Читать книгу A Mind of Your Own - Betty Shine - Страница 18




With aching hands and bleeding feet We dig and heap, lay stone on stone; We bear the burden and the heat Of the long day, and wish ’t were done. Not till the hours of light return, All we have built do we discern.



BURDENS OF ANY KIND can cause havoc with your lifestyle, and particularly with your health. Although the mind and body can take an enormous amount of pressure, everyone has their breaking point. The art of dealing with any burden is to despatch it as quickly as possible.

Visualisation: You find yourself sitting on the top of a mountain. You are surrounded by many boxes. Looking up at the clear blue sky, you hear a voice calling your name. Then, a figure in white appears before you. ‘Give me your burdens and I will deal with them,’ he says. You gesture to the boxes, and the apparition smiles. ‘I can see clearly now why you are so unhappy.’ He claps his hands and the boxes disappear. ‘They have now been dealt with,’ he tells you. ‘Walk tall, do not let burdens break your spirit. Let me carry them for you.’ He touches your hand. ‘Go! Live your life to the full. Surround yourself with friends and fill your life with laughter, for I will be with you always.’

Affirmation: I do not have to walk this path alone.

A Mind of Your Own

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