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Оглавление1 1. Jean-Christophe Bailly, Le Parti pris des animaux (Paris: Christian Bourgois, 2013).
2 2. The idea of thinking about the relationships with living things in an inchoate sense is formulated by Baptiste Morizot in an interview with Pierre Charbonnier and Bruno Latour: ‘Redécouvrir la terre’, Tracés. Revue de sciences sociales [online], 33, 2017, posted on 19 September 2017, accessed 14 December 2017. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/traces/7071; DOI: 10.4000/traces.7071.
3 3. A very good example of this intimacy without proximity can be found in Jacob Metcalf’s article on human–grizzly encounters: ‘Intimacy without Proximity: Encountering Grizzlies as a Companion Species,’ Environmental Philosophy, vol. 5, no. 2, autumn 2008.
4 4. See Morizot, ‘Redécouvrir la terre’.
5 5. My own work is to some extent a response, at once speculative and pragmatic, to the richly suggestive remarks made in Bruno Latour, Où atterrir? Comment s’orienter en politique (Paris: La Découverte, ‘Cahiers Libres’, 2017).
6 6. Akira Mizubayashi, Mélodie, chronique d’une passion (Paris: Gallimard, ‘Folio’, 2013).
7 7. Baptiste Morizot, Les Diplomates. Cohabiter avec les loups sur une autre carte du vivant (Marseille: Wildproject, 2016), p. 149.