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The Exercises

My constant search for super health led me to discover yoga over 30 years ago. It clicked with me immediately and felt just perfect. It has kept me in the same shape I was in my 20s, has given me energy, kept my spine and joints flexible and in great condition, and helped me to relax and sleep well. Much more than this, its profound teachings and techniques have helped me through life’s many challenges.

About yoga

The word yoga means the union of body, mind and spirit with the universal spirit. Its exact origins are unclear but it is thought to have been developed around 5000BC in an area of pre-historic India that is now part of Pakistan. Yoga combines thorough physical exercises, balancing postures and deep-breathing practices with meditation and deep relaxation.

The exercises work on literally 100 per cent of the body – toning, firming, sculpting and realigning it whilst toning it internally as well. The movements are performed carefully and slowly. They are particularly excellent for ridding the body of the tension which is so pervasive in our stressful modern world. Tension literally strangles our bodies, inhibiting both lymph and blood flow to our tissues. The blood system carries nutrients from the food we eat and oxygen from the air we inhale to our cells whilst the lymphatic system removes toxins and fights infection. It is easy to understand that if these systems are inhibited by chronic stress this can easily cause deterioration in our bodies. By carefully stretching away all tension and by deep breathing to stimulate oxygen to the tissues, yoga’s soothing calming movements help restore these functions. The balancing movements strengthen our bodies and keep our joints flexible but they necessitate a huge level of concentration. By concentrating the mind while positioning the body, yoga ensures we stay in the present moment and takes the mind off its day-to-day concerns, thereby giving it a necessary rest. The breathing exercises are both calming and relaxing and once learnt can be used anywhere to help you unwind.

The mind is difficult to tame and the more frenetic our lives become the more we need yoga to help us calm down. Meditation and relaxation are wonderful tools to help us relax at will; eventually we realize the peace and happiness we seek is not out there but within ourselves and yoga is there to help us attain it.

Practising yoga

Yoga can be fitted into the busiest life style. All you need to practice it is a warm airy room, loose clothing, bare feet and a mat or rug to sit on. Always wait about 2 hours after a main meal before practising yoga and make sure you won’t be disturbed – make this your time.

Yoga is for everyone but the golden rule is you must never strain. Move carefully and slowly into each movement, hold it for the prescribed length of time and never worry if you are stiff and uncoordinated to start with. We are all stiff in the beginning but as you practice you will find yourself making rapid progress and looking and feeling much better into the bargain.


In yoga we breathe deeply with each movement to stimulate the body with life-giving oxygen. In general, gently push your abdominal muscles out and inhale slowly through your nose as you start to stretch into a posture. As you move into the movement slowly and calmly exhale through your nose. While relaxing in the movement just breathe normally and peacefully through your nose.

Caution: Although yoga is for all ages, it is for healthy people and if you have any health queries whatsoever then please check with your doctor before you start.

Ten Minutes in the Morning 28-Day Plan

Before you begin:

 Find a notebook.

 Paste in your beautiful body picture with your head on it.

 Weigh yourself and enter your measurements into the book.

 Enter your goal measurements into your notebook and make your daily affirmation or statement.

 If you have another goal that you would like to achieve, enter this as well.

 Check your food cupboards and buy enough fresh food for your first 3 days.

 Give away anything that could be a temptation.

 Set your alarm clock 10 minutes early for tomorrow morning.

The magic formula

When you combine daily visualization with inspiration and daily action you can achieve any goal.

 Take 2 minutes: to read the quotation. Visualize your goals and be grateful for the blessings you already possess.

 Take 1 minute: to read through today’s menu suggestions.

 Take 5 minutes: to exercise.

 Take 2 minutes: to read the beauty or lifestyle tip.

A good plan is like a road map. It shows the final destination and usually marks the best way to get there.


10 Minutes In The Morning: Yoga and Diet Plan

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