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(Satureja montana – Labiatae)

Winter savory provides a spicy, aromatic flavour to salads and cooked dishes. It is often used as an informal edging plant.

type Hardy, evergreen, shrubby perennial
flowers Small pink to white flowers in late summer to autumn
leaves Small, pointed light green leaves
height Up to 40cm (16in)
spread Up to 45cm (18in)
planting Plant out in spring. Grows well in containers indoors
position Prefers full sun
soil Well-drained, slightly alkaline and coarse soil
care Cut sprawling stems back in spring. Give winter protection if in a damp and shady position
propagation Sow seed onto soil surface in spring. Take stem tip cuttings, layer stems or divide overgrown plants in spring
species and varieties Creeping winter savory (Satureja spicigera) has aromatic leaves and makes good ground cover
harvest Harvest young plants in their second year from early summer onwards. Cut flowering tips and leaves from soft stems
herbal value Mix with other herbs in bouquet garni. Use sparingly on its own as it has a strong flavour. Antiseptic properties are useful in astringent face preparations and to ease insect stings



French tarragon

Your Herb Garden

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