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(Laurus nobilis – Lauraceae)

Bay, a shrubby tree, offers evergreen and aromatic foliage that can be clipped into decorative topiary shapes to provide year-round ornament in the garden.

type Evergreen shrub or tree
flowers Small, creamy white, early summer (in hot climates only)
leaves Oval-shaped, smooth green leaves
height Depending on situation and climate, in time up to 12m (40ft). Slow-growing and suits containers. Can be clipped as a cone or standard to 1–1.2m (3–4ft).
spread Up to 9m (30ft)
planting Plant in autumn or spring
position Sunny and sheltered
soil Any, but best in light, well-drained soil. Container-grown bay needs a well-aerated, loam compost
care In cold areas and in the first year of growth, protect with hessian windbreaks. Overwinter container-grown bay in frost-free conditions. From midwinter onwards check branches and undersurfaces of leaves for scale insects
propagation Heel cuttings in late summer
species and varieties Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’ has yellowy-gold leaves and L.n. angustifolia, or willow-leaf bay, has narrow leaves. These varieties are best used ornamentally
harvest Pick leaves throughout the year, but at their peak for drying in spring and early summer
herbal value Leaves are used to flavour soups, fish stock, stews, marinades and in pickling
Your Herb Garden

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