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➤ Neurobic Exercises
ОглавлениеJust as we do aerobics to activate and tone our muscles, we can do brain exercises (neurobics) to stimulate our senses in new and unexpected ways.8 Our efficient brain runs on autopilot most of the time: every day we pretty mindlessly wake up, brush our teeth, take a shower, use the same route to work. When you change up the routine, the brain has to become more conscious and aware of your mind. So neurobic exercises not only engage the conscious mind, they also help to grow new neural circuits.
In his book Keep Your Brain Alive, neurobiologist Dr. Lawrence Katz suggested eighty-three exercises to increase mental fitness. Each exercise met two criteria. First, it had to use one or more senses in a new way. For example, he suggested brushing your teeth with your eyes closed or with your nondominant hand. Second, it had to break a routine in an unexpected way that evoked an emotion such as happiness, love, or anger. For example, he suggested taking a new route to work or riding your bike instead of driving or taking the bus.
When you brush your teeth with your eyes closed, you rely on touch and sound rather than sight to guide your hand to the toothbrush, the toothpaste, your mouth, and your teeth. You likely pay more attention to the layout of your bathroom and the smell of the toothpaste. Neurobic exercises cause the brain’s attentional and emotional circuits to become alert. They activate little-used nerve connections and keep your neural pathways active and healthy.