Читать книгу Economic Sophisms and “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen” - Bastiat Frédéric - Страница 6


[print edition page vi]

This book is published by Liberty Fund, Inc., a foundation established to encourage study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals.

The cuneiform inscription that serves as our logo and as a design element in Liberty Fund books is the earliest-known written appearance of the word “freedom” (amagi), or “liberty.” It is taken from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash.

Cover art: Image of the village of Mugron, France, the town where Bastiat spent most of his adult life, from a postcard at www.communes.com / www.notrefamille.com.

This eBook edition published in 2018.

eBook ISBNs:




Economic Sophisms and “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen”

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