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Chapter 1


Snow fell quietly, cold and white. Inside the big old farmhouse where Rose Anna had lived all her life it was warm. A fire crackled in the hearth, the only sound in the room.

Rose Anna glanced around the sewing room. Usually she and her three schweschders sat chatting and sewing with their mudder, sometimes singing a hymn as they worked. Today it was just her and her mudder.

She sighed. “So here you sit with your old maedel dochder, Mamm.”

Linda laughed. “I hardly think you’re an old maedel at twenty-three, Rose Anna.”

She knotted a thread, clipped it with scissors, and squinted as she rethreaded her needle. “I feel like one,” she said, pouting a little. “Both of my schweschders are married, and so are lots of my friends. I have been a newehocker at so many weddings!” She made a face as she began stitching on her quilt again.

“Guder mariye!”

Rose Anna glanced up. “Ach, here comes my newly married schweschder.”

The three Zook schweschders were often confused for each other because they looked so much alike with oval faces, big blue eyes, and hair a honey blonde. They’d been born just a year apart, so they’d grown up close. Rose Anna was the youngest—something her two older schweschders never let her forget.

“Mary Elizabeth, it’s gut to see you. Kumm, sit by the fire and get warm. You look cold.”

She leaned down and kissed her mudder’s cheek. “Lavina’s on her way up.”

Linda brightened and turned to look in the direction of the door. When Lavina walked in a moment later, her face fell. “Where’s Mark?”

Lavina laughed and shook her head. “You mean you’re not glad to see me?”

“Well, schur,” Linda said quickly. “But I thought you were bringing my grosssohn.”

“He was fussy and stayed up most of the night, so now he’s sleeping.” Lavina sank into a chair. “Waneta said she’d mind him so I could get out for a bit. She told me she wouldn’t let him sleep all day so he’d keep us up again.”

“You look like you need a nap,” Rose Anna told her.

“It’s tempting, but I need to stay to my goal of finishing this quilt,” she said as she threaded a needle.

“Could he be teething already?”

Lavina shuddered. “I hope not. He’s not three months old yet. I’ve heard about teething from my friends.”

Soon it was like it had been for so long, everyone chattering and sewing, the mood as bright and cheerful as the fire.

But Rose Anna felt a growing restlessness. She put her quilt aside, went downstairs to make tea for their break, and found herself staring out the kitchen window. The trees were bare and black against the gray sky. Snow had stopped falling, coating everything with a white blanket that lay undisturbed. She found herself pacing the kitchen as she waited for the kettle to boil.

Finally, she knew she had to get out and burn off her restless energy.

“I’m going for a walk,” she announced when her mudder and schweschders came downstairs. She pulled on rubber boots and her bonnet, then shrugged on her coat. “I won’t be long.”

“But, kind, it’s cold out there,” her mudder protested.

“I need to walk. ’Bye.”

“She’ll be fine, Mamm,” she heard Lavina say behind her before she closed the back door.

Funny, her older schweschder reassuring their mudder.

She started off down the road, watching for cars and staying well to the right. Smoke billowed from chimneys as she passed farms. Fields lay sleeping under the snow. The only sound was her boots crunching snow.

Usually she loved this time of year when life was slower, easier. All the planting, harvesting, canning was over. Farmers spent time in their barns repairing harnesses and equipment and planned their spring planting. Women occupied themselves with sewing and knitting and mending clothes. Kinner grew restive being cooped up and begged to go outside and build snowmen.

The Stoltzfus farm came into view. Lavina had married David, the oldest sohn, and lived there now. Mary Elizabeth had married Sam, the middle sohn. And she, the youngest Zook schweschder, had hoped to marry John, the youngest bruder.

John’s truck, a bright red pickup, was parked out front of David and Lavina’s farm. She wondered what he was doing home during a workday. Her feet slowed as she frowned and worried. Was his dat ill again? Surely Lavina would have said something. Amos had been cured of his cancer for quite some time now.

John came out of the farmhouse carrying a box of clothes and walked toward the truck, then he saw her. “Need a ride?”

“Nee, danki,” she said, lifting her chin and walking past him. She might have to be pleasant to him in front of family, but she’d never forgive him for not wanting her anymore.

If she was honest with herself, though, she didn’t need to see John to be reminded of him most days. The three Stoltzfus bruders looked so much alike they could have been triplets—tall, square-jawed, with dark blue eyes so often serious. John wore his brown, almost black hair in an Englisch cut because he still lived in that world.

Rose Anna heard the truck engine start, and the next thing she knew John was pulling up beside her. He stopped and the window on the passenger side slid down. “You’re sure you don’t want a ride?”

“I said nee, danki,” she repeated, and her words sounded as cold as the air she was breathing. She’d rather freeze to death than get into his truck.

His driving the Englisch vehicle was one of the many sources of friction between him and his dat. John was the last of the Stoltzfus bruders who had moved to town after not getting along with their dat and the last to reconcile with him and rejoin the Amish community. The only reason he was living here now was because Sam and Mary Elizabeth had married, and John could no longer afford the apartment he’d shared with Sam.

Mary Elizabeth had confided to her that she and Sam had asked John to move in with them. She wondered if that was the reason for John carrying the box out to the truck just now.

It was nice that they had offered when they’d only been married a few months and moved into their own farm down the road.

But whether he lived at his old home, or with Sam and Mary Elizabeth instead of in town, it meant that she was going to have to see him more often and that rankled.

Rose Anna glared at the truck. Later, she’d chide herself for childishness. She found herself reaching down to a drift of snow at the side of the road, packing it into a hard ball in her hands, and throwing it at the truck as he accelerated away.

It hit the glass window of the truck cab, dead-on—no surprise since she was great at softball. He slammed on the brakes, then he got out and stood staring at her, his hands on his hips.

“Why’d you do that?” he demanded.

She turned on her heel and began stomping back toward home.

And that was when she felt something thump her on the back. She turned and saw him forming another snowball with his hands.

Frowning, she bent, quickly scooped up snow in her hands, formed another ball, and hit him in the center of the chest before he could lob another at her. She took off running toward the Stoltzfus farm and made it to the front door just as he got her with another ball of snow. Doors here weren’t locked in the middle of the day. She slipped inside before he could hit her again and found herself staring at Amos sitting in his recliner reading the newspaper.

“Guder mariye,” she said politely. “Is Waneta home?”

He closed his mouth that had fallen open at her abrupt entrance and nodded. “In the kitchen.”

Rose Anna brushed the snow from her coat and wiped her feet before walking there. Waneta stood at the big kitchen table kneading bread.

“I was just out and thought I’d stop by,” she said brightly. She spun around when she heard footsteps behind her.

John strolled in just then. “I think you forgot something,” he said, pushing a handful of loose snow in her face.

“John! Whatever are you doing?” his mudder cried, looking appalled.

“She started it,” he told her and he strolled out, chuckling.

Rose Anna wiped the snow from her face and grinned at Waneta as the older woman hurried over with a dish towel to dry her off. “He’s right. I did. I don’t know what got into me.”

She did know, but she wasn’t going to tell the woman she’d hoped would be her mother-in-law one day. It just hurt too much to share with her how badly her sohn had hurt her when he turned his back on their relationship and left the Amish community.


John knew he was going to hear from his mother about what he’d done when he returned for the rest of his things. And undoubtedly, if she told his father, he’d have a word or two or three with him for sure.

But it had been worth it to see the look of utter shock on Rose Anna’s face and to rub the snow on that cold face of hers.

Boy, the woman sure could hold a grudge.

Icy water dripped down his neck as the snowball she’d hit him with melted. He found himself grinning as he turned up the heater, slipped his favorite CD into the player, and turned the volume to full blast.

He jumped when he heard the siren behind him and caught a glimpse of flashing lights in his rearview mirror. A quick glance at the speedometer sent a chill down his spine that had nothing to do with Rose Anna’s snowballs. Great, he thought, hitting the brakes and signaling that he was moving over onto the shoulder of the road.

The police cruiser pulled up behind him, and an officer appeared at the side of the truck. John lowered the window, and a blast of cold air rushed in.

“Do you know how fast you were going?” the officer asked him, sounding testy.

“Uh, no sir. Not exactly.”

“Twenty miles over the speed limit.”

He winced. “Sorry.”

“Let me see your license and registration, please.”

John handed him the license and leaned over to get the registration out of the glove compartment.

“Truck’s not in your name.” The officer peered at him with suspicion.

“I’m buying it from my brother.”

All he got was a grunt. “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.”

John shivered and rolled the window back up. Minutes ticked by. Long, long minutes. Was he going to jail? He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and shivered. No way was he starting the engine to turn on the heater and having the cop think he was going to make a run for it.

Make a run for it. Now he sounded like one of the shows he’d watched on the tiny television he and Sam used to have in the apartment they’d shared in town.

Another police cruiser pulled up. Oh man, he thought. Two officers? I must be in big trouble.

The officer who appeared at his driver’s side window wore a bulky jacket over the police uniform, but he saw it was a female—a familiar one.

“Hey, John,” she said, pushing up the brim of her hat so that he saw it was Kate Kraft. “How’s it going?”

“Not so well. I didn’t realize how fast I was going.”

“There’s a lot of horsepower under that hood,” she told him easily. She turned as the male officer strode up and joined them. “I know John,” she said. “He is buying the truck from his brother Sam.”

“Thanks,” the man said, handing John his identification. “I’ll let you off with a warning this time,” he told him. “Get that paperwork straightened out as fast as you can.”

“I will. Thank you, Officer.”

The man nodded and returned to his car.

“Everything okay?” she asked, studying him.

“Yeah. I thought I was in big trouble when a second officer showed up.”

“Officer Smith called me when he saw your name on your license. I’m often called in if an officer thinks he needs someone who knows Pennsylvania Dietsch.” She tilted her head. “So, speeding?”

“Yeah, I just wasn’t paying attention. The truck really moves.”

She grinned. “Faster than one of the buggy horses you used to drive, huh?”

“Yeah. Lots.”

A gust of wind tossed a flurry of snow at Kate’s jacket. “Well, I better go. Keep an eye on that speedometer. Officer Smith gives just one warning.”

“It won’t happen again.”

“Good. Okay, I’m headed home. Drive careful.”

“You, too,” he said, then wondered if he should have said it. Police officers always drove carefully, didn’t they? Since she didn’t make any comment and was walking away he decided he hadn’t offended. After rolling up the window, he started the engine, checked for traffic, and drove out onto the road.

John pulled into the drive of his family home and was careful to park to one side. No way was he giving his father an excuse to fuss if he needed to pull the buggy out the next day before John went to work. Not that his father went anywhere early, but he’d fuss anyway if he was blocked in.

He parked, locked the truck, and hurried toward the house. The wind was picking up, slapping snow into his face. He grimaced, remembering how Rose Anna had thrown snowballs at him earlier.

When he opened the door to the kitchen, he let in a blast of cold air. His mother looked up from a pot she was stirring on the stove.

“Wipe your feet.”

“I always do,” he responded as he stamped his boots on the rug before shedding his jacket and hat.

“Don’t backtalk your mudder,” his father said as he walked into the room.

John glanced over at her, and she cast him a beseeching look. Don’t argue, her look said.

“Sorry, Mom,” he said. “Something smells good.”

“Always shows up for a meal,” Amos grumbled as he took a seat at the table.

“So where’s David and Lavina?” he asked as he walked over to the stove and looked over his mother’s shoulder at the contents of the pot she was stirring.

“They’ll be home soon. They went to visit some friends.” She glanced at the kitchen window. “Snow’s really starting to come down.”

“So what were you doing having a snowball fight with a maedel?” Amos demanded, his bushy black eyebrows drawn together in a frown. “Aren’t you a little old for such childishness?”

“She started it,” John told him. He endured his father’s steely gaze and shrugged. “We were just playing around.”

“What if the bishop had been passing by?”

“He doesn’t need to be bothering people having a little fun.”

“Now you’re telling the bishop his job?”

John felt his temper rising. “Look, can we drop it?”

“Sounds like home,” David said as he strolled into the room.

“Your bruder here—” Amos began and then abruptly stopped when he saw Lavina walk in with her boppli in her arms. He jumped up and crossed the room to take his grosssohn from her so she could shed her coat.

“He fell asleep on the way home,” Lavina told him. “I’m going to take him upstairs and put him in his crib for a nap.”

Amos frowned. “I was hoping to spend some time with him.”

She smiled. “He won’t sleep long. I promise you’ll have a visit with him before he goes to bed tonight.” She carefully lifted Mark from his arms and went upstairs.

“He likes Mark because he can’t talk back yet,” John muttered to David as he took a seat next to him.

“I heard that.” Amos sat at the table again.

“John, could you go down to the basement and get me two jars of green beans?”

“Happy to.”

Relieved to get away from his father, John went on the mission even though the basement was cold. He grabbed the flashlight kept at the top of the stairs and walked up and down the rows of shelves until he came upon the Mason jars of green beans canned during the harvest. With them tucked in one arm he went back upstairs and found Amos engaged in a conversation with Lavina.

“Here you go,” he told his mother and put the jars on the kitchen counter next to the stove.

And that’s when he saw green beans warming in a pot on top of it. “What do you call that?” he asked quietly, pointing to the pot with steam rising from it.

“Keeping the peace,” she said, smiling. “Supper’s ready!”

Feeling chastened, he took his seat at the table.


Rose Anna sang along with the congregation during the long worship service. She glanced around the room, absorbing the peace, wanting to carry it with her until the next service.

It was so wunderbaar to be with friends and family and celebrate their faith.

The trouble was she found her attention wandering as the minister spoke. She couldn’t help remembering her childish behavior earlier in the week.

She couldn’t do something like lose her temper and do something so impulsive like pelt John with snowballs the next time she saw him. What if someone had seen her the other day? But she couldn’t help smiling as she remembered how it had felt to surprise him. It had been worth his retaliating when she escaped into his house. She had a feeling that his mudder had chastised him gut when he came home later.

“Something funny?” her schweschder Lavina whispered.

Rose Anna wiped the expression off her face. “Nee.”

“I’m going to go check on Mark. Waneta’s watching him and several boppli while they nap in a bedroom.”

She slipped from her chair and left the room. Rose Anna found herself studying the faces of family and friends gathered in the Miller home for the service. She loved it that church service took place in a home in her community. Home was church, and church was home. Gathering to worship in the home of a member was something that was such a part of their lives she couldn’t imagine anything that touched her heart as much. What had started as a way for her ancestors to avoid religious persecution had strengthened families and enriched the lives of all who came after them.

One day, if she married, she and her mann would host services in their home, and their kinner would grow up with church services in their home as she had. And she hoped that they would make their faith as much a part of their daily life—not just on alternate Sundays—as she had growing up.

A slight movement in the men’s section of the room caught her attention. Peter smiled at her. She smiled back. He was such a nice man. They’d known each other all their lives and had gone to schul together. She might have dated him sooner if she hadn’t had eyes only for John Stoltzfus. Stung by his leaving their community to live in the Englisch community in town, and his refusal to have anything to do with her, she’d decided to move on.

And practically no time later she’d walked into Sewn in Love delivering craft items sewn by the women in the shelter where she volunteered. She had taken one look at Peter, seen him in a different light, and they’d started seeing each other.

Her schweschders accused her of flirting with him to make John jealous, and maybe she’d been a little guilty of that in the beginning. It felt gut to have a man pay attention to her. John had enjoyed his time away from the Amish community a little too much in her opinion. When she’d confronted him and wanted to know when he was coming back, needing so desperately to know if he had any feelings at all for her, she’d found that he didn’t.

Remembering how she’d felt being rejected still rankled. After all, she and John had dated for more than a year before he left home. Any maedel would have been hurt by his behavior. She took a deep breath to calm herself, then another. And reminded herself she should be paying attention to the church service and not thinking about her dating life.

She’d see Peter soon enough. They were having lunch after church today. He’d told her he was taking her to her favorite restaurant. She’d argued with him about it. The restaurant was pricey, and with him working two jobs, she didn’t think he should be spending the money. But he’d overruled her objections so charmingly that she’d said okay.

Thinking of an afternoon spent in his company in one of her favorite places put her in a gut mood. She joined in another hymn and must have done so a bit too enthusiastically because Mary Elizabeth nudged her with her elbow and frowned at her.

As soon as the service was over Rose Anna stood and went to help some of the women in the kitchen. Everyone had a job to do after the service—the men converted pews to seating areas, and the women served and cleaned up after a light snack. She was hungry, but she had volunteered to help serve so she could leave right afterward. It was hard to resist the church spread. The peanut butter-marshmallow spread on a slice of bread smelled so gut, but she was determined to save her appetite for the restaurant. She’d eaten there four times now—twice with her schweschders on special occasions and twice with Peter.

Today she thought she’d order the chicken cordon bleu. The name just rolled off her tongue. It was so rich. So fancy.

Seeing how much she’d liked it Lavina had looked up the recipe and made it for her birthday supper. She’d told Rose Anna the recipe wasn’t hard. Just a chicken breast rolled around a slice of Swiss cheese and ham and baked to a golden deliciousness. It was sweet of her oldest schweschder to prepare it, but Rose Anna liked having it at the restaurant as a special treat. Followed of course by a fancy French pastry. That was even more special than the chicken.

And she really enjoyed going out with Peter. It felt gut to have him smile at her the way he did every time he saw her. What maedel wouldn’t feel her self-esteem restored by having a handsome Amish man like Peter waiting in his buggy outside to take her to lunch when she finished in the kitchen?

She could tell Peter liked simpler food and surroundings more than her favorite place. He’d teased her about her favorite chicken saying, “Fancy name for chicken stuffed with ham and cheese.” But he indulged her.

Peter was tall and lanky, but he ate like he had a hollow leg. He ordered the baked chicken and ate hungrily. When he eyed her plate, she pushed it toward him so he could finish the last few bites of her meal.

“You can’t still be hungry,” she told him indulgently. “I saw you having a snack earlier.”

He chuckled. “Mamm says I’m a growing boy.”

They were both twenty-three, so he was hardly a boy, but it did seem as if he had grown taller over the previous summer. Was that possible? Before she could ask him his attention was drawn to the dessert cart their server wheeled beside their table.

He ordered the chocolate cake—here it was called gateau au chocolat—and she got her favorite, a napoleon.

They lingered over dessert, and then he took her for a long drive in the country. Of course, whenever they traveled through a covered bridge they had to stop midway and do what all Amish couples did and share a quick kiss.

It was a pleasant afternoon. Peter was charming, attentive, and a wonderful man to date.

But as she stood on the porch and watched Peter drive off, she found herself looking in the direction of the farm where John lived and wondering what he was doing.

Home to Paradise

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