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Special thanks to my beautiful bride, Katie, and our three, precious little girls, each a blessing wrapped in a promise.

Thanks to my parents, hands that are steady, character that is deep, and a faith that seems unwavering—I learn from you both. From Corrie, a posture that questions the status quo—thanks for challenging me!

Thanks to Jonathan St. Clair, my partner in ministry and faithful friend. We share a brain, and he brings order to my abstraction. Thanks also to Scott Jones and Eric Youngblood. The three of us were inseparable in graduate school, and these two men are an integral part of who I am as a pastor.

Finally, it is rare for a day to go by when I do not stop and think: “What would Richard Pratt have to say about that?” Thanks Richard, for your voice that forever remains in the ear of your students.

The Mystery of Grace in the Baptism of Our Children (Stapled Booklet)

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