Читать книгу Beyond Self Confidence: Everything You Need to Know to Be Happy and Live the Life You Desire - Barbara Boone's Frank - Страница 5



How do we know when we are happy? How can we measure our happiness?

Should we even have to question if we are happy or not, should we not just know?

The answer is that we should know when we are happy, and it should not have to be measured.

The fact that we think that it might have to be measured is a reflection upon society. We see advertisements all the time or hear them on the radio that tells us what we should eat, wear, drink, or do to succeed in our quest for happiness.

We are told by society what is expected of us to be happy. However, are we really happy by doing what others expect of us?

We stop being ourselves as we try to fit into the role that society has expected us to fill. To please our parents, we get certain jobs. We do things we do not like because it is expected of us.

Watching TV, we are bombarded with images of things that promise happiness such as clothing, a perfume, a beer, a restaurant, or a vacation destination.

Have you ever bought a watch and found eternal joy? No? Neither have we. Happiness is not something that is bought. Happiness is when you enjoy who you are.

Society conditions us to think that we know what happiness is. We are so pressured to be what is considered “normal” that we forget to be ourselves; we care too much about what others think to just be who we are.

However, there are people that march to the beat of their own drum. They know what society expects of them and they do not conform. They follow what they hear inside of them. These are the people that have success and happiness.

Would you be surprised if we told you that the difference is that they are confident in themselves, and that makes all the difference?

If you are not happy with yourself, then you will not be happy throughout your life.

Self-confidence is how to build a solid foundation of happiness for your life.

Self-confidence goes way beyond thinking that you look good, or being a good speaker.

Self-confidence is when you know who you are, accept yourself totally, and love it.

Learn how to up your happy factor by loving yourself and being more confident. When you are not constantly worried, you find more time to be happy.

When you are more confident, life starts to fall into place and you will be happier. It is your life; it is time that you start controlling it. You do deserve to have what you want, you are deserving of happiness, in whatever form it may come in, stop thinking otherwise.

This book will help break you out of that negative mental mindset and get you back on track, to being you and to being happy.

Beyond Self Confidence: Everything You Need to Know to Be Happy and Live the Life You Desire

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