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How the Queen and Other Ladies were taken and imprisoned and her Men slain.


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In Rauchryne leve we now the King

In rest, for-owtyn barganying;

And off his fayis a quhile spek we,

That, throw thar mycht and thar powste,

Maid sic a persecucioune, 5

Sa hard, sa strayt, and sa feloune,

On thaim that till hym luffand wer,

Or kyn, or freynd on ony maner;

That it till her is gret pite.

For thai sparyt, off na degre, 10

Thaim that thai trowit his freynd wer,

Nothir off the kyrk, na seculer.

For off Glaskow byschop Robert,

And Marcus off Man thai stythly speryt,

Bath in fetrys and in presoune. 15

And worthy Crystoll off Seytoun

In-to Lochdon betresyt was,[†] Throw a discipill off Judas. Maknab, a fals tratour, that ay Wes off his duelling, nycht and day; 20 Quhom-to he maid gud cumpany. It wes fer wer than tratoury For to betreys sic a persoune, So nobill, and off sic renoune. Bot thar-off had he na pite: 25 In hell condampnyt mot he be! For quhen he him betrasyt had, The Inglis men rycht with him rad In hy, in Ingland, to the King, That gert draw hym, and hede, and hing, 30 For-owtyn pete, or mercy. It wes gret sorow sekyrly, That so worthy persoune as he Suld on sic maner hangyt be. Thusgate endyt his worthynes. 35 And off Crauford als Schyr Ranald wes. And Schyr Bruce als the Blar, Hangyt in-till a berne in Ar.

1306 The Queen goes to Tain

The Queyn, and als dame Marjory,

Hyr dochtyr that syne worthily 40

Wes coupillyt in-to Goddis band

With Walter, Stewart off Scotland;

That wald on na wys langar ly

In the castell off Kyldromy,

To byd a sege, ar ridin raith 45

With knychtis and with squyeris bath,

Throw Ros, rycht to the gyrth off Tayne.

Bot that travaill thai maid in vayne;

For thai off Ros, that wald nocht ber

For thaim na blayme, na yheit danger, 50

Owt off the gyrth thame all has tayne;[†] And syne has send thaim evirilkane Rycht in-till Ingland, to the King, That gert draw all the men, and hing; And put the ladyis in presoune, 55 Sum in-till castell, sum in dongeoun. It wes gret pite for till heir Folk till be troublyt on this maneir.[†]

The Bruce

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