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On graph paper, divide the rectangle into quarters. Number them 1, 2, 3, 4 and then write in your planting plan for each quarter. Use chives and parsley to make the herb hedges that line the paths. There are several different types of thyme, rosemary and sage which offer attractive foliage and shape, as well as aromatic leaves and fragrant flowers.

Mint should be kept in a bed of its own, otherwise it will rampage through the whole herb garden. Once again, there are several types that you can group together to make an attractive and aromatic mint collection. Plant each sort in separate containers to stop them overwhelming each other, and then sink the containers into the ground. Make sure the containers have drainage holes.

Plant tarragon at the back of one of the north-facing quarters. It grows to 60cm (2ft) and will otherwise cast a large shadow on the other herbs.

In the round area at the centre of the four quarters, place a bay tree in a container. In cold areas, move it into a frost-free greenhouse when severe weather threatens.

Your Herb Garden

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