Exodus, 69, 167.

BOSSUET, Jacob B., John Epistles, 136.


BRADFORD, John, Romans, 54.

BRAVERY, Disinterested, Exodus, 40.

BRAZEN SERPENT, The, Numbers, 248.

– and Jesus Christ, John I., 117-128.

– Symbolism of, Numbers, 249.

BREAD and faith, Deuteronomy, 207.

– of life, John I., 207-222.

– of the soul, Deuteronomy, 202-217.

BREDENKAMP, Conrad J., Isaiah I., 237;

II., 130, 178, 205, 211, 226, 435, 457, 458;

Twelve Prophets II., 134.

BRETHREN, Colossians, 15, 385.

– Love of the, Thessalonians, 151-158;

Peter, 249.

BRETSCHNEIDER, Karl T., Pastoral Epistles, 125;

John Epistles, 125, 307.

BRIBERY, Isaiah I., 47.

BRICK MAKING in Egypt, Exodus, 92-94.

BRIGGS, C. A., Isaiah II., 18, 336, 345, 412, 435.

BRIGHT, John, Twelve Prophets I., 241.


BROOKS, Phillips, Luke, 315.

BROTHER OF THE LORD, James, 28, 31, 374.

BROTHERHOOD, Genesis, 40, 41;

Numbers, 408.

– Christian, Peter, 55-68.

– Christ's, Hebrews, 39, 41.

– in the church, Joshua, 77;

Colossians, 476, 477.

– of man, Twelve Prophets I., 406;

Galatians, 234.

– of nations, Joshua, 76.

BROWN, David, The Book of Revelation, Revelation, 205.

– Epistle to the Romans, Romans, 207.

– The Second advent, Revelation, 130.

BROWNING, Robert, quoted, Numbers, 275, 294;

Deuteronomy, 115;

Judges, 379;

II. Kings, 319;

Chronicles, 443;

Proverbs, 351;

Ecclesiastes, 16;

Song of Solomon, 172, 181;

Isaiah I., 63, 220, 354;

Ezekiel, 120, 231;

John I., 27;

Romans, 88;

I. Corinthians, 119, 278;

Ephesians, 234.

BROWNLOW AND NORTHCOTE, Roma Sotteranea, Acts I., 112.

BRUCE, A. B., John I., 233;

Thessalonians, 176;

Hebrews, 44, 45;

James, 410.

BRÜCKNER, Benno B., James, 60, 378, 390, 418.

BRUGSCH, Heinrich, Jeremiah II., 221;

Ezekiel, 281.

BRYCE, James, Locusts in South Africa, Twelve Prophets II., 400.

BUCKLAND, F., John Epistles, 131, 132.

BUCKLE, Thomas, Ecclesiastes, 144.

BUDDE, Karl, Twelve Prophets II., 119, 121, 124, 125, 128, 134, 498, 505.

BUDDHA, Doctrine of Karma, Proverbs, 71.

– Early life of, John Epistles, 155-157.

BUDDHISM, Acts I., 400;

John Epistles, 110.

BULL, George, Acts I., 134.

BUNTING, Jabez, Acts I., 3.

BUNYAN, John, quoted, Job, 144;

Song of Solomon, 237;

Ephesians, 75;

Colossians, 269;

Thessalonians, 77, 144.


Galatians, 390-404.

BURGER, Johann G., Revelation, 330.

BURNET, Bishop Gilbert, Commentary on the thirty-nine articles, Acts I., 192.

BURNS, Robert, Proverbs, 293;

Isaiah I., 192;

Thessalonians, 143, 144.

BURNT OFFERING, Leviticus, 29, 62.

BUSHNELL, Horace, quoted, Job, 259;

John I., 359.

BUSINESS, Twelve Prophets I., 430.

– The highest good in, Ecclesiastes, 142-186.

BUTLER, Alfred J., Coptic Churches, Acts II., 256.

BUTLER, Archer, James, 383, 386.

BUTLER, Joseph, James, 99, 443.

– The analogy, Acts I., 18;

II., 133, 413;

John Epistles, 71, 249.

– Durham charge, Pastoral Epistles, 368.

BUTLER, Samuel, Hudibras quoted, Proverbs, 266.

BUXTORF, Johann, Lexicon, Acts II., 16.

BYRON, Lord, Jeremiah II., 217;

John Epistles, 158.

BZOVIUS, Abraham, Continuation of Baronius' annals, Acts I., 415.

The Expositor's Bible: Index

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