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Compliance is not, in itself, a new thing – it should, after all, be self-evident that organisations will observe laws and obligations that they have freely entered into. What is new, however, is the structured approach taken to the subject. Compliance management involves the standardised identification of obligations and their systematic translation to the organisation’s everyday operations. The development of structures and activities and their integration into existing procedures and processes reduces the risk of noncompliant behaviour in the conduct of business. However, a compliance management system (CMS) must offer more. The frequently used argument that the costs of such a system are less than the costs of non-compliance cannot stand up. In order to be accepted, compliance measures must be closely linked to effectiveness and efficiency and must not be perceived as bureaucratic obstacles. Compliance is therefore not a mere duty to be performed in order to avert negative consequences for an organisation, but rather contributes to the improvement of business operations. This book is intended to make a contribution and support organisations of all kinds in applying compliance measures to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation’s management as a whole.

ISO 19600:2014-12-15 “Compliance management systems – Guidelines” was developed by users for users and claims to be a best-practise approach for a globally unified policy for the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a CMS. The extent to which individual elements are implemented must, in accordance with the principle of appropriateness, be matched to the particular characteristics of the organisation. The standard is therefore applicable to all types of organisations – irrespective of their size, sector, and type of business or legal form.

This commentary explains all elements of ISO 19600 and provides numerous practical tips for a phased implementation approach. When a holistic approach is taken, a CMS in accordance with ISO 19600 becomes a key tool in strategic management. This book aims to provide a scientific basis for practical implementation, coupled with decades of experience in building and managing complex systems.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the many people who have provided me with support and motivation in the writing of this practical commentary. I would like to express my particular gratitude to Dr. Peter Jonas and DDr. Alexander Petsche for their stimulating discussions and cooperation in the development of this standard as representatives of Austria in ISO Project Committee 271. I would especially like to thank Mag. Gertraud Reznicek of Austrian Standards plus Publishing for her effective and professional cooperation and valuable support.

To all readers I wish that they will obtain many useful ideas and benefits that are relevant to their work in practise. I look forward to receiving any comments, feedback and suggestions at bneiger@neiger.eu!

Vienna, August 2015 Barbara Neiger

Successful Compliance

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