Читать книгу Your Herb Garden - Barbara Segall - Страница 23



To make a shelf, use four pieces of wood. Nail the side pieces so that they fit snugly just inside the front and back pieces. Together the four pieces of wood form a rectangle. Repeat this to make the rest of the shelves. Give the frame and shelves a protective coat of varnish, if you wish.

Cover each shelf with a piece of muslin. Fold the muslin over at each edge to neaten it off and tack it in place along the top edge of each shelf, spacing the drawing pins evenly.

Now you can slide the shelves into position and wait for the burst of harvest activity that begins soon after spring. In the meantime, keep the herb drying frame dust-free with a sheet of clean plastic or a dust sheet. Each time you use it check the shelves for stains and tears, and replace them when worn.

Your Herb Garden

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