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Paths Important for many reasons, as discussed. It is also very pleasant to walk into the herb garden along an even path edged with fragrant flowers and aromatic foliage.

Seats Offer similar pleasures. From a well-located bench you can enjoy the decorative shapes, as well as the delightful aromas and perfumes, of your flourishing herb plants.

Sundials and statues Might be considered unnecessary follies, but in a herb garden they provide fitting focal points and add height. Many herbs are low-growing, and a statue can lift your eye and create interest at a different level. Statues or large containers are particularly attractive when they mark the meeting of several paths. All-weather stone or terracotta urns can be used as permanent features to house tender herbs such as lemon verbena during the summer.

Arches and arbours Similar dual-purpose roles to play. They again lift your eye, and also offer support to climbing plants for the scented herb garden. Honeysuckle, jasmine and roses provide fragrant cover, but will need to be tied in to the support system.

Your Herb Garden

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