Читать книгу Every Day Thankful - Becca Anderson - Страница 18


Random Acts of Kindness Day is always the week of Valentine’s Day. I always love to hear how this meaningful movement has touched others’ lives. Have you seen those bumper stickers, the ones encouraging you to commit “random acts of kindness?” What they can’t tell you in that little space is how performing those acts can be a way of transforming yourself. When you begin to focus on extending kindness toward others, you’ll feel more kindness coming toward you. Not only will you make someone else’s day better, you’ll be surprised at how well yours improves. It’s rather like the “Secret Santa” gift exchange that many offices and families adopt during the weeks leading up to Christmas. There is delight when you do something for another while keeping your identity a secret. When you watch a person receiving a surprise gift, you see her face change, eyes open wide with delight, a smile bursting into a grin, and laughter erupting. The person appears to feel sheer joy at the unexpected. The old adage is true: “It is in giving that we receive.”

Every Day Thankful

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