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Chapter 7 The next morning


The next morning, Lola woke up wrapped in Mauricio’s arms.

“Good Morning,” said Lola stretching.

“Good morning, Baby Girl.”

Mauricio rolled over and out of bed. He had to pee. Lola caught a glimpse of his hardness bulging through his boxer briefs. She shook her head in disbelief ‘cause she didn’t get any of that. After her godmother’s phone call, they wound up talking all night. But they still had a good time getting to know one another.

Then, her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing.


“Lo! Are you up?” asked a female voice.

“Crystale?” she asked concerned.

“Yes. It’s me. I’m in so much trouble!”

“Why? What happened? Are you okay?” asked Lola quickly sitting up worried about her friend.

Mauricio got back in bed. He heard Lola’s voice.

“Is she ok?” he whispered.

She shrugged her shoulders and put the phone between them.

“What happened, Crissy?” asked Lola.

“I just left Wyatt’s house. I spent the night with him last night,” she said frantically.

Crystale told Lola about their amazing night of sex and how she’d done things that she’d never experienced before. Lola laughed and told her to calm down. She needed to just go home and check out the scene. She reminded Crystale that Derrick probably wouldn’t even be there.

After they hung up, Lola turned and saw Mauricio crackin’ up.

“Why are you laughin’?” asked Lola.

“Dats my boy!!!” said Mauricio proudly.

“Shut up,” she said playfully hitting him and laughing with him.

“Naw that’s cool, though. She seems pretty straight. Better than the one he’s dealing with now.”

“She is. She’s good people,” said Lola defending her friend.

“Well, I’m sure I’ll hear all about it. He’s comin’ over in a little bit to do some work.”

While Lola got up to use the bathroom, Mauricio went to the kitchen. He went to make them some protein shakes.

They sat in the solarium and talked.

“So, when do you go back to work?” he asked.

“I don’t,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“Yesterday was my last day.”

“Why? Did you get fired?”

“No. It’s just time I follow my dreams. And I don’t feel that I have to run anymore.”

“Run from what?”

When Lola’s mother passed away, it was very hard on her. She couldn’t handle being in Miami all the time. It was a constant reminder of who she had just lost. And she knew she didn’t want to move permanently. So, she became a flight attendant. At the time, it was the only way she knew how to escape her pain. It afforded her the opportunity to travel, allowing the distance to heal her and be distracted with work.

“So, you’re gonna work for yourself now?” he questioned.

“Yep. Blair and I are working on several projects.”

“That’s cool.” Mauricio got up to put their glasses in the sink. “So, whatchu doin’ today?”

“Not much. But there is something I want to ask you.”

“What’s up?”

“Will you be my date tonight?”

“To what?”

“Date night.”

“What’s that?” asked Mauricio.

Lola explained what it was, who all attends and how they dressed. He was surprised to hear how they go all out just for dinner.

He walked up to her and said, “I’d love to be your date” and kissed her on the lips.

“There’s just a tiny catch though,” she said scared of his response.


“The newbie pays for everyone?”

“Ok,” he said with no hesitation.

“Cool,” she said relieved he didn’t argue or put up a fight. “So, can you please take me home now?”

“Well, just take my truck. Then, come back for me later. Wyatt should be here soon.”

She couldn’t believe the words that had just come from his mouth.

“Are you feeling ok?” she asked a little concerned.

“Yeah. Why?”

“You’re letting me take the Rover? THE ROVER!”

“Yeah. Why? You don’t know how to drive or somethin’?”

“It’s not that. It’s just after what you told me last night about how you get with your cars, I’m surprised you’d let me take it.”

“Well . . . I think you’re cool and you seem trustworthy,” he said hugging her. “Besides, I know you can afford my shit if something happens to it,” he said laughing.

She laughed and hit him on his arm. “That’s the real reason.”

Lola changed and gathered her things. Mauricio walked her down to the garage.

“Baby, put your number in my phone,” he said.

“Damn, that’s right! We never exchanged numbers.”

“No we didn’t.”

“So, what name should I use?” she asked messing with him.

“What?!? Girl, don’t play with me,” he said scrunching his forehead.

“I was just asking.”

“Where’s your phone?”

She gave him her phone. He saved his number in it.

Afterwards, she scrolled through the M’s looking for his name. She couldn’t find him.

“What name did you put your number under?” she asked.

“Big Daddy,” he said with the cheesiest smile.

She burst out laughing.

“And don’t change it either,” he told her.

“I won’t,” she said shaking her head. “But I don’t know that.”

“You will tonight. I promise.”

He kissed her before she left.

Black Jewel

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