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The Difference a Positive Attitude Makes


Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. You have probably heard this before and dismissed at just being an old adage or saying. However, it is true.

Positive thinkers have a reputation of being people who are always expecting miracles, who wear rose-colored glasses and who fail to see that bad things do indeed happen. None of the above is 100% true.

Waiting for a miracle? No, they do not believe that if they sit on their behinds and wish, that things fall into place, but if you are in a bad situation, having a positive attitude sure makes it easier to deal with than falling to pieces and deciding that the only outcome is the worst possible outcome.

Relying on a miracle and hoping for the best outcome are two different things, and it never hurts to have a little hope.

Do positive people have rose-colored glasses and fail to see that there are bad things and negative things? No. Positive people do not have tunnel vision so that they only see the good, or ignore the bad.

What positive people do see is that life is easier to deal with when you look for the good, and the bad is easier to deal with when you are able to recognize that there is a positive somewhere, that will balance it out. They are not selective about what they see; they are selective about how they deal with things.

Life happens, and ready or not, we need to deal with it. Positive thinking means that we do not dwell on the negative, but we work on finding a solution. Negative thinking gets us stuck in that mental rut of nothing good can come of this, that every problem leads to another problem. We think we are prepping ourselves to handle the worst outcome, but really, we are expecting the worst outcome when we prepare for the worst.

A simple shift in how we look at things is often all that is needed to swing our attitude from negative to positive. What is the point of succeeding in something, if your mindset is that something is bound to go wrong eventually; that is just a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, and you, and nobody else, are the cause of it.

Yes, negative thinking will only invite more problems into your life! Rather than list the problems that a negative attitude can cause, let us instead focus on the power of a positive attitude.

Positive thinking not only makes us think positive and feel positive, but it has a great influence on who we are and how we interact with others and vice versa.

Some other benefits of a positive attitude are:

It improves your health by being positive. Positive people have less anxiety related disorders such as anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, and insomnia. People who are positive thinkers tend to have less stress, so they stay healthier by not having the toll taken on their bodies that stress causes. It is not that positive thinkers do not have stressful situations; they just know how to cope with them better.

It gives you a better ability to concentrate on what matters. People with positive attitudes are able to hold it together when problems happen, because they are focused on solution finding. Positive thinkers are the ones who remain calm when things fall apart, they know a solution will be found and are better able to concentrate on finding it, instead of being bogged down with the problems themselves, to the point of not moving forward. This is very much tied in with knowing how to handle stress.

It boosts your entire life to new levels in terms of your self-esteem, success, and happiness. Positive thinking means that you not just wanting to succeed, but you are willing to work towards it, because you have faith in yourself and what you can do. You have a can-do attitude instead of a “can’t do it” attitude. Your personality traits are positive ones when you are thinking positive, so you get feedback that is more positive from people, which makes you even more positive and strengthens your positive outlook that much more.

Those are just some of the main benefits from having a positive outlook, but really, there are so much more that can be named. Life is just more fun and worth living when you are enjoying it, something that you cannot do with a negative attitude.

Your personal life and your career will soar, as you meet and complete your goals. You appreciate the tough times because they will have taught you how to overcome, makes you grow and learn as a person. Your personality improves, and people will want to be around you more; nobody wants to be with Debbie Downer. Your attitude will infect others around you, making your social circle more pleasant to be with.

It is that simple, change you attitude and change your life.

Beyond Self Confidence: Everything You Need to Know to Be Happy and Live the Life You Desire

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