Читать книгу The Mystery of Grace in the Baptism of Our Children (Stapled Booklet) - Bart Garrett - Страница 5



Over the years I have talked to many well meaning, sincere couples who grapple with the Christian doctrine of infant baptism. “Jesus was baptized as an adult.” “The New Testament never really talks about baptizing babies, so why should we do it now?” “It just will not be as meaningful when she is a little baby.” “The Bible says, ‘Repent, believe and then get baptized.’ How can little babies demonstrate repentance and faith?” “I want him to appreciate Christ and come to trust in Him for salvation; then baptism will actually mean something to him.” “Jesus came up out of the Jordan River. You mean to tell me that just sprinkling a couple of drops on my baby’s head does the trick?”

This booklet is an attempt to deal with those sincere, heart-felt questions in a pastoral way. It is not an attempt to defend my case, prove my point, or eviscerate those who believe differently. As a pastor, one of my greatest privileges is to hold a precious, little child in my arms, pray for her, pray for her parents, and counsel our congregation towards recognizing that, in our very midst, this little one has the opportunity to learn the ways of our Savior. I then have the blessing of baptizing her. I hope this booklet will be useful in helping parents understand more fully the wonderful gift and privilege of baptism that God has given to the children of believers.

The Mystery of Grace in the Baptism of Our Children (Stapled Booklet)

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