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Books, Music, and Food: How AI Is Transforming Some of Our Favorite Pastimes


Content platforms like Netflix and Spotify are built on AI – they use AI to understand what viewers most want to watch or listen to, make personalized recommendations, and (in Netflix’s case) create new content based on what it knows users enjoy. Here are a few other examples of AI infiltrating our hobbies and downtime.

 Chinese search engine Sogou has confirmed it’s creating an AI that can read novels aloud, simulating the voice of their authors13 (in a similar way to how deepfakes can create realistic audio and video content of people in the public eye). This could revolutionize audiobooks, particularly for self-published authors who perhaps don’t have the means to create their own audiobooks.

 Sony has created an AI that can produce drumbeats for songs. Called AI DrumNet, the system was trained using hundreds of songs, and can now produce its own basic drumbeats to match other instruments on a track.14

 MIT researchers have taught AI how to reverse engineer pizza. After looking at a picture of a pizza, the AI can identify its toppings, and then tell you how to make it.15 Why do this, you might be wondering? In theory, this technology could be used to analyze any photo of food and produce a suitable recipe. So if you want to recreate an amazing restaurant meal at home, in a few years’ time there might be an app for that!

Tech Trends in Practice

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